(Neji being fabulous/girly af)

Rainn p.o.v

I've trained with everyone and now it's time for training myself. My body aches for me to sit and rest but I can't, I need to find out what or who has been stairing at me. I can sence them about god knows how far away.

There stairing straight at me, watching my every move. So I do what any young ,slightly disabled girl would do if a strange person in a strange land was stairing at them. I stair back.

I keep them focused on me so the don't see what I'm doing. I turn to sand and appear on the next to them.

"Why are you stairing at me?" The boy stairs at me, shocked but he awnsers my question anyway.

"I was curious, your chakra was diffenent, sleeping like a citizen but strong like a shinobi at the sametime." He spoke, an emotionless face like Gaara but this boys eyes we're full of emotion. Emotions hidden behind barriors.

"Why are you stairing at me?" He asks.

"Your eyes are so full of emotion, Yet hidden behind a cold exterior so cold yet the person so warm." I say as I zone out before reloading I'm creaping him out. "Sorry that just what your eyes say."

After a few minutes of stairing I decide to brake it. "Anyways are you a good honourable person?"

"What?" He obviously wasn't expecting that.

"Are you a good honourable person?"

"Yes. Why?" He raises his eyebrows in suspicion.

"Because any minute now I'm gonna loose control of my body and fall asleep and I would quite like it if a good honourable person such as yourself would look after me untill I wake up or a sensei from the sand or sand ninja come... please?"

"Hm. I can't I have-"

That's all I hear as my body collapses in a heap on the floor. I guess I'm in my own if the boy won't help me. Please shikaku, help me if he doesn't. Please.

Neji p.o.v

"Hm. I can't I have training." I say starting to turn away but so I can still see her reaction, I expect hurt or some emotion like that but instead she collapses just like she said she would.

Now I'm left with 2 choice: 1. Leave like I said I would for training I have with my uncle but risk letting her get hurt ot attacked, or 2. Stay with her and look after her but get told off but know she is safe.

I should choose the first one, but it is my destiny to be a 2nd brancher of the hyuuga clan so I'll choose the second option like the family branch I'm in.

I stand there watching her, it can't be that comfortable laying like that can it?

No of course it can't. I'll make it more comfortable. I walk up to her and think about dragging her closer to a tree but I don't want to hurt her, my first thought is to rest her on my lap so that's what I do.

I lay against the tree and place her head delicately on my lap, her red hair spiralling round us.

Her hair was soft and as bright as a ruby- No she was a ruby, precious as the jem it's self.

And with that thought in mind I lean back with my eyes closed. A bit of rest won't hurt, I think going deeper into my thoughts.

Rainn p.o.v

I guess the boy didn't stay... Anyways the ground in this area is very soft and comfortable... very comfortable. Maybe kids out here sleep on the floor all the time.

Only then do I remember my surroundings, forest. I'm in a bushey forest in a new place... What could go wrong?

I go to get up but can't. Why not? Because an arm is wrapped round me. Carefully I look up to see the boy sleeping peacefully...

Maybe he didn't leave.

It's time for me to go but I can't. I can't because he didn't and it would be rude to leave him when he didn't leave me.

"When did you wake up?" The boy asks breaking the silence and pulling me gentily from my thoughts.

"About 10 minutes ago."

"Ok." Is my simple reply.

We did back and watch the clouds for a bit but I brake the silence. "Sorry this thought only just came to me now but... What's your name?"

"Neji. Neji hyuuga." He pauses and looks at me. "What's yours?"

"Rainn." Is my simple reply.  He nods seeming to think of something else to say.

"Why did you stay with me when you woke up? You could have just left."

"Hmm.. well becouse you didn't leave me so why would I leave you?"

He looks at me a bit odd and we lay back down watching the clouds in silence.

"RAINN!!! WHERE ARE YOU???" A familiar voice thunders breaking the silence.

"I best be going. It seems that you have company."Neji says hopping into the trees.

"Bye... see you soon." I mumble feeling slightly disappointed that he didn't say bye, but then again Gaara is like that to do I guess it's ok.

"There you are. Why didn't you awnser me?" Kankuro sticks his head out round from a bush.

"Sorry I was thinking."

"Don't worry but just come home yeah. Tamari is cooking."

And so off we set to our tempary home in the leaf.

Sorry it's short but I couldn't think of anything else to put and I have been really busy at school and stuffs.

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