Chapter 9 ( TFIOS spoilers if you havent read the book then ew on you)

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Kylie's POV

"Why can't I just do my hair and makeup myself?" I ask Ansel's stylist for the millionth time.

"Because it's essential that your hair doesn't look like Shai's." She says.

"I didn't know what her hair looked like when I cute mine!" I argue.

"That's not what anyone is saying." Ansel says.

"Get out." I yell, throwing a hairbrush at him. He ducks behind the door.

"Why don't you spike her hair?" He asks the stylist, popping a handful of skittles in his mouth.

We both just look at him. He shrugs. "You know. Like a faux hawk. Just lay the sides flat the spike the middle." He says.

The stylist looks at my hair and flips some pieces around. "That would look great. Especially with the edgy look were going for." She gets to work gelling my hair. Ansel winks and walks out. I sit in the chair and pout.

"This is so boring." I pout.

"Ansel's excited." She says, a clip in her mouth.

"I know. But I could of done all this on my own." I point out.

"Oh please. You would brush it back and wear shorts and a t-shirt. I'm a stylist sweetie, and I can tell you wouldn't try."

I laugh, partly because she's right and partly because if I don't I'll jump out the plane window from aggravation.

"Have you ever been to California?" She asks.

"Nope. I've never been out of New York."

"You'll love it." She says.

"That's what Ansel told me."

Were silent for the rest of the time. I have to get ready on the plane because we won't have time when we get back. We have to go straight from the airport to the premier.

I'm a nervous wreck as we get in the limo. I pull at the hem of the short dress I'm wearing, and roll my eyes as myself. It's pointless. It's this black lace thing that is see through. I have very short black shorts underneath it and a black bra type thing, I forgot what she called it. So It's pretty much like I'm in my under clothes. After finding out I can't wear heals very well (I feel at least 5 times and sprained my ankle) the stylist let me where black converse and think black sock things that come up to my thigh.

She spiked my hair like Ansel said, and put diamond earrings in my ears. As for my makeup it's pretty much natural except for my eye shadow where she did a smoky eye look.

I start biting at my freshly manicured nails, and Ansel takes my hand in his. I smile at him.

"I'm so nervous." I say.

"Me too." He admits. That's about it for conversation.

Since this is Ansel's biggest premier, his manager had to tell me what to do. I'm supposed to stay with him as he greets fans, then when he gets to interviewers I'm supposed to go with a stage hand or whatever while he takes pictures with everyone there. I stare, open-mouthed, as she goes over all this.

"it'll be okay." She smiles. I just nod.

You can hear the screaming teens before we even get there. Ansel automatically smiles. I roll my eyes. I'm ready for them all to hate me. Especially now with what I'm wearing. I mean, if we're being honest I'd probably pick this anyway, but not for the first time I'll meet famous people.

"John is already here." Ansel's manager tells him. He nods.

"Wait." I say, grabbing his arm. "John? John who?"

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