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"he came for her crown, she left with his head."

"I should have been there," Wolf rasped through the phone. I sniffled in response.

"I'm just glad I escaped before he killed me," I whispered, hearing Wolf's heavy breathing on the line.

"Fuck," he muttered before I heard a loud bang! He'd punched something. "Babygirl, you're a weapon, and weapons don't weep. We'll take care of it."

I stared blankly at my new, empty apartment wall, wondering what I should do next. I literally had no one anymore. I had pushed everyone I loved away. And the ones I craved were fairly abusive and shitty. Trace was furious with me, Brynn was cold and dead six feet under, Wolf was about to go AWOL like he does when he can't handle reality. I let my thoughts continue, self-destructive and stinging, as I watched the storm outside. It was pouring, the sounds muffled through the thick 4th story glass.

Sudden banging at the front door startled me, and I scrambled to get up. I hung up the phone without saying bye. My bare feet were cold on the hard wood floors as I unbolted the latch and opened the door quickly.

A drenched Angel stood in front of me. His blonde hair was all over the place, his red flannel sticking to his skin. His blue eyes were nearly black and dangerous, raindrops on his cheeks. I automatically took a step back, unsure of what to do next. He wasn't supposed to be here.

Angel stalked inside, slamming my front door shut. Okay, so he was definitely pissed. I turned my back, padding into the kitchen and pouring us both a cup of tea. I added sugar and milk, just the way he liked it. I left his mug on the counter, not meeting his eyes as I walked back towards the open floor plan near my bedroom. I sank into the oversized chair in front of the balcony, continuing to watch the rain.

"Riley." His deep voice echoed throughout the bedroom. I didn't bother to look up at him. I nervously picked at a hole in my black leggings. I hummed lowly in response.

"Are you really fucking avoiding me??"

My head snapped up as I met his eyes. His face was flushed, his chest heaving up and down as he stood near my bed. He circled around, watching me like a prey.

"Why do I constantly have to check up on you, like you're a fucking child?" His voice boomed, causing me to jump.

"So stop." I muttered, taking a sip of the warm tea in my hands.

He scoffed, throwing his head back and letting out a low laugh. "You're so ridiculous."

"You're the one who showed up here. I was giving you space." I murmured back, standing up and opening the balcony door. The storm outside screamed out, thunder booming loudly, causing me to jump again.

"Space doesn't really work with us." I heard his deep voice somewhere behind me.

I reached a hand out to the outside world, the cool rain calming me as it bit into my palm. It was beginning to hail onto the hard cement of the balcony. I watched with detached fascination as water leaked inside onto the wooden floors, but I ignored it.

"Well it should." I snapped, turning my face to meet his. "You practically have a girlfriend. Aspen? And a life with the MC." I raised my eyebrows, hoping to get my annoyance across. His mimicked mine. "So go live it, Angel."

He sighed heavily behind me. I flinched as I heard him throw his coffee mug against the wall. It shattered into hundreds of small shards. I abandoned the balcony door, slamming it shut as he picked up my bedside lamp and hurled it past my head. I jumped to the left, terrified.

Death Reapers MC: Angels to Ash Where stories live. Discover now