Chapter 20

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Kylie's POV

Ansel has work to do today, so I've just been at Kate's today hanging it with Addison.

"So how are things with Ansel?" She asks.

I take a drink of my coffee. "Good."

She whines. "C'mon! You have to give me more details than that!"

I laugh. "We are though. We've been hanging out, and he has stayed with me at my mom's the past two nights, and later today I'm moving my stuff into his apartment."

Her mouth drops. "You're moving in!?" She exclaims.

I shrug. "Yeah. Separate rooms. We're just being friends."

"You can't just be friends with Ansel freaking Elgort!" She squeals.

Her comment kind of makes me mad. She doesn't know him. All she knows is he's cute and an actor. She don't know anything about it. But I got to remember. She's a fan. I got to cut her some slack.

"I can't. Because I know who he is." I point out.

She blushes and apologizes.

"It's okay. I just mean. I have real feelings for him. We know each other better than anyone else. It's hard, but it's what he needs right now." I say.

"Awwwh. That's so sweet. Putting his feelings before yours." She says.

"Isn't that what you're supposed to do for the people you love?" I ask.

I pick up our plates and carry them into the kitchen. I finish off my coffee and rinse out my cup, before filling it with water and taking ask drink.

"Wait you love him?" She asks.

I lean against the counter. Clutching the cup to my chest.

"I love him as a person. Maybe more. I'm just afraid to admit it." I say.

She sees that I'm uncomfortable with the 'L' word so she changes the subject.

"Okay. Well, do you need help moving?" She asks.

I glance at the clock. I have a few minutes before I need to go to work. I told my boss I'd work a short shift before moving tonight.

I shake my head. "No, Jerome is gonna help me."

She perks up. "The hot french boy from the pier?" She asks.

I laugh. "That's the one."

"Can I pleeeease come" she begs.

"No, we got it." I laugh. "I'll hook you up though."

She gasps in delight. I shake my head and head off to work.


I only worked a 5 hour shift at work and I'm off now. I walk into my room at Zach's where all my stuff Is packed. Jerome will be here in a few minutes to help me move.

I find some shorts and a shirt so I change out of my work clothes. I sit on the bed and wait for Jerome.

A knock at the door startles me. I turn to see who it is. Zach leans against the door frame. A cigarette tucked behind his ear. His eyes take in the room.

"So this is it, huh?" He asks.

"You act like I'm moving to a different country." I tease.

"Hey half way across New York? Into the city? You could be." He laughs.

He stuffs his hands in his pockets and walks over to sit by me. I lay my head on his shoulder.

"I'm moving." He whispers.

More Than friends. (An Ansel Elgort Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now