Chapter 19

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Kylie's POV

We break away from the kiss. Ansel is back in my life. Not in the way I want him to be, but I'll take what I can get.

"So we can talk? Do you wanna stay here? Or go get something to eat." He asks.

I sigh and look at the sky. "I wanna go home." I say.

He doesn't say anything back so I look at him. He's looking at his boots. He nods. "To Zach." He says.


He looks at me. "You said you want to go home. To Zach's."

Out of habit, I reach over and iintertwine my fingers with his. "No, I want to go to my home. And I want to lay in my bed in my room, and talk to you like old times." I say.

A grin spreads across his face. "Okay." He smirks. He stands up and grabs me and starts carrying piggyback style.

I wrap my arms around his neck, enjoying being close to him. I can't even hide my smile anymore. I put my hands over his eyes and he laughs and staggers around. He almost walks in to someone and he apologizes.

We get in the car and head to my old house. My home. When we get there, I'm relieved to see no one is home. I unlock the door with me key and Ansel and I go to my room.

I push him on the bed and I go to my bathroom to take a quick shower. I get out and dress in a tank top and pajama shorts. I run a brush through my hair and I walk back out. He's laying in my floor watching a basketball game.

He's laying on his stomach, so I walk over and sit on his back and mess up his hair.

"Hey now." He says. He turns over, so I'm sitting on his stomach, straddling him. "That's not nice."

He takes one of my hands in each of his and intertwines our fingers together.

"I never claimed to be nice, Elgort." I joke.

He raises an eye brow. I grin. Before I know it, I'm leaning in to kiss him.

My lips brush his. I hesitate.

"Kylie" he whines.

I grin against his mouth and push my lips to his. It's like a few weeks ago. We're trying to be friends, but yet were making out on my bedroom floor.

We're trying to be friends.

I pull back.

He nods agreeing.

We get up and lay down on my bed. I curl up to his side. I trace patterns into his t-shirt as he runs his fingers through my hair.

"Do you miss being here?" He asks.

I think about it as I draw invisible hearts and stars. "I don't know. I guess sometimes. Mostly I just miss being comfortable." I say.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, at home I don't have to worry about keeping my room clean or making sure everything is perfect. It's just not comfortable living at Zach's. Not because of's just weird living with someone else's parents." I admit.

He's silent, lost in thought. "So live with me." He says.

It takes me off guard. Live with Ansel? I mean I guess it's not that big of an issue. I always planned on living with him one day. But would it complicate what we're trying to do with the whole friends thing? Not that this is what I want anyway.

"Can I?" I ask.

"Yes. I mean I'm really busy right now but I'll still be home a lot. And Peirce is making his music so he won't be home a lot. I think you'll like it." He says.

"Okay. I will." I agree.

He smiles at me. "Good."

"Do you have feelings for Zach? Because If you can date him...of that's what you want" he says.

It takes me off guard and crushes me at the same time.

"Do you not want to be with me?" I ask. Tears are forming at my eyes and some spill over.

Hurt enters his eyes. He wipes the tears off my face.

"Of course I do, baby. It's just hard right now. And if you want to date someone then you should." He says softly. " I want you to be happy."

My stomach flutters when he called me that.

"I don't want to date just anyone. I want to date you. And I'm happy when I'm around you, Ansel." I say.

He frowns, but a gleam in his eyes tells me that I said everything he wanted me to.

"We'll be together again, Kye. I promise." He tells me.

I nod, and wipe the remaining tears from my eyes. Why do I cry so much? I laugh at myself.

"It's late." He says.

"Stay with me." I breathe.

"Oh, won't you stay with me? Cause you're all I need, this ain't love, it's clear to see, but darling, stay with me" he sings.

I laugh at him. "Of course I will." He says.

He excuses himself to take shower and gets some clothes that he keeps here out of a dresser drawer and goes to the bathroom.

I pick up my phone and see a missed call from my mom and Zach. I call my mom first.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Hey mom. You called?"

"Yes..I just wanted to tell you that I had to go to Denver for a few days for work." She says.

Sometimes she has to go places for doctor stuff. It's happened before.

"Oh.." I say.

"I didn't tell you before, because I thought you wouldn't care to know."

I sigh. "Of course I care, mom. I'm sorry for the way I've been acting. I'm at your house now. Can I stay here?"

"it's okay, honey. And of course you can. It's still your home." She says.

I smile. "Thanks mom. I love you."

"I love you too, Kylie."

We hang up and I see that Zach has already texted me.

From: Zach

Where are you? Are you ok?

From: Me

To: Zach

Yes I'm fine. I'm at my mom's. Just needed to get away.

From: Zach

Oh okay. Everything is okay? I heard Ansel is back. Did you talk?

From: me

To: Zach

Yes. Everything is great. We've decided to be friends for a while. He's staying with me tonight. I'm tired..I'll call you in the morning!

I turn my phone off as Ansel walks out of the bathroom. He's wearing basketball shorts. He crawls in beside me.

"I smell like a chick" he says.

I laugh. I forgot to get more of the body wash he likes. He usually keeps some here for when he stayed over.

"It's not funny!" He complains.

"You smell nice!" I laugh. I'm so tired, I can barely keep my eyes open, even when we're joking.

"Go to sleep, Kye." He says.

"Okay. Goodnight chick" I giggle.

"Haha funny." He says.

He starts to sing Stay with me and I'm asleep withing seconds.

More Than friends. (An Ansel Elgort Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now