*Bonus Chapter* xi.5

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"And Imma break your heart
if you fucking with my head.
baby, I'll tear you apart
you leave me for dead.
you playing my love"
-stay alive, BEXEY

I met a boy who was so beautiful
I knew he was the one for me
Started with joy
You know the usual, got drunk and said
Come home with me
He was living for the dark
Bought me roses and took my heart
He was living for his art
Such a poet in the way he talked
But he don't love me
No, he don't love me
No, he don't wake up in the night and want me by his side


One of the blonde bimbos had been sucking my dick in the dark for almost an hour in my living room before my phone rang. She wasn't a redhead so I couldn't come. If I was anything, I was consistent.

Grizzly calling...

"Yeah?" I clipped, taking her light hair in my hand and choking her as I pushed down her throat. My release left me.

"Yo. Where's the party at?" His voice was far away, sounding like he was in a tunnel, through the whipping wind. He was on his bike.

"Not here." I murmured, sucking on a blunt. I exhaled, scooting back further into my leather couch as the bimbo licked at me like a kitten. "Why, what's up?" My thoughts immediately turned to my fucking obsession. The reason I woke up in the morning. The fucking pain in my ass, bane of my existence. Everything I did, was for her. About her.

"Just wondering, shit. You with your red headed Reaper, or what?" His voice irritated me to no end.

"Nah, dude. Someone else," I was cryptic on purpose. I didn't trust anyone in my sorry excuse for a 'club.' They were all conspiring against me. You're too brutal, you're fucking crazy, you gotta chill, you can't kill those people, they said. I was vice fucking president and everyone else was too pussy to actually enforce. I did what had to be done. I survive, and the Raging Bastards were lucky to have me.

"Bummer. She's got a mouth on her," Grizz replied, static whipping through the call. My vision slowly began to blur red around the edges. I grabbed the throat of the woman in front of me, squeezing blindly. How would he fucking know what mouth she had? Had they been together? She was fuckin' mine.

"Got a death wish, brother? Or you trying to fucking piss me off on purpose?" I shoved the blonde off me, shaking my hand in dismissal. She pouted, wiping her violet lips. I had a ring of purple on my junk, I swear to God.

"So testy. Just wondering if you're treating her right or if the Reapers are." Grizzly chuckled. I glared daggers at the blonde and she started to scramble, grabbing her shirt and purse before bolting out the front door. Finally.

I pictured her. Her long red hair, her stupid tattoos her brother gave her. Her pale porcelain skin. Her smell, something from Victoria's Secret. The way she would smirk at me. The fear in her eyes. The way she would fuck me, so good. Goddamn wildcat. I loved her with every ounce of my being. I'd die, kill anyone in my way for her. She was the exact opposite of her older sister. "Tell Shooter nice fucking try. Y'all gotta do better than that to get to me," I muttered, rubbing my hands over my face. Shooter had long been trying to take me down. Only because he knew I had the power and will to destroy him, completely annihilate his club. He was nothing to me. Anything they threw at me was cake to my past. A druggie of a mother, offering her little boy as payment to pimps for drugs. The nights I spent screaming for my absent dad were as lost as the Bastards concerns. My dad was an original Raging Bastard. Spent most of my life in prison, and I paid some Junkie to kill him, to shank him in the showers when I was 13. No one but Riley knew.

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