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The next morning Megatron slowly opened his optics and stared at the ceiling blankly. He felt strange and didn't know why. He sat up and looked around his berth room. He remembered going to recharge last night, so why did he feel so weird? He slid off the berth but fell face first on the floor.

"Ow!" He yelled then stopped as he realized his vocals were higher. He blinked in surprise and sat up then stared at his servos. They were smaller. His optics widened and he found a reflective surface. He was a sparkling.

"Swndwa!" He shouted angrily and managed to get out of the room. "Swndwa you awe goin to pay fo dis!" He screamed angrily as he ran. Tears of rage filled his little optics as he looked for him. He was his best friend, why would he do this to him?

He turned the corner and saw the communication specialist walking around as he hugged Laserbeak. Looking innocent. Megatron yelled angrily and ran at him then tackled the con. Soundwave made a strange noise that sounded like surprise. Laserbeak flew out of his arms and hovered as she waited for an order.

Megatron yelled angrily and started hitting him. The other sparklings heard him yelling and they ran towards the noise. They stared blankly at the two as they fought.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Starscream screeched as he smiled brightly. Steve looked at him and narrowed his optics then punched him hard in the faceplate. Knockout blinked in surprise and managed to get Soundwave out of the fight.

"No! Bad bot!" Megatron roared angrily and stomped his ped.

"Meany!" The vehicons yelled and tackled the little warlord. Knockout made sure Soundwave was alright as the sparklings attacked their leader. They all stopped suddenly as they felt the ground shake.

They looked around and realized just how big everything was. Megatron shoved them all off and glared darkly as he stood up. He stood taller and folded his arms.

"Compwer! Land we Neme... Nem... we land!" He yelled angrily. Everyone watched him quietly and looked at the ceiling.

"Voice not recognized." The computer beeped. The warlord blinked in surprise and growled lowly.

"I am word Megatwon! I am youw weader!" He shouted angrily and stomped his ped.

"Voice not recognized." The computer beeped after a moment.

"Da pits of Kaon." He muttered and face palmed. "I hate you!" He shouted and shot the computer repeatedly. Soundwave watched and smiled slightly behind his mask.

"Get it! Get it!" Starscream screeched and smiled brightly. Megatron growled angrily and punched him hard in the faceplate.

"Shut up!" He shouted as the seeker fell down and burst into tears. The vehicons looked at each other then tackled the warlord again.

"Be nice!" Knockout yelled as he glared at them. Soundwave watched quietly then told the ship to land somewhere safe.

They all stopped suddenly as they heard heavy ped steps. They looked at each other with confusion. Who hadn't been turned into a sparkling? Knockout thought for a few minutes then smiled brightly.

"Breakdown!?" He cried as he watched the hallway. His optics filled with hope of seeing his old friend.

"He's gone dummy." Starscream muttered as he wiped his tears away angrily. Knockout looked at him and then at the others. Their expressions were blank as if the seeker was right.

"No..." Knockout muttered in denial as he shook his helm. "My friend always comes back..." he mumbled. Starscream huffed angrily and shoved him down.

Ever Babysat a Giant Robot? (TFP Little Series) (Wattys 2017)Where stories live. Discover now