Kokoriki x Reader- A White Bird 「Oneshot」

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Requested by Jadeitearrow
I got an idea for Mushu at first but then a better story popped into my head so I decided to do this. 😂


"Kokoriki! Come to play with me!" Little y/n laughed as she ran towards her best friend. "But, ..if I hurt my leg again, I won't be able to walk!" Little Kokoriki replied, refusing to go with her. "Nah, it was just a scratch! Come on!" Y/n cheered and grabbed his hand. "What are we doing here anyway? It's so far away from home!" He started to sob and y/n turned around, sighing. "You're so weak, Kokoriki." She said and started to walk again. "Let's go home already.." Koko managed to say between sobs and whines.

-Normal time-
"Do you remember those times when we were kids?" You smiled slightly when the flashback ended and you looked at your husband, cuddling in the hammock in the backyard. "Yeah, I was such a weakling..." He rested his hands on the back of his head and looked at the sakura tree that grew a few meters away from you. Kokoriki was taking a vacation from his work in the prison for a few months because he was feeling very exhausted lately. "Being home is nice.." Kokoriki whispered by himself and slowly started to fall asleep, his head on your stomach. You smiled and stroked his head.

~Chirp, chirp~

You heard a strange sound and turned your head around, to see a beautiful white bird, standing in front of you. "Oh hello there." You said gently, stood up and stretched out your hand. The bird looked at you with it's big blue eyes and then it flied over to you, tugging your finger. The sunsets started to glow bright orange as the bird flied away, to the sakura tree. 'I want to be free, like that bird.. spread my wings and just fly away, somewhere nice and warm...' You thought as you closed your eyes and spread your hands. The warm wind trailed around your long h/c hair and you breathed calmly.

You felt how you jumped, going higher and higher, you were flying. The beautiful sun left a silhouette from your body and you relaxed, closing your eyes again.

-Timeskip, brought to you by my laziness and losing ideas-

Kokoriki woke up, alone in the hammock. He looked around to see where y/n was. He stood up and walked to their house. It was empty. He frowned. His wife wouldn't leave anywhere without telling him first. He walked back to the backyard and he dropped the book, which was in his hand.

~Chirp, chirp~

A beautiful white bird was standing on the doorstep, looking at Kokoriki with it's blue eyes. It chirped again and flied onto his hand, tilting it's head. "Y/n..." Kokoriki whispered, shock in his eyes, tears rolling slowly down. "Kokoriki!" He heard the voice of his brother and he slowly turned around.

Rokuriki was sitting, leaning on the door and panting. He ran the whole time to their house. When he raised his head, his eyes widened. Kokoriki was standing there, a white bird on his hand, staring at Rokuriki in silence, tears in his eyes. "Y/n, she's.." Rokuriki started, stopped when he saw the sad face of his brother. "I want to be free, like that bird, spread my wings and just fly away, somewhere nice and warm..." Kokoriki whispered, and there was no shine in his eyes.

Kokoriki was standing under the sakura tree, looking at the small flower at the base of the tree. He planted that flower gently, for the memory of y/n. The white bird flied on his shoulder, chirping.

"Kokoriki! Come to play with me!" He heard y/n's voice and he looked at the sky, seeing a blur person, his wife. She stretched out her hand, grabbing Kokoriki's arm and pulling him into a invisible hug. "But, ... If I hurt my heart again, I won't be able to live!" Kokoriki yelled, crying, and hugging his wife tightly. Then he felt how y/n disappeared from his grip and he fell to the ground, crying, hugging himself. The white bird looked at Kokoriki from the tree, chirping sadly. He glanced at the bird, smiling. "I'm going to name you y/n."

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