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"We're dead." Miko stated as she set the sparklings down. She sat on the floor and they hugged her tightly. Optimus looked at Raf hopefully as the boy typed through Ratchet's notes.

"Jack..." Arcee whispered quietly as she held on to him. "I'm scared." She mumbled as tears filled her optics.

He didn't know how to respond and rubbed her back soothingly. The sparklings hugged the two teens and the nurse as they feared the worst. Though Ratchet just stood there as he watched everyone. He walked over to Raf as the boy sat at the computer.

"You okay?" The boy asked quietly as he furrowed his brow. Ratchet looked up at him then at the others. He pouted cutely as he looked at Raf again, then held a type of flash drive out to him.

"Don't worry. I'm a good doctor." He said seriously as he stood taller and puffed out his chest plate. He plugged the device into the computer and the formula for the cure popped up.

"What?" Raf asked as his eyes widened in surprise. "How did you get this?" He asked quietly and glanced at him. Ratchet smiled slightly and stood taller if possible.

"I a good doctor Rafl." He grinned and the boy stared blankly. His grammer was failing. He smiled sadly and rubbed the sparklings helm.

"Yes you are." He said quietly and got to work. He was doing the best he could with the little doctor.

"Sounds gave it to me." The sparkling said seriously and looked at him. "We're friends." He grinned. Raf smiled a little but didn't say anything. They probably wouldn't be after they were big again.


Shockwave stared at the little container then at the liquid energon in his servos. He wasn't exactly sure how to get them all. He opened the small door and let them out.

"You are all required to stay still so I can give you the energon formula." He said seriously as he carefully knelt down on one knee plate.

He opened the container and wondered how he would give it to them. As he moved to grab something, he unintentionally knocked it over. It fell and dumped the energon all over the sparklings. They screamed in surprise then looked at each other. They then started to refuel.

Soundwave didn't and just watched intently. Making sure Megatron got his fill. Shockwave scanned them once the energon was gone. They were all full except Soundwave who only had a fourth of his tanks filled. He watched as they fell into recharge then moved them all carefully with his digits. He didn't want them crushing each other when they got bigger. He put the vehicons in the big training room then put the others in their personal rooms. He thought for a moment then went back to try and make more for Soundwave.


Raf finally had a small amount of the cure in energon form. He sighed shakily and looked at Ratchet who was sleeping. He had helped as much as he could before passing out. Raf needed to test it, but on who?

He sighed quietly and looked over at the small energon container. He rubbed his face tiredly and went to find Jack. He would know. The other three humans were watching the sparklings play around with each other. Optimus sat quietly by June as he watched his team.

"Ratchet and I managed to get the formula in the energon. It's not a lot though." He muttered and sighed shakily. Jack smiled a little and set a hand on his shoulder.

"You did a good job Raf." He said as the boy looked up at him.

"Thanks Jack... I don't-" they suddenly heard something break and a thud. They looked towards the sound and saw Ratchet on the floor unconscious. The vial of energon shattered on the floor, but it was empty.

"Ratchet!" Raf shouted and ran over to his side. He knelt down and picked up the tiny sparkling in his arms. "Oh no." He mumbled as tears filled his eyes.

"I'm so sorry... I should have kept a better eye on you." He said as he buried his face and sobbed silently. The little doctor didn't respond and was limp in his arms.

"It's all my fault...." he rasped as he rocked slowly and held him close. "I'm so sorry..." June walked over and hugged the exhausted boy. She looked at the others unsure what to do.

There wasn't much they could do and they set the doctor on the berth. Raf laid on the couch and cried himself to sleep. June sighed quietly and sat in one of the chairs to watch the two. Miko and Jack took the other sparklings down the hall to go recharge. They felt so lost.

The next morning the base was extremely quiet. Everyone was asleep and wondering what they would do now. The sparklings weren't going to be able to fight the cons. Raf felt guilty and didn't want to wake up. A little later he felt someone poking his back gently.

"Huh..." he mumbled and buried his face in the cushions. They poked him a little harder.

"Raf." Someone said and nudged him. "Rafael." He muttered and the boy sighed quietly. He looked up and blinked in surprise as he stared into bright optics. Big ones.

"Ratchet!" He shouted and hugged his servo tightly. The medic chuckled softly as he watched the boy.

"You did a good job Raf." He said gently and picked him up. He was his normal size now and seemed fine.

"I was so worried about you." The boy mumbled as tears filled his eyes.

"It's alright. Now... let's get to work." He said as he smiled a little and went to the computer. It didn't take long before they had enough for the others. Raf was just happy the two had succeeded. The others came in and stared in surprise at the fully grown Cybertronian.

"Ah ya! Ratchet's back!" Miko said as she jumped into the air and fist pumped. He gave her a look of annoyance and grumbled something under his breath.

"We missed you too doc!" She yelled and smirked. "Or should I say 'good doctor.'" She smiled mischievously. He stopped suddenly and looked at her as he narrowed his optics.

"We weren't in our right minds and you will never speak of this again." He seethed angrily through gritted teeth. Miko smirked but didn't say anything. The sparklings went off to play while Raf and Ratchet finished the final touches.

They hadn't been able to make a whole lot of the formula. Ratchet tried to make it stretch, but couldn't without the treat of losing it. He kept his frustrations to himself and decided to make sure they were all gathered. Raf helped him divide the energon for the others. The sparklings sat together and looked around.

"I hungy..." Wheeljack muttered and sniffed sadly as he wiped his tears away. Optimus looked at him and gently set a servo on his shoulder plate.

"Don't worry. Ratchet will take care of us." He said confidently and smiled. Bumblebee watched intently and set a servo on his midsection as it rumbled. He whimpered and tried to keep quiet.

"It's okay guys. You'll be able to eat soon enough." Miko said gently and smiled slightly.

A few minutes later Raf gave them all a small vial of energon. He and the other humans then went to speak to Ratchet. Not much time passed and the sparklings had passed out. They carefully set the little ones in their berth rooms.

"Now... we wait." Ratchet muttered and sighed shakily. He looked at the others and hoped this worked.

Ever Babysat a Giant Robot? (TFP Little Series) (Wattys 2017)Where stories live. Discover now