Chapter 1

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Annabeth's POV

Gods, why did school have to be so boring? I hated having to listen to my history teacher drone on and on about something to do with cattle for an hour, but all I could think about was the Valentine's Day Dance on Saturday. It was already Wednesday, and Percy still hadn't asked me. 'He's probably just trying to think of a really sweet way to ask me' I thought optimistically. At last, the bell rang, breaking me from my thoughts. I quickly snatched up my books and dashed to my locker. Tonight was date night at Percy's house, and I had to hurry home so I could grab the bag of cookies I had made. They were blue chocolate chip, his favorite.

I slammed my locker shut and spun around, coming face to face with a pair of sea green eyes. 

"Leaving so soon? I wanted to walk you to my place. It is date night, you know." He pouted. Why did he have to be so freaking cute? He was like an adorable little puppy dog that I could never say no to.

"Chill, Seaweed Brain. I just have to get something from my house."

"Okay." Percy said, grabbing my hand and swinging it between us. "I'll walk you there first then." I grinned and we started on the way to my house. When we finally arrived, I dumped my backpack in my room and twirled my way back to the kitchen. I stretched my arm into a cupboard and pulled out the bag of cookies. Percy's eyes widened and he grinned. 

"Aw, Wise Girl, did you make those just for me?"

"Absolutely not. I needed to feed the cat."

"You don't have a cat."

"You see, I was thinking about getting one," I smirked and Percy chuckled at my sass. I gently punched his chest. "C'mon, we've got a movie to watch." We began walking to his house not long after taking a snack break in which there came to be crumbs in his hair. 

It was a relatively short walk, maybe ten minutes at most. We lived a couple blocks from one another, so it's safe to say we were with each other all the time. The walk there included a few puddle jumps and snowball fights. He raced me up the stairs to his apartment, but I totally beat him.

Percy's POV

I flung the door open and slid my hand along the wall until I found the light switch. I finally found it and flicked up. The entry hall was suddenly bathed in a warm yellow glow. I walked to my room, tossed my jacket and backpack on my bed and returned to the living room to see Annabeth curled on the couch in my favorite blue hoodie. I jumped over the back of the couch and landed right next to her. She snuggled into my arms and brought out the bag of cookies from the pocket of my hoodie. I snatched the bag and shoved three in my mouth at once, making Annabeth giggle.

"Seaweed Brain, you're going to get crumbs everywhere." To show her how much I didn't care, I shoved a few more cookies in my mouth, then told her with crumbs spraying from my mouth, "So what? it's my house. I'll clean it up later." She rolled her eyes and went back to laying how she was before.

"What are we watching tonight?"

"I don't know, it's your pick this week." I said, my breath ruffling her hair.

"How about Beauty and the Beast? The one with Emma Watson?"

"Sure, Wise Girl." I searched Netflix for it and pressed play. As her arms crept around my waist, I put my arm around her shoulders and rested my chin on her head. I couldn't even focus on the movie. I just loved how much Annabeth liked watching movies. She got so into them. However, it was over much faster than I wanted it to be. Sadly, it was only 6:00. Not wanting to disturb the peaceful environment around us, I wisely kept my mouth shut.

Then Annabeth tilted her head up to face me. "Um, Percy, I was just wondering if you were going to the dance this Saturday?"

Of course I was. Weren't we going together? "Uh yeah, I mean why wouldn't I?"

"Well, cause you haven't asked me yet."

"I, um I guess I just assumed that we were going together." She raised an eyebrow at me as I said this.

"Of course we would go together, but you have to ask me so I know what the plan is and can make future plans to go with it."

I felt my cheeks go warm. "S-sorry. I-I just k-kinda assumed... and you k-know...." I stammered. Wow, what a smooth-talker you are, Mr. Jackson. Annabeth smiled up at me.

"You're such a Seaweed Brain sometimes." she said, curling back into my chest. I lightly kissed the top of her head. She soon dozed off. I let Annabeth sleep until 9:00, then woke her so she could go home. After all, there was school tomorrow. Being the gentleman I was, I walked her back to her house and kissed her goodnight. Kissing Annabeth, no matter how long, was walways my favorite thing to do. Her lips were soft and tasted like mango chapstick. Gently wrapping my hand in hair, the smell of lemons wafted up to my nose. The kiss ended far too soon in my opinion, but her dad could most likely see us through the window.

"I love you, Wise Girl," I said, walking backwards down her steps.

"Love you too, Seaweed Brain," she whispered after me, waving goodbye.

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