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"When you angry. Be Silent."(Bukhari)


I stared at him disbelief and took a deep breath. Then replied his question, "I-I-I sa-said emh.. Please don't hurt me or kill me or rape me or whatever you want to do to me. You-," he then snapped at me, stopping me for saying another thing he thought I shoudn't have said.

"Stop right there, east girl," he warned me. Great! Now everyone was gonna call me east girl. Damn you Reed Powell! Him calling me east girl, made me on my edge, immediately forget all about his damn attractiveness and his threathening way to enter my dorm. I couldn't believe that two embarassing events was not enough for me now I had to deal with this kind of thing too? Could today have any more mess than it already is?

"Don't judge me! Just because I'm wearing a headscradt doesn't mean that I'm an east girl. I'm not from the east by the way. What is wrong with you Americans? Not all Muslims are from the east or specifically from middle east. You are all so stereotypical human being," I said angryly and definsively losing my patience for real. I just wanted to rest. I need my sleep. That was right never disturb a lady when she was about to sleep or you want to take a risk.

"Look! Who is talking?", he said with so much intense in his voice while looking around the dorm for a few seconds and narrowed his eyes at me continued, "You don't even know me, yet, you are the one who JUDGING me by fucking accusing me that I'll rape you or hurt you or even the worst kill you? Seriously? Are you that insecure that made you think so negative about me?"

"Now, who is judging me? Seriously?!", that was my turn to look around thinking what the right words to said and I looked back at me him and started again, "What do you think I should have said or did when you are entering my dorm without my permission. You can't blame me. I'm a girl and you are a boy coming into my dorm without my permission in the middle of the night. What do you want me to think? That I should have greet you or something?", I asked him as I exhaled deeply anough to let it out of my lung.

"I did knock your door, you know," he said defensively and quietly while staring at with unreadable expression. And that little information just really caught me off guard.

"What? I definitely didn't hear it! Wait, wait, wait, masya Allah*, I'm sorry. I was taking my nap when you are knocking my door, I guess," I answered him while broke down on the wooden chair near the northern window.

"Hey, relax!", he said while took a sit in front of me and continue after settled himself down the wooden chair, "No. I should have the one who apologive here. I should have knocking harder or said some greeting when I was inside the dorm and saw you sleeping on your bed. I'm really sorry for making you afraid like that."

"Well, I'm sorry for judging you either. I should have asked you. Not freaked out like that."

"Nah, I understand. Well, you are a girl by the way," he said smugly. When I heard his excuse, I immediately sat straight on my chair and narrowed my eyes suspiciously at him, "What do you mean by that?"

"Shit! I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by that. I swear!", he stated and aplogetically looked at me with his puppy eyes. Oh my God! My heart! Then, out of nowhere I was laughing when I saw his puppy expression. I had never seen an young adult guy who can pull it off until he came. He is so adorable, I said to myself. And I heard him suddenly saying, "Thank you. You are cute too."

"Did I just said it out loud?", I asked disbelief.

"You are," he said playfully trying so hard to hold his laughter.

"Oh!", could my day anymore embarassing??

"Hey! By the way, I'm Adam Colvert. It's so nice to meet you," he said teasingly while raise his right hand in front of me to shake it.

"I know right," I agreed with him as I smiled at him widely. Cause I knew for sure what he meant by 'nice'. Well, what could I say? It was nice meeting him in such a weird situation. Haha. I then continued my introduction, "Nice to meet you too, Adam. I'm Unnisa Zahra. You can call me, Nisa."


*Masha Allah literally means Allah has willed it and can be equal as oh my god, culturally.


Marhaban Ya Ramadhan!!! Happy fasting to Muslims all around the world! Hope you are all can finish this holy month without a hole. Wassalamu'alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuuh. ^^


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