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Miko ran over and and hugged Bulkhead tightly as his optics filled with tears. Ratchet's yelling had upset the little wrecker.

"Aw don't cry wittle Bulky." She said in a cutesy voice as she pouted. Wheeljack stopped fighting Smokescreen and looked at her. He pouted and sat on the floor as he folded his arms. He wanted a hug too.

Jack walked over and looked at Arcee. He raised an eyebrow as she pouted cutely. She then ran over and tackled Smokescreen. Rafael walked over to Bumblebee and watched him quietly. He chuckled as he sat by the small scout. Bumblebee looked at him as he sucked on his digit. They found it very strange that the sparklings were a little taller than them. Except Bumblebee and Arcee.

"Optimus.... do you know how this happened?" June asked as she looked at the little ones.

"I... do not know.... I fear the only one with that information is..." he trailed off and looked at the medic. Ratchet was yelling at Wheeljack for sitting where he wanted to stand. The wrecker stuck his tongue out and pouted cutely. He kept his arms folded as he sat there.

"Unavailable...." Optimus finished trying to find the right words. Jack looked at the two and sighed forcefully.

"I said move!" He shouted and kicked him repeatedly. Optimus raised an optic ridge as he watched for a moment.

"Mae me." The wrecker taunted and smirked cockily, then stuck his tongue out. Ratchet growled threateningly and grabbed his wrench. He started hitting the wrecker repeatedly in the helm.

"Move! Move move move move!!" He shouted angrily as his voice squeaked. Wheeljack squealed in pain and started to sob as he covered his helm.

"Ratchet!" Optimus boomed and narrowed his optics. The medic stopped suddenly and slowly looked at him. He looked at the wrench then tossed it aside.

"He did it!" He said as he pointed to the tool. Optimus just stared at him blankly for a while. The medic looked around frantically for some way to make him happy. He hugged the sobbing wrecker and pet his helm.

"Don't cry. Don't cry." He begged and squeezed him. "I'll make it better." He muttered. Wheeljack glared at him and pushed him away.

"Meany!" He shouted and Ratchet stomped his ped angrily.

"Am not!" He snapped and shoved him to the ground. Wheeljack yelped and kicked at him. Optimus sighed forcefully, he didn't know what to do.

"Maybe... I can help." June said. Optimus nodded slowly and she walked towards the other two. She cleared her throat and narrowed her eyes.

"That's enough!" She yelled to be heard over their arguing. They stopped and looked at her then stood up. She guided them to a berth and told the two to sit on it.

They did and she told them they couldn't move until Optimus said. They nodded slowly and hung their helms. She sighed quietly and looked at the leader.

"We'll help you figure this out." She said as she smiled slightly. He nodded in thanks and went to the computer. They let him work and kept the sparklings occupied.

A while went by and the two sparklings decided to be nice. The humans worked hard on keeping them happy with each other. The kids enjoyed playing with them, though Optimus was constantly reminding them to be careful. There seemed to be a more peaceful atmosphere in the base.


Megatron yelled angrily as the sparklings ran around screaming nonsense. They had woken from their light recharge and were making a mess in the room. Soundwave was sitting quietly playing with Laserbeak.

"For once in your life would you stop acting like spoiled sparklings!" He shouted as he glared at them. They didn't listen and continued playing.

"Stop painting the walls with energon cubes!" He yelled at a vehicon. The little con whimpered fearfully and stopped. Megatron raised an optic ridge as he realized he could still get them to obey. He smirked and looked at the chaos. Maybe he could do this.

"You stop crying." He seethed angrily and looked at the other. "Put that down!" He yelled at another.

"Starscream stop pretending you're in charge. " He muttered as the little con ordered the cons around.

"Knockout stop trying to perform surgery." He said seriously as the little con had his saw out. He nodded slowly and hung his helm, the other little con ran off quickly.

"Soundwave..." he said as he looked at the con. The communication specialist just stared at him blankly. He had a portal open on the floor, and one open directly above it on the ceiling. A vehicon was falling between the two as he sobbed uncontrollably.

".... actually you're fine..." Megatron muttered and walked off. Soundwave hummed softly and seemed happy. He watched the little con fall endlessly as Megatron stopped the others.

The next day Megatron wandered around the halls but couldn't find any of the little cons. He furrowed his optic ridges and went to the other room. He searched everywhere but couldn't seem to find them. He suddenly became, dare he say it, worried.

He saw Soundwave as he turned the corner. He furrowed his ridges and noticed the con was staring at a computer in the hall. He was holding Laserbeak like a stuffed animal.

"Soundwave... have you seen the other cons?" He asked as he walked over. The con stared blankly then looked at him. He seemed sad. He pointed to the computer room then hugged Laserbeak tightly. Megatron raised an optic ridge and looked around. He didn't see anyone and bent down on one knee plate.

"What... uh... seems to be the problem Soundwave?" He asked awkwardly. The little con stared at him then hugged him tightly around the neck cables.

Megatron sighed forcefully and picked up the little sparkling. He held him in one arm and listened to him hum happily. He couldn't help but smile a little.

He forced the smile to fade and cleared his throat. He tried to set him down but the little con was holding on too tightly. He sighed forcefully and headed to the computer room. He heard talking and furrowed his optic ridges as he approached. No singing.

"A whole new world!"

"Don't you dare close your eyes." Someone sang. He walked into the room and stared blankly at the cons. They were sitting in front of the big computer screen watching a movie. Megatron growled lowly and face servoed.

"The pits.... I can't go against Optimus with my men in this state." He muttered through his digits. Soundwave hummed softly and hugged him tightly.

Ever Babysat a Giant Robot? (TFP Little Series) (Wattys 2017)Where stories live. Discover now