|21| Laughter

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Headaches suck, especially after a night of heavy drinking. I was thankful mine was barely noticeable this time, probably due to the fact that I didn't drink as much as last time, and I had started to get used it again. Nonetheless, I downed the pills left on my bedside table and flushed them down with the lukewarm water. A note from Vienna, placed in front of the water, read, 'Here ya go. Hope you had fun, but not too much. ;) -Vien

I chuckled at that, swiping my hand across my lips to get rid of the excess water settled there. Then, I climbed out of bed and realized I had awoken just in time. I had about thirty minutes to get ready and get to school. So, I hastily went through my morning routine, applying minimal makeup and dressing as comfortably as I dared. I still had to look popular, but I didn't feel like going the extra mile.

As I opened the door to my room, tossing my phone in my bag without glancing at it, memories came surging back. I remembered how and why I got drunk. I remembered kissing Chris- oh goodness. I halted mid-step, my eyes going wide and a hand slapping over my mouth. My bag slipped down my shoulder and into the crook of my arm. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe I had kissed him. Chris, the party boy, the 'bad boy', the whatever. The brother of my friend. And, most importantly, we were both drunk.

"Ada? You look like someone just told you they ate your Pizzelles."

I rolled my eyes at Carson, letting my arm drop back to my side and readjusting my bag on my shoulder. My eyes scanned him up and down, noticed a black eye and a couple bandages. He winced a bit as he took a step towards me, and a part of me felt guilty for letting my brother become this hurt.

"When did you get back from the hospital?"

"Sometime last night."

"Oh," I sighed. "Go back to bed! There is no way I'm letting you go to school."

"I can't show them that I'm weak!"

"Oh, just stay home. Sleep, eat. I'll even bring you something after school."

He smirked, raising an eyebrow. "Oh, really. So, you'll get me a burger and fries from Patty's Patties, a beer, and even get me some ice cream from the parlor down the street? Oh, what a kind sister I have. I like extra pickles, no cheese, on the Patty Supreme."

Once again, I rolled my eyes at him, but I couldn't help but laugh. "Okay, as long as you stay home and get some rest."

"Sure thing, Mom."

I nearly jumped as a door opened and Vienna appeared. She shut her door behind her, hoisting her bag onto her shoulders and clutching her keys in her hand. "Come on, Ada, let's get going. I'm glad you woke up, but I was gonna let you sleep."

I shrugged, internally cursing my luck. I would have loved to stay sleeping, but I knew I needed to get to school. "Ehh, whatever. Let's go."

Vienna looked over at her brother, a stern and motherly expression taking over her features. Her deep blue eyes shone with worry, and she took Carson's arm and lead him back into his room. "Come on, you need to rest, you idiot." Then, she turned to me. "And you're also an idiot! You could've been hurt."

I watched, taken by surprise, as Vienna practically pushed her brother into his bed, pulling the sheets over him. The whole time, he was joking around, but Vienna didn't even crack the smallest of smiles. She set her lips in a fine line as Carson flicked her nose ring in a playful manner. She slapped him upside the head and walked back to me, closing the door and threatening Carson the whole time.

"You know." It wasn't even a question. Vienna knew what the boys and I did. I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach. Was she angry? Happy? I knew she had said she would be fine, that this was water under the bridge. And, even if the events of the yesterday traumatized me a bit, they needed to happened, I realized. Not only did Drew deserve it, but it was more than that. So much more than flying fists and bloody wounds.

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