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The sparklings played for a while and things started to calm down. The two humans made sure they weren't being stupid.

Miko watched as Soundwave and Ratchet talked about different projects. Bumblebee, Smokescreen, and the vehicons played in the dirt. Optimus and Megatron were sitting on a boulder talking to each other. She smiled slightly as she watched them all get along. Except Starscream who refused to leave time out.

Jack chuckled softly as he watched the wreckers play with a few vehicons. They both noticed Knockout staring at Arcee as she played with the speedsters. He looked at his peds and kicked the dirt a little. He looked around then picked a flower. He stared at it then looked at Arcee. He walked over and tapped her shoulder plate. She looked at him and stared blankly at the plant.

"For you." He said shyly and avoided optic contact as he blushed deeply. She stared at it then took it.

"Why?" She scoffed and narrowed her eyes. His expression fell a little and he looked at the ground.

"Because... it's pretty like you." He mumbled and drew in the dirt with his ped. The cons stared at her blankly then whispered quietly as Smokescreen snickered. She blushed deeply and looked at the others.

"No!" She yelled and shoved him to the ground. "I don't want it." She said and ran off feeling embarrassed.

Knockout stared blankly at the crushed flower as he fought back tears. He choked back a sob as he gently picked it up. He burst into tears as he ran off with the flower in his servos. Jack sighed forcefully and ran off to talk to Arcee while Miko thought about following Knockout. She watched him run away to the woods. She knew he was a con but felt bad about what happened. She sighed shakily and ran after him unsure why she was.

Miko found him by a pond as he knelt by it and sobbed silently. She watched his little tears of hurt and heartache fall into the pond. She sighed shakily and sat by him then hesitantly set a hand on his little helm. He sniffed sadly and looked up at her.

"Why don't they like me?" He asked quietly and stared at his reflection. "I'm being a good mech." He sniffed. She hesitated and rubbed his helm gently.

"They do. Arcee can just be really mean... sometimes... confused." She whispered quietly. He sniffed sadly and looked at the crushed flower.

"The other cons don't like me... they never did... only Breakdown was my friend." He whispered. "But then he left... and didn't come back..." he mumbled and sobbed silently. Miko remembered when they found out what happened to Breakdown. She wondered if the sparkling remembered what happened. He stared at her with his big red optics.

"Well... the bots like you. They're playing with you a lot more." She pointed out. He thought for a moment then smiled brightly. He hugged her tightly and she blinked in surprise. He pulled back and held the crushed flower out to her.

"For you... cause your pretty." He said and looked down as he blushed deeply. She stared at him then took it just to make him happy. He grinned and squealed as he jumped up and down.

"You like it! You like it!" He shouted and hugged her tightly. She sighed quietly and hesitantly hugged him back. He grinned as she stood up and led him back to the others. He gently gripped her hand and smiled brightly.

"This is going to be so weird if you remember this." She mumbled to herself. He didn't hear and skipped the whole way back. Once with the others he ran to play again.

"What did you do to fix the problem?" Jack asked as he walked over. He was holding Arcee who was hanging on to him tightly. Miko sighed quietly and held up the flower.

"I felt bad..." she said quietly and put it in her pocket. He chuckled softly and shook his head.

They heard a portal open and Shockwave slowly walked out. The bots looked at him then screamed and ran to the humans. Optimus stood in front of them and activated his mask.

"I'll protect you." He said seriously as he transformed his servos into blades. The little cons didn't know what to do.
They wanted to be with their friends, but knew Shockwave might want to go home. The scientist stared at Megatron and all the cons hid behind the warlord. Miko felt a sudden urge to protect them but didn't know what to do.

"Lord Megatron, I have discovered a way for you to become fully grown again." He said seriously and carefully set down a container.

He opened a little door for them to all get in so he could carry them. The little sparklings hesitated, except Starscream who ran right in. They looked at their leader for instruction. He stared blankly then nodded slowly as if thinking about it.

"You heawd him. Get inside." He said with authority. They nodded slowly then ran over and hugged the bots. They said goodbye and went into the container. Megatron just stood there and looked over at Optimus. He walked over then hugged him tightly.

"Iw be back to pway." He said seriously and smiled. The little Prime grinned happily and nodded quickly. Megatron ran to the scientist and stopped suddenly. He looked up at him then at his friend.

"What about Opdiws?" He asked quietly with tears in his optics. Shockwave stared at him blankly then looked at the Autobot leader.

"Perhaps he can come... visit." He said though what he had in mind wasn't what the sparkling thought. Megatron smiled brightly and nodded then ran inside.

"It is logical you will forget this entire thing." Shockwave muttered to himself as he closed the little door. He stood up and aimed his cannon at the others.

"It would also be logical for me to simply dispose of you all this very instant." He said seriously.

"You would seriously kill us in front of the sparklings?" Jack asked as held Arcee close. Miko knelt down and hugged the two wreckers tightly. Bumblebee hugged Jack's leg as he whimpered fearfully. Optimus stayed where he was in front of them as Smokescreen stood by him with his cannons out. Ratchet was behind everyone else, discreetly calling the base.

"They can not hear or see anything while they are inside there." He said seriously and primed his cannon. Their eyes widened in fear and they stepped back. Ratchet stared at him then opened his chest chassis and pulled something out. He narrowed his optics and ran towards the scientist.

"Ratchet stop!" Jack yelled as he reached for him. The little doctor glared as he threw a wrench at the scientist.

"Get him Brian!" He shouted as he watched it fly through the air. The wrench flew and went straight into the scientists cannon. The con quickly turned his cannon off and tried to get the tool out.

"Hoorah!!" Ratchet screamed as he ran back with his servos high in the air. Miko smirked slightly as the portal opened up behind them.

She ran through with the others while Jack waited for the little doctor. Optimus and Ratchet ran together as they high servod. Jack chuckled softly and ran with them through the vortex. Once on the other side Raf quickly closed the bridge.

Jack and Miko got the sparklings together and wondered what to do. The cons might become big again and they couldn't stop them.

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