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The base was silent as the four humans talked about what needed to happen. They knew they had to keep an eye on the sparklings for the Prime. No one wanted to disappoint him.

"From what I've gathered we need to keep Ratchet and Wheeljack away from each other." June said seriously. Miko rolled her eyes and folded her arms.

"They're just playing." She muttered and wandered to them. Bulkhead sat up and looked around.

"Still... we don't want them to get hurt." Jack said seriously as he looked at her and frowned. Raf fixed his glasses and went to put a few things away. The little sparkling stared at them as he blinked tiredly.

"Hey Bulky. How's my little wrecker?" Miko said in a cutesy voice you use for a puppy. He yawned cutely and rubbed his optics.

"Aaaawww." She said and hugged him tightly. He was still tired and wasn't sure what was going on. Wheeljack slowly opened his optics and saw them. He pouted cutely and folded his arms.

"Aaaw what's wrong with my little Jackie?" She said in the same cutesy voice. She walked over and he looked at her with those big blue optics. She squealed happily and hugged him tightly.

"If they don't change back soon, Miko might die of cuteness." Jack teased as he smiled slightly. Raf laughed quietly as the others woke up.

June helped get the little sparklings situated and happy. Bulkhead and Wheeljack just wanted to hang out with Miko. She played a soft tune on her guitar for them. Bumblebee just sat by Raf and watched him do his homework. Jack was constantly stopping Arcee from fighting or teasing Smokescreen. Ratchet insisted on being by himself.

He pouted cutely as he folded his arms watched them. He looked up at the computer and frowned deeply. After a few minutes of climbing, he got where he wanted to be, and typed on the computer.

"What are you doing?" June asked as she furrowed her brow and watched him. He looked at her and stared for a few minutes.

"Working." He muttered and continued typing. She sighed quietly and went to help Jack.

Bumblebee rested his helm against Rafs shoulder, and watched him do his homework. He beeped quietly and looked around then pointed to his mouth.

"Are you hungry Bee?" Raf asked quietly and looked at him. The little scout nodded and watched him get up.

"I'll be right back." He said as he smiled slightly and ran off. He went to the storage room and froze.

The energon cubes were huge. He sighed quietly and went to get the others for help. All four humans quickly went to get the energon for the hungry sparklings. The computer beeped quietly and Ratchet stared at the screen blankly.

"Cons!" He shouted as his optics widened in surprise. He typed or tried to, and activated the portal. The sparklings stared at it and their optics widened.

"Feel tip!" Wheeljack yelled and ran towards the portal. Ratchet glared at him and ran after him.

"No! Bad bot!" He shouted and grabbed his wrench. "Wait for sire!" He yelled and followed him.

The other bots looked at each other then ran after them. Bumblebee watched quietly then glanced at the hall before walking towards it. The four humans came back empty handed.

"We'll have to wait for Optimus before we can actually move one of those." Jack said seriously. They nodded slowly in agreement and froze, they saw Bumblebee walking to the portal.

"Oh scrap." Miko said and ran for the little sparkling. "No Bumblebee!" She yelled angrily and narrowed her eyes. He looked at her and whimpered fearfully then ran through out of fear. Miko blinked in surprise and stopped as the portal vanished.

Ever Babysat a Giant Robot? (TFP Little Series) (Wattys 2017)Where stories live. Discover now