Chapter 1

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Kylie's POV

Only a couple more hours. I've been telling myself this since I got out of bed this morning. Only a couple more hours until this stupid day is over. Today is my 18th birthday, and it sucking. For 3 months now I have not asked for one thing from anyone except to have my best friend come home. And where is he? In stupid LA for promoting a movie. My bestfriend is Ansel Elgort, he's a new actor, and don't get me wrong, I love that he gets to live out his dream, but I hate that he doesn't have enough time for me anymore.

We have been bestfriends since I was eight and his mom enrolled him in my ballet class. He complained about it a lot, but sucked it up. We got along great and so did our parents. We even went on vacations together. We've been inseparable since we met. He gets me like no one else.

Finally the last period bell rings and school let's out. I only have 2 months left then I'll graduate. I make my way to my locker and throw my books in.

"Are you riding with me today?" I hear someone ask from beside me. It's Zach. My boyfriend.

"I just want to get home." I say

"Well I can get you there." He says. He sounds aggravated which he probably is.

"Ok" I say and we walk hand in hand to his car.

I started dating Zach when I was sixteen. I really just started dating him to rebell against my mom. My mom is the kind of person that focuses on how she looks. She's a doctor and it's all about appearance with her. And frankly, having a sixteen year old daughter with a seventeen year old boyfriend that looks like a drug dealer isn't really good for appearances

It's not like Zach's really a drug dealer, but he does throw off the appearance of one. He's really tall, and has quite a bit of tattoos, and his ears are gauged. Not exactly my type, but like I said, I was rebelling. I would have broken up with him, but I just grew to enjoy his company. Well not exactly his, but somebody's that doesn't yell at me for eating with my elbows on the table.

It's just me and my mom. My dad left when I was 13. Can you blame him? My mom controlled him as much as anyone else. My sister, Kate, is the only thing my mom has to be proud of. Kate is a doctor as well, she's 25 and married with a baby on the way. Her husband, Matt, is an engineer of some sort. The perfect family in my mom's eyes. She's still trying to have a perfect family. She has a fiancée, but he doesn't live with us yet, and I don't plan to be at the house when he moves in.

"Hello?" Zach says. I realize he asked me a question, but I was too lost in thought to hear him.

"What?" I ask. He takes a pack of cigarettes out of the back pocket of his jeans. Smoking is about the worst thing he does. You'd think he'd be into pot or something, by the way he looks. He sticks a cigarette in between his teeth and lights it.

"I asked if you were going to mope around for the rest of the day or if you actually want to do something with me." He says

"I don't want to do anything, Zach. I just want to go to bed." I say taking the cigarette out of his mouth and throwing it out of the window.

"Why? Because your boyfriend didn't get to come? Sorry I'm not as sspecial as he is."

"You know it's not like that." I say, but actually it kind of is. For me anyway. I've had feelings for Ansel since I was 13, and he helped me cope with my dad leaving and a bunch of other things I was going through at that time that my mom had no time to help me with.

"Sure" Zach says.

"if you don't trust me then why are we together?" I ask

"Seriously? We're going to go there?" He asks.

More Than friends. (An Ansel Elgort Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now