Rainn p.o.v

Gaara took it surprisingly well. Like really well. He even created a training plan for the next 2 days.

1)Eat a good breakfast.
2) train for 2 hour with Baki-sensei.
3)10 min brake. Train with Gaara
4) reapeat step 3 untill I have been trained by everyone.
5) have the rest of day to my self.
6) sleep well.
7) reapeate steps 1-6 till day of exam.

So now it is breakfast. I walk down stairs and see Tamari and Kankuro. We start talking about random stuff then Gaara and Baki-sensei come in.

"Soooo what does anyone want for breakfast?" Tamari asked.



"SCRAMBLED EGGS!" I shout leaping up then falling back to the floor. Baki-sensei doesn't answer, instead he reads this little orange book that a sensei from the leaf recommended.

Tamari full on glares at Baki-sensei so much I could have swarn I saw a flame off his jacket.

"Baki-sensei. So you know about the 'Box of confiscation?' "

"Yes I do Tamari." He awnsers with a smirk in Tamari's direction.

"And do you know what happens to people's things once they ignore something important?"

"Yes Tamari. Don't you?" Baki struggles to hide his smirk.

"Why don't you remind me." Tamari says.

"They get convicted." He grins

"Yes thats right. The box of confiscation is a place where things get taken and put. Isn't it?"

"Yes Tamari. Do you know what it also is?" He gives her a sickly sweet smile.

Her face goes to pure confusion. I normally get things Baki-sensei is a bout to say before any one... wait... I wonder...

"Its..." he drawls making the sixpence even thicker.

"It's?" Kankuro hints.

"...It's not here..." Tamari's eyes widen in relizeation.

"YOU!!!!! YOU F-" she shouted about to swear. I hate swearing.

"Poopaloop." Everyone looks at me oddly.

"...She doesn't like swearing..." Gaara speaks for me.

"Thanks panda pop." I smile.

The room goes silent exept for the bearing of everyone's heart's. "I told you not to call me that..." Gaara hisses, then an almost invisable glint of amusment appears in his eye. "... Foxey..."

Everyone breaths a sigh of relif.

"Hey I'll cook!" I smile as I leap up and skip towards the kitchen.

"NOOOO" everyone jumps faward. Except Gaara, he sends his sand to lift me up and carry me back to him. Nah ah not on my watch Mr, your forgeting I am part sand.

"Sorry sweetcheeks but I can't let you cook."

"Why not?"

"Because you could fall asleep and hurt yourself or set the kitchen on fire..."


The sand wrapped around me and dragged me back to the chair and bound me there.

"Wait. Can't Rainn turn to sand?"

"Yeah and your point is?" Kankuro sighs in responce to Tamari's previous question.

"So she can just sand out into the kitchen." Kankuro gives a confused look untill it suddenly dawns on him. Bless him he's not exactly one of the sharpest tools in the box. Panic flashes accross his face.

"Don't worry she can't go anywhere. Even shikaku doesn't want her to cook...so he's helping us out." Gaara says, still emotionless.

"Why don't you guys want me to cook?" I ask.

"Well Rainn, how do I put this? Well umm..." Tamari starts but ends up stumbling over her words untill she is cut off by kankuro.

"We're more likely to allow a pyro maniac to cook on an open flame that you in a fire proof area. And don't get me started in the taste. Yuckey..."


That was Tamari's fan on the back of kankuro's head.

"You can't offend out younger siblings." Then she turned to me. "Rainn, please dont take this the wrong way, but Kankuro is right. You can't cook anything other than cookies and doughnuts. And even when you do cook nicely you set everything on fire... No offence."

"Offence taken... but I see your point." I say as the sand loosens off.

After everyone has finished cooking and eating we go out to the training grounds to start my basic training.

"So we'll spar a bit so I know your level." Baki-sensei said getting into a fighting stance. Almost instently Baki sensei charges at me sending chakra enfussed punches and kicks my way.

I turn myself into sand because you can't kill sand. I don't think you can anyway...

"Don't let your opponent know your tactics. Yes you can't kill sand but you can disable it." Baki-sensei says. He eather saw the look in my eye or knows me better than I thought.


"Like this." He shouts making the hand signs for a water jutsu.

With out thinking I turn back into my normal self. The water crashes down as I send my sand to catch Baki-sensei.

It catches him but is easily broken through becouse it's wet. How is it wet if it's already underground? You may ask. Well I'll tell you how. We're linked like Gaara and I. If I get stabbed or injured the sand protects me and gets sort of angry and bloodthirsty, if I get wet so does the sand. I don't know how or why it happens it just does.

After a while of using my real body I shout, "STOP!!!"

"Why what's wrong?"

"...Narcolepsy..." i breath, setting myself on the floor so I don't insure myself. I need to be in top shape for the chunin exams.

"Ok rest and we'll talk tactics." Baki-sensei says drawing in the dirt.

Next is Gaara's turn to teach me. He teaches me things like ways to control sand easier.

"To control the sand you need to feel the sand, conect with it feel where it goes." Gaara instructs.

"I can do that it's just I need practice on endurance of controlling the sand."

"Could have just said that..." Gaara grumbles to me before teaching that instead. I can now officially last longer than 30 minutes controling the sand.

Yay!!! I'm head happy dance.

Third person p.o.v

As Rainn trains with her sensei and siblings a pair of very advanced pair of hyuuga eyes watch her, calculating her unpredictable movements.

"Interesting. Fate has done you good." The long haired hyuuga stood, Byakugan activated as he watched the red haired girl from afar.

narcolepsy... 《~gaara's twin sister~》 Where stories live. Discover now