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 "Lucas, you're going to Audrey's party, right?"

Lucas had been bombarded by a lot of questions his whole life but not one pissed him off like this question. Kyle's friends had been asking him the same question repeatedly and he was trying not to punch each one of them.

Lucas had already told each and every single one of them that he would be going but it seemed as though they were ganging up to annoy him. He was still trying to unclench his fists when a girl in pigtails bumped into him.

"Shit," he cursed, tumbling down the floor along with the girl.

Lucas winced. His feet were aching from the fall and he was trying hard to be silent. He was already pissed and he didn't want to blow up on the helpless girl. Lucas turned to the girl to ask if she was alright but he was surprised to find out that she was running away from them.

"Serves her right," said Tristan, rolling his eyes. "Why is she even that clumsy?"

"Are you alright, bro?" asked Samuel.

If this was in the past, he would've cursed and complained but Lucas knew that if he did that, he would appear weak among Kyle's group and that's the last thing he wanted to happen. He brushed off his pain and stood up, trying not to wince at how badly it was aching.

"What the hell! Of course I'm alright," said Lucas nonchalantly, brushing off dust from his jeans. He turned to the direction the girl went and fake-scowled. "That girl better not run into me again."

Tristan chuckled. "That's the spirit!"

Lucas grinned before turning away and glaring at the wall. He was pissed, beyond pissed, at Kyle's group. They were cruel, so cruel, so unlike the old Kyle. But it didn't matter now. What mattered was him fitting in with Kyle's group. That's the only way he could become successful.

A voice distracted Lucas from his thoughts. "May I talk to you for a minute?"

Lucas turned around and his eyes widened for a split second before turning back to normal.

"Of course," he replied, blankly staring at Kyle.

As soon as they were far enough from his friends, Kyle slammed Lucas on the wall. Lucas felt as though his head was torn apart. His shoulders and head were both aching from the push and since he was bumped earlier, his feet ached even more.

"What the hell are you doing?" asked Lucas, glowering at Kyle.

Kyle scoffed. "Don't try to fool me with your petty act. You may have fooled my friends and the school but just make one mistake and I'll make you pay for everything."

Lucas tasted blood in his lips. Kyle had just punched him and the thing was he didn't want to fight back.

"I'm not fooling anyone."

Kyle narrowed his eyes. "Mark my words, Parker. You may have made new friends but I'm still your enemy."

He punched Lucas one more time before leaving him. Lucas reached for his phone and called the museum, telling them he was sick today and couldn't go to work. He also sent Tristan a text that he had to take care of something so he would leave already.

As Lucas walked back home, only Kyle's words played on his mind.

I'm still your enemy.

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