Chapter 4

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*Annabeth's POV*

Percy looked hot in his grey tuxedo and sea green tie. That's the only way to say it. He had actually combed and gelled his hair, trying to keep it flat, but failed. He also couldn't stop staring at me.

Hazel and Frank were adorable together. He had his arm around Hazel's shoulders. She looked so pretty with her entire outfit together. Frank looked so grown up in his cream suit. It almost (almost) looked like they were going to get married.

However, Leo and Calypso were bickering already.
"I'm still hotter than you."
"Just cause you can shoot fire from your nose, Valdez, does not mean that you are hotter than me."

"Guys, shut up already," Piper interrupted, fixing Jason's baby blue tie. She rolled her eyes at their antics.

"Wise Girl, you look beautiful tonight," Percy murmured in my ear. I turned my head slightly and kissed him. A jet of warmth shot through my body. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I slid mine around his neck.

"Eww, enough with the PDA, get a room!" Leo squealed.

"Shut up, Valdez," I muttered, my face going tomato. At last, we arrived at the school. A line of lanterns led us to the door. There, a girl about the age of fifteen greeted us. She had short caramel colored hair and dizzying hazel eyes. The fluffy gold dress she wore made the gold flecks in her eyes pop. (Figured her out yet?)

"Hi, I'm Lucy Carlyle. I came with Anthony Lockwood, who is the DJ," she said shyly and with an accent that sounded British. Hazel smiles at her and introduced us. Her and Frank hung back to talk to Lucy while the rest of us moved into the gym.

It looked even better than it did yesterday. I don't know how, but it did.  The group moved to the tables I had reserved yesterday. I even saved a spot for Lucy and Anthony.

The caterers flew through the crowd, passing out meals to everyone. Percy and I scarfed down our spaghetti and went to the dance floor. A slow song came on. (Tennessee Line-Daughtry) I rested my head on Percy's chest and saw the other couples do the same. Even Anthony came to dance with Lucy. They were so cute together.
Percy planted a gentle kiss on the top of my head. I felt so at home in his arms. (Bold words are the lyrics because my italics aren't working)

On my way to LA, looking into the rear view as the roads fade away.

I've sworn off my past, first to last bad call I've ever made.

Tell me how to make right, every wrong turn that I've learned, so this could all end tonight.

Tennessee Line, just changed my mind.

Well, it's my heart I'll follow this time.

As the song came to a close, Percy and I drifted back to the table. We talked a bit, mostly about how cute Lucy was wrapped in Lockwood's long arms and how we were surprised that Travis hadn't pranked his date, Katie, yet. Percy got up to get us some punch and we gulped it down, returning to the dance floor. There was a fast paced song playing. (Shake it Off) Our groupies danced for a few more hours before getting in the limo and going home.

~slight time skip~~cuz I lazy~

I hung my dress up in my closet and wiped the makeup off my face. I slipped in some pajamas and got in bed, visions of Percy drifting through my mind. I love my Seaweed Brain.

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