Chapter 2

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Annabeth's POV

The next day, I had to go through the same monotonous school day. Or so I thought.

"Class, today we will be setting up for the Valentine's Day Dance," our teacher, Ms. Arenholtz announced, "Everyone will be put in groups and together, those groups will decide what they want to do. The groups will be as followed: Annabeth, Piper, Hazel, and Calypso with decorations; Leo, Connor, and Travis with food; Katie, Reyna, and Rachel with lights, and Percy, Jason, Frank, and Kyle with music. We will begin preparations immediately!"

I turned to look at my groupmates, a large grin spreading across my face. "Let's do this." We planned some amazing things and wrote them all down in Hazel's notebook. We got to work as fast as possible. Some of our ideas were basic, but my personal favorite was disco ball. No party was complete without it.


Piper, Calypso, Hazel and I went dress shopping after school. I chose a beautiful strapless sea green dress with a glitter belt. Calypso selected a sparkly, strapless, silver dress that faded to black. It fit her very well and showed off her curves. Hazel picked a light pink dress with glitter at the top and skinny straps. Piper found a skin-tight baby blue dress with cut-out sides. It had a lace top and flared out slightly at the bottom. All of the dresses were absolutely gorgeous!

After dress shopping, we went to Crystal's Coffee Cafe to get some hot chocolate. The four of us gossiped about the latest couples and our own love lives. We also discussed other important things in our lives. As it turns out, aside from being part god, our lives were pretty boring. Other than Hazel just getting her braces off, nothing new or interesting had happened. (A/N: Remember that Hazel is a few years younger than everyone else)

We took the rest of our hot chocolate to-go so we could look for decorations. The Four Amigos (my new squad name) found some really neat decorations in PartyCity. Calypso discovered some cool lanterns to hang around the gym, Piper and Hazel found some streamers and balloons in the colors of silver, gold, and pink, and I tasked myself with table decorations. I located some fake candles, imitation china, lace tablecloths, paper napkins, and gold silverware. I also ordered some flowers and vases to go in the middle of each table. The gym was going to look great.

Percy's POV

While Annabeth and the other girls were dress shopping, Frank, Leo, Jason, and I searched for tuxedos. I got a dark grey suit with a sea green tie, Frank got a cream suit with a light pink tie, Jason got a navy blue suit with a baby blue tie, and Leo (of course) got a flaming red suit with a silver tie.

"Hey guys. Look at Bad Boy Supreme now. He looks pretty dam hot right now." Leo said, admiring his reflection.

"That's cause you can shoot fire from your ears." Jason joked.

"Well, excuse me Mr. Sparky for wanting to look nice." He pretended to be offended. We quickly paid for our tuxes and went to look at corsages. I decided on a white rose, Jason chose a yellow rose, Frank selected a white and yellow silver tipped rose, and Leo picked an orange rose.

Next we had to organize our "specialties" for the dance. Leo left to go help Travis and Connor with food. I didn't trust that group, especially with food. Kyle joined us and we searched for a DJ. We found one who goes by the name of Anthony Lockwood. Frank told him to bring a date to the dance. Apparently he knows the perfect person. Her name is Lucy Carlyle. [crossover :)] We made arrangements for Saturday, then went to Rose's Olde Fashioned Ice Cream Shoppe for some of the best ice cream in the area. Unfortunately, Anthony and Kyle couldn't stay. After Jason, Frank and I had finished, we split ways and went home. It was already 9:30 since I lived a ways away from the mall, so I finished up the little bit of homework I had and talked with Annabeth on the phone for awhile. I knew what color suit and tie to get beforehand because there's no way we would be able to go if we didn't match. After hanging up, I was exhausted and soon fell asleep.

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