Chapter 3

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*Annabeth's POV*

Today was Friday. The final day of decorating. And let me just tell you, I was right. The gym looked fantastic with the decorations my group selected. The DJ equipment was set up and the lights were ready. The colorful streamers were hung from the ceiling and the lanterns stood guard by the door. Tables were prepared. Piper and Hazel put the finishing touch on: the disco ball. My classmates and I spent the rest of the hour talking and goofing around, after I had checked everything of course.
My friends and I ran over our plans for tomorrow. The dance started at 7:00 and would likely go until midnight. I wrote out the itinerary for the Four Amigos. It looked like this:
8:00am---wake up/get dressed
9:00am--- spa appointment
5:00pm---light snack
5:30pm---get in dresses/pictures at Annabeth's
6:30pm---leave for dance
It was carefully detailed and planned out. I didn't think the boys were organized enough to make one, so I told Percy to be at my house with the guys at 5:15. Chances are that they would be a little late, so I told them to be here earlier than they should.
At last, the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. I ran all the way home, eager to begin preparing for tomorrow. I taped the itinerary to my mirror and hung my dress on my door. I set out all the makeup I would need on my vanity. Oh I was so excited for the dance! It was going to be great. I finished up my homework so I wouldn't have to worry about it over the weekend. I ate a quick supper and took a long, hot shower before finally throwing on my favorite pajamas. I hopped into bed and tossed and turned for what felt like hours until I fell asleep.

~the next day~
BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! My alarm went off, waking me up at promptly 8:00. I jumped into the shower as a quick refresher, taking a speedy rinse and wash. I slipped on a mint green crop top and paired it with dark jean shorts. I threw on my gray converse to match. Feeling lazy, I left my hair down and wavy and applied a light layer of makeup. I packed up everything I would need for the day while brushing my teeth. On my way out the door I grabbed a cup of cappuccino and a slice of jellied toast. I started walking to the mall for my spa appointment with the girls. They would meet me there around 8:45. Finally arriving at the mall, I went to the spa center and took a seat in the waiting room. Hazel was the first to join me, soon followed by Calypso. Piper was the last to enter the room, at 9:02. I wasn't surprised, as she is usually late.
"Sorry guys," she panted, " My alarm went off fifteen minutes ago". We all laughed and entered the spa together.  3 1/2 hours later we exited, feeling fresh and pampered. Hazel suggested we go to Crystal's Coffee Café for a BLT. For future reference, they make the best BLT's. (not an actual place)
When we finished our meals, we paid and went to Reflections for our hair and nails. (An actual place) They put my hair in a curly updo and my acrylic nails were grey chevron with sparkly sea green ring fingers. Calypso had a half up, half down style with flame nails. She had sparkly silver ring fingers. Piper's hair was left down with the front pinned back and her nails were all navy blue with baby blue gems. Hazel's hair was put up in a bun and her nails were done pink with cream ring fingers. We left the shop at 4:30, ooh-ing and ahh-ing over each other's hair and nails. On our way to my house, we grabbed some ice cream at Rose's Olde Fashioned Ice Cream Shoppe.
Quickly but carefully, we changed into our dresses and did our makeup. I did a twirl in the mirror, admiring how the dress hugged my curves. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I thought I looked pretty good. I heard the front door slam and muffled laughter. Finally, I thought, checking my alarm clock. 5:23. Good thing I planned for them to be late.
I made my way for the stairs. Grabbing the railing for support, I slowly descended. The chatter died away as everyone looked up at me. I turned red, not wanting all the attention. At last I reached the bottom. I walked over to Percy, whose mouth was hanging open.
"Shut your mouth, Jackson, you'll catch flies."
" Wise Girl, you are gorgeous" he replied, awestruck.
"Ya ain't too bad yourself, Seaweed Brain." With a smirk, I took my shoes from the doorway and slipped them on. They were a pair of silver high heels. The other girls did the same. Calypso's were a stunning ombré of red and black glitter. Piper's were a deep shade of navy with a baby blue bow on the tip. Hazel had found a cream pair of wedges. The shoes matched our outfits perfectly.
*Percy's POV*
When Annabeth came down the stairs, I thought I was going to pass out. My jaw hit the floor. She looked absolutely stunning. The form-fitting sea green dress made her curves pop and her curly hair was pulled up. The tiny bit of makeup she had on made her eyelids shimmer and those lovely grey eyes stand out.
"Shut your mouth, you'll catch flies." she laughed.
"Wise Girl, you are gorgeous." That was the only thing my brain could think of.
"You don't look too bad yourself." was her reply.
My mother soon showed up to take pictures. So. Many. Pictures. But I didn't complain because I held my stunning Annabeth by my side.
One hour later we were in the limo, heading to the dance.

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