|22| Lemonaide

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I bumped into Chris as I headed towards lunch. Honestly, I expected it to be more awkward. Maybe he could have rushed away, remembering what happened while he was in a drunken state. But, he didn't. He walked straight up to me, smiling. Then, as his gaze landed on his sister next to me, he scowled.

"Hey, Tal, I'll meet you at the table," I quickly muttered, ushering her away as she simply rolled her eyes at her brother. I wasn't sure how two siblings could have such a deep dislike towards each other, especially when both of them seemed like amazing people.

Chris smiled warmly. "Hey, Ada!"

I smiled back, trying to keep my cool demeanor. It was just a kiss, right? I mean, popular people had boyfriends, but I didn't feel like dealing with that. Not yet, anyways. Or was I? Either way, the next guy I dated I wanted to be genuine and a good hearted person.

"So, do you wanna sit with me and my friends today? I can introduce you to them if you want."

I blinked, the shook my head. I'd rather sit with my friends though the offer was appealing. "No thanks. I'm going to sit with my friends."

He shook his head, which took me by surprise. "They're not your friends, Ada. Haven't you watched the movies? It's all just a popularity contest. You don't have to dislike my sister just because I do. That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that the people she hangs out with are shallow and all they care about is your looks and your social status. I see so much more than a social status in you. I see a friend."

A bunch of emotions jumbled up inside of me and I wasn't sure which to broadcast on my face. I mean, I was the one using the others for popularity, right? Did I even want this anymore? Al I wanted was some friends and some respect. But, what if they were playing me too, and what if I wasn't earning anything I was fighting for? Could Chris really be trusted?

I sighed, mulling this over in my mind. What about Asher and Tala? Yes, I'd agree the others could be quite- annoying. But, what about them? What about J? We didn't talk that much, but he seemed cool. So what a few people could be jerks? I'd actually made some friends, earned some respect in a sober state. But, what was all of this for? Was I still faking it, or was I even making it?

I let out a puff of air. Then, I glanced back at Chris from the floor and smiled slightly. "I guess I'll meet your friends."

His whole face lit up and he grabbed my arm, practically dragging me into the cafeteria. I made sure to shoot Tala a text that I would be sitting with her brother for today. As we pushed past the line for food, I started to wonder how much of this was real and how much was fake.

I didn't even argue about skipping the food line. I wasn't very hungry anyways. So, as I plopped down in front of two large pizza boxes, I shied away. Chris, however, didn't notice my hesitation for he had his friend scoot down so I could sit next to him.

He introduced me to two well built guys a grade above us. They both had light blonde hair, but the difference was in the eyes. One had deep, dark brown eyes while the other had sparkling blue ones, light like ice. The one with blue eyes also had a scattering of freckles right across his nose and cheeks. He was introduced as Logan, while the other as Nathan. They were both across from Chris and I.

Chris's friend that scooted over, now sitting on his other side, was introduced as Justin. He was skinny, with dark brown hair and eyes. He also had glasses perched in his nose, but they actually looked very good on him. The style matched his eye and face shape perfectly.

"His here is Ada," Chris introduced lastly. Logan shamelessly checked me out while the others looked over and smiled. Surprisingly, they all shook my hand, and I awkwardly sat there, basking on the attention of four boys who I barely knew.

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