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"now suddenly you're asking for it back, could you tell me where'd you get the nerve? Yeah, you can say you missed all that we had, but I don't really care how bad it hurts. When you broke me first"
-you broke me first, Tate McRae

Wolf had taken me to his room after we got back from my meltdown at Brynn's apartment. Our fight in the interrogation room was nearly forgotten. If I needed someone, he's the first person I'd call. I skimmed that report then freaked the fuck out. I went to her deserted room, her clothes all thoroughly eaten up by rats. It was like a horror movie and I was the star. I had to call him before I lost my shit. I was losing my touch on reality. I wasn't sure if I was truly crazy, or just grieving. It's funny how that works. I swear I even heard her ghost in that god awful rotting apartment. Her laugh.

I'd been in his room now for days, replaying my time in her apartment. Dallas, and what I liked to deem her minions, brought me meals and checked up on me. Rage didn't try to contact me and he was the furthest thing from my mind.

The initial police report confirmed Brynn was murdered. While she had been pregnant. So now the question was who was the baby's dad? I'm sure that would lead me to my answers. God, it was like my own personal torture. I was even more horrified by her death now. And I was alone in it. The report said she was shot up with drugs. The cause of death: a brain hemorrhage from a skull fracture. So her slit throat and everything else was done post mortem. While she was four months pregnant. What kind of monster would do this?

"Riley?" A knock sounded on the door. "I brought you something to wear for tonight." I had been staring at the powerless TV on Wolf's wall for hours now. I blinked, trying to orient myself. Breathe, swallow, live. Act normal. Fuck, get it together, bitch!

Dallas was there, holding a dress in her hands. I stared at her blankly, unsure of what she wanted from me. To follow her? Had she asked me a question? I didn't know.

She snapped her fingers in front of my face and I resisted the urge to bite at them like a rabid animal. I loved Dallas but no one meant shit to me right now. No one.

"God. You're scaring me." Dallas' words rang through my thoughts, as she sat down next to me on Wolf's bed. I studied her. She was nearly perfect, what did she have to be scared about? Seriously.

"There's an official party tonight in one of the warehouses. Tons of people will be there, local friends, Reapers from other chapters, people we need under our thumb. It's important to Trace. Some kind of merger. I wouldn't bother you, otherwise." Dallas talked and I watched her red lips, my brain trying to compute her words.

I said nothing, again.

Dallas cleared her throat. "I wish you would talk to me. You know I really do think of you like a sister." I just stared at the dress in her hands, stalling. Sister......my fucking sister. Murdered!

"Dallas," I tried to speak but I didn't have any words after that. I just stared at her, at a loss. If she didn't get it, I wouldn't bother to try.

She cleared her throat again, nodding. "I know. I mean I don't. I just know you went to your sister's apartment. And I know enough to understand that it messed you up." She picked at the dress in her lap.

I stared at the gingham material, squinting. She didn't understand. No one did. But who was I to burst her bubble?

I found my voice, wanting to just get rid of her. "No disrespect Dallas, but no one could ever fucking know what the fuck I'm feeling right now. Not even Trace."

Dallas shut her eyes tight. I licked my dry lips, trying so hard to pull it together.

"Thank you for the dress. I'll get ready." I paused, not thinking I needed to say it. "Alone."

Death Reapers MC: Angels to Ash Where stories live. Discover now