The Forgotten (2)

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*Vanessa's P.O.V*

I yawned and closed my eyes. “Ness, we’re here.” My dad announced. I groaned. You cannot be serious! Jess had kept me up all night doing a makeover that wasn’t necessary and then went on to explain what to do when a cute boy approaches me. I told her that it wouldn’t happen and then she decided to give me a long lecture about me having more self confidence. If that wasn’t enough, she decided to wake me up super early to do my make up before I left. I opened my eyes reluctantly and was met with an annoying sight. There was Dr Steel looking way too energetic for this early in the morning. “Carebear it’s time to get out now. You have a long journey ahead of you.” My dad told me softly from beside me. I sighed and then got out of the car. He went to get my suitcases from the boot and then went to have a quick word with Dr Steel. I leaned against the car; I had no energy to keep myself upright. They quickly finished their conversation and then my dad was walking towards. He gave me a long, warm hug that I knew I was going to miss in America. “Bye Carebear; be good for me in America okay?” He said and I nodded. Dr Steel took me to her car and we drove off to the airport.

“See you in a month honey!” Dr Steel called as I gave the attendant my passport and ticket. I nodded at her and walked towards the plane. Anyone who was watching would think that I was a rude teenager disrespecting her mother. I don’t really care what people think anymore so I walked casually towards the plane and ignored the looks people were giving me. I found my seat quite quickly and got settled. “Excuse me; I think you’re in my seat.” A voice commented next to me. I looked up and I saw a boy around my age looking pretty confused. “I’m sorry; I just automatically assumed my aunt booked me a window seat because I normally get sick otherwise but I’ll move.” I babbled apologetically as I started to grab my stuff. “Oh no don’t worry! I don’t want you to get sick or anything. You just stay right there.” He exclaimed quickly. “Are you sure?” I asked. He nodded and grinned before flopping down on the seat next to me. I smiled back tentatively before putting on the headphones that they kindly provided and fell asleep.

I was being shaken and I slowly opened my eyes. That boy from before was hovering over me. I jerked back in alarm; he was too close. “Sorry I didn’t mean to startle you but we’re landing soon and I didn’t think you’d want to miss the view.” He told me. I looked out of the window. It was just starting to get dark and you could see the bright lights from the many buildings. “Wow.” I breathed and the boy smiled. “What’s your name? I forgot to ask before.” He asked me. “Vanessa. What’s yours?” I replied. “I’m Marcus.” He told me. “It’s nice to meet you.” I smiled at him, holding out my hand. “You too.” He replied grasping my hand in a friendly handshake but he kept hold of mine for too long. I became uncomfortable and tried to shake my hand out of the hold. He noticed I was getting increasingly uncomfortable and let go. I really do not like prolonged contact with people I don’t know. That’s the reason why Jessica and I walk to college; people on the bus invade your personal space way too much and I really don’t like it.

I got off the plane with Marcus and we walked towards baggage claim. Apparently he had been awake for the whole flight because the guy next to him was snoring. I walked silently beside him and smiled or laughed politely at the right bits. I was just happy that I wasn’t snoring. Or maybe I was and he just didn’t want to embarrass me. Either way, as soon as we got out to the front of the airport, we parted ways. I saw a woman holding a card with my name on it and I walked towards her. “Vanessa Osei?” She confirmed. I nodded and then we quickly walked to a car and we drove off...

Picture of Vanessa at the side >>>

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