Chapter 13

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Ansel's POV

"Dude. You need to take a break." My friend and roommate Pierce tells me.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, not taking my eyes from my laptop.

He sits on the coffee table beside me, a bowl of cereal in his hands. He gives me a 'what do you think I'm talking about look' but I pretend to not know what he mean.

"You've been on the couch on your laptop for three days since you've got back." he says

I close my laptop and turn to him. "Look dude, I appreciate the concern but I'm fine. Can we leave it at that?"

Pierce shrugs and walks to the kitchen. I lay back on the couch and cover my face with a pillow. I scream into it then throw it across the room. When I open my eyes, Pierce is standing there giving me a smug look as if he's saying "I told you, dumbass"

"What?" I snap

"Nothing. Me and Jerome were planning on going to Seaside Heights tomorrow to go to the boardwalk and stuff. Wanna go?" He asks.

As much as I just want to be miserable right now, the offer is intriguing so I decide to go. Once he leaves I open my laptop again and go back to work.

Kylie's POV

I wake up and almost forget where I am. Then I remember everything that happened and I remember that I stayed at my sister, Kate's house. I get up and walk downstairs. She's standing over the stove, flipping pancakes.

I see a bunch of dishes in the sink and I walk over and start doing them. I hope she doesn't ask why I'm here but I know she will. It's not every day that I volunteer to see Kate, much less sleep over at her house.

"You don't have to do those, Kylie." She says.

"I know. But I am." I try to say without sounding too rude.

She laughs and starts piling pancakes on top of a plate.

"Are you feeding the army?" I ask

"No. Matt's niece, Addison is here." She says.

"Oh. Why didn't you tell me?" I ask.

"Is it important?"

I shrug. I take a seat at the table as she puts the food on it. A few moments later her husband, Matt walks in.

"Hey, Kyles! I didn't know you'd be here!" He says.

Matt and Kate had been best friends since kindergarten so I know him really well and we've always got along.

"it was kind of a last minute thing." I tell him.

"Well you're always welcome." He says ruffling my hair. "Nice hair. It suits you."

I thank him as some girl around my age walks in. She takes me in as she says good morning to Kate and Matt.

"Addison, this is my sister Kylie." Kate tells her.

"Nice to meet you." Addison says, holding her hand out to me. How weird I think to myself but shake it anyway.

"Kylie, Addison has never been on the east coast before." Kate tells me. I just nod, because what the fuck do I care?

"We were going to go to the Jersey Shore tonight and stay until tomorrow. Do you want to come?" Matt asks.

This actually excites me. The boardwalk is one of my favorite places. I agree, of course.

"Great! We'll be leaving soon." Kate says.

"Okay. I should go get some clothes." I say. I stand up and grab my keys.

"Hey Kyles, you should take Addison. She hasn't gotten to get out much. And you guys could be great friends." Matt calls out.

I mentally roll my eyes. I swear if this girl starts talking about boys and shit I will throw her out of my car. I don't say that out loud of course. I just smile and tell her to come on.

The first half of the drive is silent. Most people would think it'd be awkward, but it just makes it more easy for me to pretend she's not there.

"Your sister is really nice." She says after a while.

I never understood why people say stuff like that. Like 'your mom is a great cook' or 'your dad is a great man' like how is that a compliment to you?

"Okay." Is all I say.

"I'm sorry if I say something stupid. I don't really get along with most of the girls back home. All they talk about is how their hair looks and about clothes." She says nervously.

"Yeah. Same." I say.

"I really like your hair." She throws in.

I giggle to myself on behalf of her contradiction. She said all of her friends talk about how their hair looks then she talks about mine.

"Thanks. I like yours too." I say.

And I actually do. It's really long and curly and a pretty brown color.

"Okay. I just need to run in and get clothes. I'll be back." I tell her.

I make it to my room and I get packed before I run into my mom in the hallway.

"Where were you?" She asks.

"Does it matter?" I snap.

"Yes it does. You owe me an explanation." She says.

"I don't owe you anything." I sneer. I walk past her and down the stairs.

"Todd is moving in tomorrow." She calls down the stairs.

I run back up them and past her. "then I'm moving out." I say

I pack a lot of my stuff into my suitcases. I don't feel like making more than one trip, so I push open my window and I start throwing out the suitcases that don't have anything breakable.

"You don't have to do this, Kylie." My mom says from behind me.

I turn around to her. "I do actually. I've told you that I was moving out when he moved in."

"it doesn't have to be this way. Why can't you just stay here? We can be a fam-" she stops herself.

"A what, mom? A family? No we couldn't. We were a family before. I don't want to get a family with him. I know how step parents work. He's gonna move in and think he knows me, knows what's best for us. I'm not being a part of that."

I walk out of the room and outside. I pick up the bags I threw out the window and put them in my car. Addison gets out to help me but I tell her I got it.

When I'm about to get in my car my mom opens the front door.

"Why can't you just accept that I'm happy?" She asks.

I put on my sunglasses and look away from her.

"For the same reason you can't accept that I'm not." I say.

I get in the car and drive off. Addison starts to talk but I just shake my head, trying to silence her. It works. At this point I would be talking to Ansel about this. But he, like myself, hates me.

I thought all I wanted to do was sit in my room and cry. But right now all I want to do is get out of New York. My excitement for Seaside Heights grows the closer we get. I want to forget about my mom, Zach, and even Ansel for a little while.

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