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The bots continued to fight as they tried to get free. They had to save their leader from whatever might be happening to him. Though getting there would be difficult enough. They had no idea where he could even be.

Ratchet looked around frantically as the others fought. He had no idea where to even start looking. He growled lowly and transformed into his alternate mode before driving off. He had to find him before Megatron hurt him. He only hoped it wasn't too late.

Smokescreen drove faster and faster as he followed the aircraft. He had a feeling the warlord knew where he was going. He was right.

Megatron growled lowly as he followed Soundwaves signal. He hadn't gone too far which was good. He just needed to locate them. He glanced towards the ground below and saw the rookie. He smirked cockily and flew higher above the trees. He watched as the rookie stopped and looked around. The warlord then transformed and landed on top of the sports car. Smokescreen cried out in pain as he was dented horribly. Megatron chuckled darkly and jumped to the ground as he smiled wickedly.

"Did you really think you could follow me without my knowledge?" He sneered. There was a transforming noise as Smokescreen attempted to turn to his biped mode.

"Keep trying." The warlord smirked. "You'll-" He was cut off as Smokescreen punched him hard in the faceplate. He was pretty dented but determined to get his leader back.

"You were saying?" He asked as he smirked cockily. Energon leaked from the corner of his mouth.

"I won't allow you to stop me." Megatron seethed angrily through gritted teeth and unsheathed his blade.

"I won't let you hurt Optimus." Smokescreen grunted as he transformed his servos into cannons.

"For me to succeed in my plans I must kill Optimus Prime." He growled angrily through gritted teeth.

"Funny..." the rookie rasped. "You two were the best of friends a few days ago." He muttered bitterly.

"We were many eons ago as well." He spat and shot at him. Smokescreen grunted weakly as he dodged and moved out of the way.

Megatron knew the fight wouldn't be long and he decided to toy with him. Though that was a waste of time. He sheathed his blade and simply dodged out of boredom. Smokescreen swung at him repeatedly as he panted heavily from the pain. He shot at him and grunted as he fell to his knee plates.

"Fight me... you coward..." he panted quietly as he glared at him. Megatron slowly walked over and gripped the rookies helm.

"You're not worth my time." He said bluntly and punched him hard in the faceplate. Smokescreen grunted and fell over as he blacked out. The warlord growled lowly and walked away.

"No one is a worthy opponent except for Optimus Prime." He growled lowly and transformed before flying off.

A few minutes later Ratchet drove over to Smokescreen and quickly transformed into his biped mode. He stumbled a little bit and knelt by his side.

"By the AllSpark." He gasped as he got to work. He grumbled something under his breath about the rookie being reckless. Smokescreen grunted weakly and slowly opened his optics. They flickered as he coughed up some energon.

"Ratchet..." he rasped weakly and winced in pain.

"Ep ep ep ep don't speak, I'm doing what I can. You're an idiot you know that?" He mumbled and glared at him. Smokescreen gripped his servo and stared at him.

"Optimus... is... in trouble...." he rasped weakly and choked a little. Ratchet just stared at him blankly for a few minutes.

"I... I know... but I can't leave you like this... I..." he trailed off feeling conflicted. Smokescreen might not make it if he left him. But Optimus would definitely die if he didn't go to him now.

Ever Babysat a Giant Robot? (TFP Little Series) (Wattys 2017)Where stories live. Discover now