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"The value of smile is it cost nothing. But, creates much good." (Unknown)


Ugh was my first reaction when Peter said that Powell has his attention to me. I meant why it had to be me? Was it because I am a muslim girl?

Like he never seen any other muslim girl in his life.

'Geez, control your irritation! Enough with your judgement. You said it to yourself that you didn't like judgemental people yet, you were the one who judging Powell right now?!' I was mentally screaming at myself for being so judgemental. But, could you blame me? I just couldn't help it. I was freaking out that even if a total stranger knew me. How in the world I could face my fellow university's students that maybe just maybe knew me too? Okay, now, I was being a coward.

Geez Nisa, you were all alone in someone else's country and it won't help if you thought so badly about what would happen next. Haven't our God, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in Holy Qur'an said that we can't be put before Him and His Messenger (peace be upon him) but, fear Allah? [Qur'an Suraat. 49. Al-Hujuraat : 1]

 Al-Hujuraat : 1]

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Astaghfiru Allah. Astaghfiru Allah. Astaghfiru Allah. I said it again and again before I felt calmer inside my chest. Gladly, it didn't take more than five seconds for me to feel the easiness again in my heart, my mind and my soul.

Oh God, Thank You, Allah. Thank You, Allah. Thank You, Allah.

I wonder why Powell had to be like that? I meant why couldn't he just be chill and cool like he always act in front of other people? I felt grateful that I didn't have to face him. Because we have different major. That was, at least, made me more concern in my study than thinking about what kind of insult or name Powell would throw at me next time.

But, my inner angel has whispered in my right ear and reminded me, 'You are being negative again, Nis!'

O Allah, I'm sorry!

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