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What they think about you (I'll put the guards and the warden as well)

Jyugo: I'm good at unlocking things... but I'm not sure if I can love him/her like the others.. *sad puppy face*
Uno: I challenged him/her once at a card game and he/she won!! I love people who are better than me! Expect Honey and Trois.. Die, pretty boys!
Nico: I wonder if he/she likes anime! If he/she does, then I'll love him/her as much as I love anime!
Rock: I think he/she is pretty. I want to ask him/her out someday so then we can go eat pizza! (Me: Nope you American-Muscle-pig)

Trois: This thing is a Déjà-vu. Only one flashy smile and done~
Honey: I have to keep my hair still everytime when I see him/her because beauty is the first thing women see in men. (Me: Not really lol)

Tsukumo: I'm a shinobi so I can stalk him/her when he/she doesn't know that I'm there :)))

Musashi: Well I can't actually see him/her, because I'm blind, but I think he/she is kinda nice.

Upa: That brat is longer than me... and it's not I like him/her or anything... *blushes*
Liang: I saw him/her practicing and I thought that he/she was cool. I want to know more about y/n.
((Nothing for Qi I'm sorry but I don't like him very much and even his voice is annoying XDD))

Hajime: I'm not a lovebird but I think he/she would be a great help for me, catching escaping inmates, those damn brats...
Seitarou: I-I love h-him/h-her but.. N-no don't ask me guestions like that, I'm a shy person! >///< (Me: Aaww so cute come here *hugs*)
Kiji: I'm still angry for him/her when he/she called me a pheasant with tons of makeup. But I have to forgive him/her, I guess..

(HIS BLUSHING FACE IS SO CUTE *_*)"I-I have still feelings for the warden

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"I-I have still feelings for the warden.." (Me: Aww you just don't want to confess your love? :3)
Hitoshi: He/she likes to play with me and I think it's fun~!
Samon: I have loved him/her since when I accidentally fell on him/her. *High voice* Aaagh~ I want to lay on top on him/her again~~~
Warden: I think he/she is calm and a good friend for me. I have no romantic interest for him (if your a male) even he is a little bit handsome... BUT HAJIME SUGOROKU IS BETTER !!!!

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