Chapter 3

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Ansel's POV

We lay in silence for awhile. The moon shines through the window onto Kylie's wall that all of her pictures and posters are on. She has posters of Jennifer Lawrence, Shai (woodley), one of me from a Rolling Stones magazine, and quite a few of Josh Hutcherson posters. Her pictures include one that she took with Josh Hutcherson at the premier for Journey 2. Then she has pictures of some family and friends and a lot of me and her. Us in class, on vacations, parties..etc.

"Remember when we used to do this all the time?" I ask her.

"Do what? Stay the night?" She asks.


"Yes. I remember a lot." She says.

Does she mean when we kissed? Does she remember that? And what would she do if I kissed her now?

" what?" I ask

"Like ballet class. And that day before the party when you tried to show me how to kiss." She says.

So she was talking aabout the kiss.


Kylie's POV

Wow. Did I really just say that?

"How'd you feel about it?" He asks trying to sound nonchalant.

What do I say? It was the best moment of my life? What if he don't like me? But why else would he ask? And want me to break up with Zach so bad?

"It..was..The best kiss I've had." I whisper. That shouldn't be too bad. I've only kissed him and Zach so that don't prove anything.

"Me too." He says.

That proves A LOT. Ansel has had quite a few of girlfriends and kisses. Does he like me? At that moment he leans up and rests on his elbow, through the moonlight shining through the window I can see his face. He leans down to me. Is this happening? He holds my face in his hand. This is happening. His lips meet mine. This should not be happening. But I don't want it to stop. I am making out with my bestfriend. My bestfriend that I'm in love with. And there's nothing I'd rather be doing.

I tangle my hands in his hair and pull him toward me. I push him back and I move on top of him with each of my legs on either side of his. He moves his hands down my back and rests them on my hips. I don't want to stop.

But I do.

I pull back and we're both gasping for air. He looks at me concerned.

"I need a minute." I say. I run across the room to my bathroom and sit on the floor with my elbows on my knees and my face in my hands.

I want to be with Ansel so bad. But what if it doesn't work out? I can't lose my best friend. He's all I have.

I calm myself down. I splash some water on my face, and walk back out. Ansel is asleep on my bed. I crawl over top of him and lay down against his side with my head on his chest. I fall asleep shortly after that.


Ansel's POV

When I wake up in the morning I forget where I am, but I see Kylie laying beside me. I instantly get a smile on my face. I get up carefully trying not to wake her. I walk over to the bathroom and splash some water on my face to wake me up. It doesn't work so I give up and get some clothes out of my car and I take a shower.

When I get out Kylie is still asleep so I go downstairs and start some coffee. My stomach growls so I start making some eggs and bacon. Even after the food is done she hasn't woke up so I decide To take her some breakfast.

I set everything on her table by her bed. I lean over and kiss her on her forehead. Her eyes open.

"Goodmorning" I say. Her face lightens up and she smiles.

"Morning!" She says. She sniffs the air and looks at the food. "Awh thanks, Ansel!"

"No problem!"

We sit in silence while she eats.

When she gets done she scoots over and pats the bed beside her and I smile and sit beside her. I stretch my arm and she leans into my side. We lay there for a few minutes. I run my hand over her hair. She seems deep in thought so I let her have some time.

"Thanks for staying with me last night." She says.

"Of course. It turned out to be a real nice time." I tell her

She's quiet again. Is she thinking about the kiss we had?

"Yeah about that.." she starts. Uh oh. "I don't think that should happen again."


Kylie's POV.

As much as I didn't want to say it, I did. I look at Ansel. The Hurt on his face is very obvious.

"Why?" He asks. "Don't you like me?"

"I-" I start to say. I don't want anything to change.

"Because I really like you Kye. A lot. I think I love you." He says.

My stomach does flips in my stomach. I want to kiss him so bad. I want to be with him. But I can't.

"No. I don't like you." I lie.

"You're lying." He says.

"Ansel. If we didn't work out then I don't know what I'd do. I can't not have you as my bestfriend." I say, tears start to fall down my face.

Ansel takes my face in his hands, brushing my tears away with his thumbs.

"That won't happen." He says.

"How could you know that?" I ask

"I-.. I guess I don't." He says


"You are a lot smarter than me." He laughs.

"Well duh." I say pushing him in the floor.

"That's rude!" He yells. I stick my tounge put at him and he grabs my ankle and pulls me off the bed.

I fall down and start kicking him. He smacks at my legs and I jump on his stomach, setting on him with a leg on each of his sides. I pin his arms down, and his legs kick behind me.

"Hey! That's not fair!" He yells. I smirk. He smirks back and I know I'm in trouble.

He uses all of his might to push me off of him then he lays down on top of me pinning my body down with his. I squirm under him, but there's no way I'm getting out of it.

"Jerk." I mutter. He laughs. His face gets serious and he's looking at my lips. He glances at my eyes then back down to my lips. He leans his head down and kisses me.

Since he was pinning me down there's not much resisting I could do, not that I wanted to resist. We kiss more. He frees my arms and instead of pushing him back like I should have I slide my fingers up his back and onto the back of his neck. His hands go from my shoulders moving slowly toward my hips. Once they get there his hands slip under my shirt and rest on my side before moving back down to the top of my shorts. He starts to slide them under the waistband.

"Ansel." I am barely out of breath. His hand stops, but he continues to kiss me.

We should really stop. I tell myself, but I don't want to. He moves his mouth to my neck and continues kissing. We should stop. I try to convince myself. His hand moves further down beneath the waistband of my shorts..pretty much in my shorts. I definitely need to stop this. I can not hook up with my bestfriend.

"Okay Ansel." I say.

He stops kissing me and pulls back.

"I'm sorry." He says moving off me. He sets against the wall.

"It's okay." I say catching my breath.

"And you said you didn't like me." He smirks.

I push him playfully. "Shut up." I say blushing.

More Than friends. (An Ansel Elgort Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now