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"Did you really think that you could fix me?"

His tongue was so far down down her throat, I worried for their safety. How they could breathe I had no idea. It was kind of fascinating, like a National Geographic cheetah shredding apart an antelope mid-air. Or a car wreck, where you find out it's someone you know. I swear I could hear Aspen moaning from across the damn room. Angel grabbed a handful of her ass, his eyes opening in his passion, landing directly on me. I didn't think watching Angel all over other girls would bother me. I'd be lying if I said it didn't. The sex we had was fantastic, but that's all it had been and once again, I made him no promises. Wasn't it supposed to be the other way around? Don't girls usually get "attached" after being intimate with someone? He was furious with me, and looked like he was fucking a new girl every night to prove it.

I didn't see why we couldn't have both scratched each other's itches, mutually beneficial, if the time called for it. Friends with benefits? But Aspen was one of my least favorite people on the planet, so I lifted my lip and snarled at him, itching my eyebrow with my middle finger in their direction.

"Annnnnd, you're not even listening to me!" Graham Kane scoffed, leaning over and tweaking my nose. I turned and swatted at his hand as Dallas giggled, drunk. She stumbled into me from behind, reaching out for my long hair that had been flowing over my shoulders.

"Shut up. I am too." I blew him a kiss as Dallas started doing some weird braid thing in my hair, her vanilla scent soothing.

"So, what did I just say?" Kane asked, smiling slowly at me. He was a fucking heartbreaker and he knew it. Long dirty blonde hair, rich brown eyes, and a body built like a rancher. Except he was a fighter. He made the club a lot of money that way before he was sent to jail for a couple of years on multiple assault charges.

"You said blah, blah, blah, Riley, I'm a big meathead, I love you, blah. Let's do shots!" I stuck my tongue out at him, laughing. Dallas giggled again, pulling on my hair, her fingers working quickly. She secured the ends with a rubber band.

Kane rolled his eyes, scratching his beard as he stood and reached behind the bar for a vodka bottle and some glasses. "Uh huh. You're lucky you're so cute." He winked at me.

I blushed because I couldn't help myself

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I blushed because I couldn't help myself. Kane was a work of art when he was on top of his game. Deadly, beautiful, charming, funny, even kind when he wasn't pummeling someone in the fighting ring. Basically the devil.

"Ho now. She's taken, didn't you hear?" A sober Wolf joined our conversation, leaning his elbows on the bar and scanning the room. He quirked an eyebrow at me, just wanting to stir the pot because he was bored. Dallas had convinced him to work tonight for her so we could have a girl's night. Well, as much of a girl's night as we could have during a small 'club only' party on a Saturday. Kane had just crashed it.

"Mmm." Kane grinned, leaning his body back in his chair and splaying his legs open wide. His hands rested on his denim thighs. "Did we finally make it official, Ri? I've only been chasing you for years." He teased, joking. His eyes were even twinkling. God. This guy. Dallas sighed dreamily beside me.

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