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Optimus spoke with the children quietly as the sparklings slept on the berth. He sighed forcefully and looked at his team. He stared down at the humans as he thought about what happened.

"I... must obtain energon." He said seriously and looked at each of them. "It is... required that I leave the four of you in charge." He muttered, it sounded like he didn't want to.

"You can count on us!" Miko said as she smiled brightly. June folded her arms and looked at the sparklings as she thought. The leader nodded slowly and transformed into his alternate mode.

"I will not go far. If anything is required... contact me immediately." He said seriously and sternly. They nodded and he drove down the tunnel. They watched him leave then looked at each other.

"It's it just me, or did Prime sound like a worried parent?" Miko said as she stared at the others.

"With us in charge? I'd be worried too." Jack muttered and walked off. Miko huffed angrily and pouted a little.


"For the last time! I am. Not your. Sire!" Megatron roared angrily as he glared at a small vehicon.

The little con stared at him blankly then burst into tears. The leader yelled angrily in exasperation and threw his servos in the air. Soundwave walked over and tugged at his leg. The warlord looked at him then furrowed his optic ridges.

"Yes, what is it?" He mumbled and the sparkling held Laserbeak up to him.

"Yes it's very nice." He muttered and knelt down on one knee plate. "Now listen Soundwave... I need you to focus and help me with this... situation." He said seriously. The con stared at him blankly for a few minutes then motioned for him to come closer.

Megatron figured it was a secret and bent down as much as possible. Soundwave hugged him tightly around the neck cables and hummed happily. Megatron growled lowly and stood to his full height.

"You're going to pay dearly for this later." He muttered as the con hummed happily and nuzzled him. He growled lowly and the other cons stared at him blankly.

"Why are you Sounds sire and not mine?!" Starscream screeched as he stomped his ped angrily. Knockout watched them and felt jealous, then huffed as he pouted cutely.

"I want my sire!" A vehicon cried and sat on the floor as he sobbed uncontrollably.

"I want my carrier!" Another cried and sat down. Megatron growled angrily as all the cons sat down and started to cry.

"Shockwave!!" He shouted and looked down the hall for the scientist. Soundwave continued to hum happily as he nuzzled him. Making the situation worse.

The scientist didn't respond and Megatron wondered if he was ignoring him, or just couldn't hear him. He growled lowly and drug his servo down his faceplate.

"All of you be quiet!" He yelled and they fell silent after a few minutes. He blinked in surprise at the fact that it worked.

He sighed forcefully and got on one knee plate as he set Soundwave down. He didn't notice the cons gathering as he rubbed the small sparklings helm. He smiled a little and stared at the others. His smile faded and he narrowed his optics.

"What?" He snapped angrily and glared at them. They slowly got closer and looked at him.

"My turn." Knockout said as he smiled brightly and stood by Soundwave.

"What?" He asked with confusion and noticed they had all gathered around him. He furrowed his optic ridges and gently rubbed the medics helm.

Knockout squealed happily and smiled brightly. The sparklings looked at each other then crowded around the leader. He sighed forcefully and rubbed their helms. He found it odd that he enjoyed their reactions. Starscream huffed angrily and shoved Soundwave to the ground. For no particular reason.

Ever Babysat a Giant Robot? (TFP Little Series) (Wattys 2017)Where stories live. Discover now