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Hi guys, so I know some of you may have already guessed  (considering I haven't updated in 555 days), but this story is here by officially discontinued. Sorry about this, but I'm not really feeling it anymore and have officially gone kerplunk on the ideas for this. I might at some point finish this. You'll be the first to know if this is the case, but for now this is no more. I won't be unpublishing, just not continuing.

For now I'm gonna involve myself in a bit of shameless self promotion, so here it is.

*Insert over enthusiastic presenter voice*

So my the first story I'm going to share the description of is a Lord Of The Rings fanfic called Enemy Of My Enemy. It's about an outlawed elleth called Senžanya and her attempt to help the fellowship. (It's also a Legolas love story if your swayed by the lovely  blonde Ellon.) So without any further ado, here's a seek peek:


"You know what they say, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and so I belive we should all work together." Aragon insisted. "We are all here because we want to be and-"

"No. You're all here because you're members of the fellowship. I am here because I owe Gandalf a favour and now I have the painstakingly dull task of babysitting four Hobbits, two Humans, a Dwarf and an Elf." She grinned spinning a small hunting knife in between her fingers.

"I suppose on the brightside I have a bit of eye candy for the trip. Where are we going anyway?"



If that's not your cup of tea, try heading over to the magical world of Hogwarts where the young Victoria Frankenstein carries the same ambitions as her Grandfather- Victor in my Harry Potter fanfic, Snitches Get Stitches.

Here's the prologue (I know I'm getting fancy now with a prologue and everything lol)


The small brunette was waiting in line when she first noticed what no other eleven year old had. One of the four houses didn't cheer for any of the sorting. Red, blue and yellow were giggling, laughing, cheering in joy. But not green. They sat in the far corner confined to their solitude.


Many sat silently some out of respect, others only thinking of Victoria's grandfather, Victor- a Ravenclaw- A genius who's mind had manifested many unthinkable thoughts until he himself had become a manifestation of unthinkable thought and equally unspeakable actions- Necromancy.

Victoria walked up and sat on the stool like the many before her. The tatty old hat was placed upon the small girls head, tipping over her eyes allowing the hat to view her thoughts.

The mind of this one was strange, filled with thoughts beyond her years. Whimsical inventions and a severe fascination of the temporary state known as life and a morbid curiosity of the supposedly perminant and inevitable state known as death.

The hat had seen a mind like this long ago 80 years ago to be precise. The hat had made a mistake then putting the boys intellect before anything else hoping to stir him away from all further thoughts of resurrection and the muggles term known as 'science'. Down a more suitable path, only it hadn't worked. Ravenclaw had given him far more to work with than he'd ever had in the first place, creativity.

The hat wasn't going to make the same mistake twice.

"Are you going to talk to me or not?"

The hat was mildly startled. ''You know what I do?''

"Yes. You sift through my mind and decide where I should go."

''Well, there's a lot to, as you put it, 'sift' through."

"Not really."

The hat razed a non-existent leather brow.

"Care to explain?"

"Well." The girl sighed. "You won't put me in Ravenclaw. My grandfather was there and you won't risk it. Quite frankly I value neither loyalty nor bravery so that iliminates another two houses. As there are only 4 houses you do the maths."

"Well ,when you put it like that ....."


The green house, slytherin, erupted in cheers. Victoria looked around at the other houses as she walked. The yellow looked torn, some smiling encouragingly others looking away. The blue looked undifferentiated, ignoring the whole thing. And the reds exploded booing and chanting.

The Slytherins glared at the Griffindors and cheered louder.

She knew why the slytherin sat in solitude now. The world turned it's back on them so they turned their backs on the world.

Victoria looked around in disgust at Griffindor as they booed more. In that moment she decided she wasn't going to be a team player anymore.
Maybe the isolation was what she needed to let her ambitions thrive.

Within the first week of being at Hogwarts, Victoria had already gained a reputation that had stuck. Show no mercy.

Victoria had been taught to demand respect and be confident the instant she had been able to comprehend basic human behaviour. It was clear in the way she walked- shoulders back, perfect posture. The way she spoke- direct and straight to the point. And the way she presented herself- delicate and concise but with a powerful presence many couldn't tolerate for prolonged periods of time.

Despite her small stature and petite frame, the aura she gave off could often silence a room.  If that didn't work, her hard-eyed stare, complete with eyeliner sharp enough to cut someone and venomous words, coated in a cherry lipped smile usually did.

After all, what is a better weapon for a predator than camouflage allowing them to remain hidden until the opportune moment to strike their prey? Her tactics only blossomed in the darkened pits of the Slytherin common room.


Thank you for taking your time to read this and hopefully you enjoy my other fanfics as much as this one.

Hope you're all staying safe.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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