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"You and I are nothing but beasts, wearing human skin."

"It means she's still in there!" Wolf exclaimed, close to Trace's face. Spit flied in his emotional state.

Trace shot him a scathing look as he backed away and sat down at the head of the conference table, unbothered. He'd just called church as we were getting ready to leave for our hit on XXX-capades. "You said you told her to be out by midnight. She's not stupid."

I sat down next to Trace, mind racing, saying nothing. Neither did anyone else. No, she wasn't stupid, but she was determined. The club didn't have high thoughts about her, but I knew better. That's why I loved her. If anything she was passionate; passionate and so fucking crazy determined to find out the father of her niece. And she thought that would lead her to whoever killed her older sister. I got it.

Wolf stayed standing, yelling, "we have no idea what she walked into! It could have been a trap! They've kept her on lock down since we last tortured Rage, they could have realized we were planning something. God, Trace, don't do this." Wolf looked around the room, at Diablo, Wes, London, Cowboy, Kane, Twitch, me, and now, Papa, who'd return to us a shell of the rumored man he'd once been.

"Angel!" Wolf's eyes were on mine, looking like a man who's soul was on fire, his desperation permeating the air. "Tell them!"

I paused, making eye contact with my other brothers. It was decided, I could see it in their eyes. "She knows better. She'll be out of there in time."

Wolf staggered back, stricken. "And if she's not?" His voice was so thick with an unnamed emotion that it embarrassed me.

"She will be. She knows what's at stake. We warned them with Rage. You warned her just now. She'll show you where her loyalties lie." I turned away from him, not up to discussing it more any further.

"This is a big fucking mistake," Wolf grumbled, sitting in his chair, at the right of Trace, pouting.

Trace ignored him, getting to the reason why he called church. "First of all, let's welcome Papa. We're all so sorry for the loss of your son, Gentry. But we're glad you're back." Everyone clapped and Papa just nodded solemnly. His eyes were dead.

"Midnight, tonight, we end this. We hit the Raging Bastard's biggest source of income, their strip club, Raging XXX-capades." Trace nodded at Diablo.

Diablo spoke up, his accent thick. "Should be set up like a typical strip club, like Death's Sirens." Everyone nodded, acknowledging that. "Stages, flashing lights, a bar. Secret back rooms for customers wanting more."

I felt like I knew the area a little better than the rest of them and spoke up. "You walk in and the stages and seating is to the left. Then the bar is to the right. There's a long hallway after the bar. The rooms for private dances are in the very back of the hall. There's an "Office" to the immediate left after the stages and an unmarked door near the bar and show room."

Diablo opened his mouth and shut it a few times, "how do you... you know what, nevermind." He shook his head and chuckled lowly. I rose an eyebrow in response to that.

"Yeah..." I muttered, turning my attention back to Trace. He was frowning at me, understanding dawning in his eyes. Then he got grossed out and shivered, making a disgusted face.

"We want to hit them at their busiest time."

Everyone nodded in agreeance.

"Then let's do this," Kane stated, leaving the room. Everyone followed to gather the last of the equipment.

Death Reapers MC: Angels to Ash Where stories live. Discover now