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The sparklings listened to him intently as he told a few stories. They were all sitting in his lap or just around him. He smiled a little and watched as Starscream sat a few feet away from the others. He was pouting and had his arms folded. Once he finished the story they asked for another one. He chuckled quietly and gently rubbed Bumblebees helm.

"Me next!" Knockout said as he jumped up and down in his seat. Optimus furrowed his optic ridges then hesitantly rubbed the cons helm. Knockout squealed happily and smiled brightly.

Soundwave purred and nuzzled his other servo like a cat. Optimus rubbed his helm and wondered why they liked it so much. He watched them intently as he thought about each of them. He suddenly heard a portal open and they looked up to the valley.

Megatron stepped out and furrowed his optic ridges as he looked around. His gaze stopped on the Prime and he stared blankly. Optimus just stared blankly in turn, not realizing his servos were still on their helms.

"What... in the pits..." Megatron muttered as he pinched the bridge of an imaginary nose. He sighed forcefully and looked at the scene in front of him. Optimus wasn't exactly sure what to do but didn't want any of the sparklings to get hurt.

"Megatron." Optimus said cautiously as he gently set them down. "There-"

"Don't." The warlord said seriously and put a servo up without moving. He was not in the mood for any of this. He sighed forcefully as the Prime cautiously stood up. Megatron looked at the others and narrowed his optics.

"You're all a major disappointment." He seethed angrily as he looked at his crew. All the little cons stood up and hung their helms. Except Starscream who walked over to the warlord and stood by him. He sneered at them including Soundwave who looked down in shame.

"Do not be hard on them Megatron." Optimus said seriously and narrowed his optics. His team gathered around him and hugged his legs. Bumblebee whimpered fearfully as he looked at the warlord.

"It doesn't matter." He growled angrily and unsheathed his blade. "Decepticons! Attack!" He yelled and pointed at the Autobot leader. The little cons looked at him then at Optimus. The Prime made no move to fight, but he wanted to protect the little ones.

"Did you not hear me?" Megatron seethed angrily through gritted teeth. "I said attack!" He shouted. They stepped back in fear then looked at the bots. Starscream transformed into a tiny jet and flew around.

Soundwave watched quietly and turned into a small jet as well. The vehicons squealed happily and transformed then drove around or flew around. The Autobots looked at each other and smiled brightly then did the same. Optimus watched the little cars and jets as they chased each other and laughed happily. He chuckled quietly and stood straighter as Megatron stared at them blankly.

"Let them be." The Prime muttered and stared at the little cars as they raced. Megatron growled lowly and rubbed his faceplate tiredly.

"I'm going to have to work with you again, aren't I?" He mumbled and glared at him. Optimus looked at him and stared blankly for a few minutes.

"Perhaps we should put our differences aside for a while." He said seriously and stared at the sparklings. Knockout and Bumblebee were laughing as they sat in the grass and played with some rocks. He smiled slightly behind his mask as he watched them.

"You're saying a truce until we figure something out?" Megatron muttered and watched them. Ratchet and Soundwave were building something together.

"Indeed." The Prime said as he looked at him again. The warlord stared at him and held his servo out. Optimus hesitated and gripped his servo as he watched him cautiously.

Ever Babysat a Giant Robot? (TFP Little Series) (Wattys 2017)Where stories live. Discover now