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"I don't wanna wake it up, I don't wanna wake it up, I don't wanna wake it up, the devil in me."

I walked quietly towards room 317, my eyes wandering around the large, clean hospital. It was chilly and I pulled at my black stockings, my boots scuffing the clean floors. Nurses and aides bustled around busily, answering call bells and giving medications. They were always doing way more than the doctors.

My huge brown purse was heavy on my shoulder. I was smuggling shit in there that the hospital didn't allow their patients. What kind of best friend would I be if I didn't?

I stopped in front of Wolf's hospital door, my eyes trailing over the brail and large numbers. 3-1-7. I took a deep breath, knocking once and pushing through the door.

Wolf sat in his bed, his eyes glued to the flatscreen tv mounted on the wall across from him. Bad Girls Club was playing. I almost laughed, it was his favorite. I swear he acted just like those girls on the show. My heart froze at the sight of him.

He had an IV pumping fluids into his right arm. His eyes were swollen and blackened, his forehead covered with a bulky bandage. His left arm was in a sling. His bare chest had more bruises and cuts scattered across his tan tattooed skin.

His eyes finally met mine, his whole face lighting up

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His eyes finally met mine, his whole face lighting up. He winced immediately.

"Babygirl," Wolf rasped, reaching his arm out for me to come closer. The IV line strained against his movements. It made me nauseated.

Tears filled my eyes. "You fucking idiot! Who decides to drive their precious Harley into the way of speeding trucks?!" I shouted. I shut the door behind me quickly, watching as a nosy nurse began to poke her head around the corner. "That's not only stupid and reckless, Luca. That's you wanting to fucking die." My voice cracked on the word 'die.'

"I didn't want to sacrifice the club's van, our insurance sucks." Wolf smirked, his words joking but his deep blue eyes heavy with regret. He hated seeing me so upset. He knew I was thinking of all of the people I, we, had lost.

I scoffed, staying by the door, not sure if I wanted to stay. I was furious with him. Even more so now than yesterday, when Trace told me that Wolf was hit by a van, had a concussion, and was taken to the hospital because the club doctor was out of town. Something went wrong on their run.

I crossed my arms over my black sweater, glaring out of the only window in the room. I had more than one bone to pick with him.

"I think you're a man whore for fucking Aspen. She's done a lot of fucked up shit, and you! You know that!" I was fuming again, my cheeks growing hot.

Death Reapers MC: Angels to Ash Where stories live. Discover now