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"Words are under your control until you speak them. But, you come under their control once you have spoken them." (Ali bin Abi Thalib)


I continued to walk around Manhattan after Colvert left me be. I didn't realized that my foot brought me to the west side of Upper Manhattan till I found Broadway stood proudly in front of me. Ma sha Allah, never in my mind, it would come the day that I myself standing in front of building that has so much pride in it. I looked around the neighborhood then I found the nearest zebra cross I could find. I hurriedly stepped on the black and white printed street when the speaker near the traffic light speak loudly that the countdown began.

It was kind of hectic, you know. Different from Indonesian's people who just walked across the street wherever they wanted to be in the opposite side of the street, Americans are very discipline. I saw no Americans who walked across the street other than on zebra cross.

Don't get me wrong, I love my country to death. Merdeka!*

But, I couldn't deny the fact about my own country's flaw. But, it was okay. Because I knew how much my government want to educate their people. The government even made the state school in my country from elementary till junior high school to be free in charge not like when I was in school. Today's student were very lucky. All they need to do now was study properly. So, they could repay the country they lived and raised in.

All the thought I had then went blurry as I stood there in front of Broadway, grinning to myself. Feeling so proud that finally I could actually see this building in front of my own eyes. You maybe bored of me right now, because the number of how many times I repeat myself that I proud just by standing in front of Broadway. But, could you blame me? I was a sucker for a historic building.

I just stood there with my head looked up at the Broadway's marquee. I didn't really care about the ray of the sunshine shine through a space of the building right to me. All I cared about was the building itself. Subhanallah, next time I myself who would come inside the Broadway and took one of five hundred seats in there. Yeah, I honestly and definitely would. To tell you the truth, I didn't understand about theater but, I definitely understand that Broadway is one of the stage that all actresses, actors, directors and theatergoer would dream of. So, I felt so proud that I could stand in front of it now.

I didn't know maybe because I was too focus on the building, it made me didn't realize that I was standing there like nothing around me was matter until someone put his palm on my mouth and his other hand had gone to my tummy then grabbing my waist hard.

Ouch! It hurts.

I knew I need to fight. I couldn't let it happen. I needed to fight it. I tried my very hardest to free myself from his strong grip and ask people help with my eyes that fortunately they didn't cover. But, no one care. I tried again. But, zero. Nada*. Nol*. Nihil*. No one even dared to look at my way. They just narrowed their eyes at me then looked away. How could they be so ignarance like this? Why didn't they want to help me? Why didn't they help me? How could human be like this? Were they even really human?

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