Chapter Four

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It'll be a while before another update. I know it's been like 2 weeks, but my grades are horrid! Also, I fixed Chapter Three's mistake of Ireland, England. I was out of it, I guess.

Love you.

January 18th 10:47 a.m.

Elle's House Mullingar, Ireland


The cold air stung my cheeks, but I stayed out, sitting awkwardly with Niall. "We should role-play," he says suddenly. "What?" I ask, looking down at him because he was one step under.

"We should role-play, Yeah? Like this is in old times where we flirt and kiss." "We've never kissed on my front steps, Niall." "We almost did, Elle. If our mums weren't out here." "I'd rather we be out here every day even if I can't kiss you," I reply.

I couldn't cry. Not like 'I'm not going to so Niall doesn't think I'm a baby'. I literally can't cry. I'm dry. I'm empty. I'm a shell.

"Elle," Niall whispered. I peered at him, staring down. He leaned in, closing his eyes, but then stopping. He was waiting. He was being a gentleman, waiting for me to make the first move, the first decision, and possibly the first mistake.


(This is the night from the step flashback, when Elle's mum left to go to work. 2 days before Niall's X-Factor auditions.)

I squealed as Niall grasped my hips, pulling my back to his chest. "We're you going, sexy?" He demanded, kissing my neck. "Niall, quite! You'll leave a mark!" "You know what they say, da more, da betta!" He chirped.

I giggled and twisted to face him. He suddenly became rigid, knitting his eyebrows together. "What?" I asked, frowning.

Instead if answering, he pushed back my hair, making his way towards my lips. He stops just an inch away. "Don't stop," I whisper, pulling my hands up to his blonde hair.

His lips brush against mine before completely connecting, causing a sensation to erupt through my stomach. I pulled away to meet a grinning Niall.

"That's our first real kiss," he said, raising his chin proudly. "We've kissed before, Niall." "Only twice. And we were so little," he whined.

We've kissed twice; once as an experiment and once at a dance. We never talked about them afterwards, they'd never seemed important. Niall was right. That was our first real kiss.

And it could be mo betta.


It was just like the first time with him. He needed assurance that he won't screw up. I just sat there, staring at him. He slowly opened his eyes, sighing.

I leaned in, bringing my fingers to his chin. When I was brushing his lips, I gently turned his face and kisses his cheek. "Not now. Not ever. Niall, I'm not me. I'll ruin you," I whisper, my eyes burning again.

"I love you," is his reply. "I know."

January 28th 6:47 p.m.

Niall's Old Apartment Mullingar, Ireland


It's been ten days. Ten days since I've seen Elle. I didn't want to push her away, so I was trying to take it slow. But I realized I wasn't the only one struggling when she asked me if I would stay with her tonight over our morning phone call.

I have a bit of music to work on, so I asked her to come here instead. The bell rang just as I placed the finished pizza on the counter. I pulled open the door, meeting a worn-out Elle.

She's looked so.... Bland lately. She pulled up the shoulder of her ruby red sweater, frowning. I took her overnight bag from her, leading her inside. "You look beautiful," I said simply, smiling. Even bland, Elle had a beauty about her that will never die away.

"I look like crap," she says, rolling her eyes. "It's okay," I assure her, grasping her hand and leading her to the kitchen to eat.


I tangled my legs with Elle's, pulling her to me. "I know this is a lot to ask," she said suddenly. "But I kind of want you to stay the night more. You don't have to be around all the time, because I know you're busy. But you help with the nightmares. Or at least, you did that one night. I need you," she finished, bringing her face to nuzzle my neck.

"I'll stay with you, Elle. You're my best friend," I said softly, tugging playfully at her curly hair just because I knew what it would do to her. "Niall!" She whined. Still had it.

I grasped the back part of her curly hair, tugging harder. She whimpers and I literally have to bite my lip to hold back a groan. This wasn't right to do, distracting her like this. But we both knew I had to leave eventually.

Elle's tiny hands found there way to my chest. She laced her fingers around the elastic of my boxers and I froze. I peered down, hoping to get a smile, but there was only a little- barely there at all- smirk.

"You're cute when you're trying to be seductive," she whispers, causing me to hiss. Seriously, if she doesn't stop, I'll bang her now. And that's most likely a super dumb idea.

"Elle," I said finally, taking her hands and pushing them off. She immediately turned back to that frown that seemed to be permanent on her face. "Yeah?" "Stop. If you don't let me kiss you, I know I can't bang you, so let's keep it rated G," I begged, bringing my lips to her forehead.

She managed a ghost of a smile. "Goodnight." "Goodnight, love."

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