|19| Fight

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Carl and Shell stared at us across the table. Carson sat next to me, relaxed and slurping on a beer disguised as a soda. The boys across from my sipped beers as well, but I decided not to drink that day. I opted for a simple Dr, Pepper, which I slurped as the boys talked. My eyes threatened to drop shut, and it took all I had not to lie my head on the table and drift off to sleep.

We had decided to meet before school the following Monday. Vienna assured Carson and I that she would be fine. In fact, Lydia offered to drive her to school. The girl could be a brat, but I could tell that deep down, she really cared about her sister. That was the only reason I allowed her to take care of Vienna while I headed to Patty's Patties at seven in the morning. And, for the record, I was the opposite of a morning person.

"So, how's Vien?" Carl asked, leaning back and sipping on his beverage.

"She's better. She's going to school today," my brother answered.

"She's really strong. I don't think we need to worry about her," I added. I meant what I said. Vienna was a strong girl at heart, and an incident like what had happened wasn't going to deter her from living her life.

Shell nodded. "But I know someone we do need to worry about."

"I say we just jump him after school lets out," Carl suggests. "The best lessons are short and sweet. Well, I guess this one won't be sweet, but rather sour."

I snorted at that, almost spitting Dr. Pepper all over the table. Carson rolled his eyes at me in true brother fashion. It was almost like we had lived together our whole lives, and we'd had plenty of time to form a strong sibling bond. I was immensely grateful for that bond, and the one with Vienna as well. Moving here, I never expected that. I never expected much of anything.

"I'll make sure he never hurts Vienna again!" Carson roared, anger flashing in his eyes.

"Or anyone else," I spoke up, remember Tala. I remember the poor, broken girl that was used over and over again like a sponge was used for washing dishes. I remembered Drew treating her like she was a toy he could use and dispose of.

Thinking back to her, I kind of surprised myself. From the beginning, my goal was basically to use people to climb to the top for once. I never expected to care about anyone. About Tala, or Asher, or even my half siblings. I thought I would resent everyone, and they would return the feelings.

Sitting in a diner early that morning, I began to question everything. Was I still trying to make it, and was I still faking it? Was I really willing to stoop to illegal levels for a sister I had just met not long before? Was Tala my friend or someone to help me 'make it?'

My head began to ache thinking of all this at once. I longed to crawl back into my bed and shut my eyes. Maybe I'd wake up in my old bed, the one back home with Amelia, to find this was all a dream. Did I want it to be a dream, or had I become attached to the things I never thought I would?

Poor Amelia. My heart still ached for her, and our family was still in shreds. Everything still seemed to be my fault.

"Earth to Ada!" Carl called, waving his drink in front of my face.

I pushed it aside, cringing as some of the alcohol nearly spilt onto the table. "You know, you shouldn't go to school drunk."

"We won't. We're homeschooled," Carl laughed.

I felt my face grow hot. "Oh. Right, of course. Sorry, I didn't know." Then, I turned to my brother. "As for you, I know for a fact that you go to the same high school as me, mister. What's your excuse?"

Carson shrugged. "One, I'm not drunk yet. Two, I don't really care, and neither do the teachers. Ada, you still don't understand Richbrooke."

"I don't think I ever will," I muttered. Underage drinking at the local diner. Adults not caring about rape. Everyone was rich and powerful, partying every week. What was this town? What had I found myself caught up in?

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