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"you've been quiet far too long; blood is dripping down your chin from you biting your tongue."

I woke the next morning, my bloody fists sticking to the clean silver sheets of the bed in the my room at Trace's place. What had even happened?

Trace and I were drinking and smoking, shooting the shit til early in the morning. We had no idea where Riley was, thinking maybe she was at the hospital visiting Wolf. Then Riley pulled up in her brand new jeep like a bat out of hell, blood dripping on her clothes, scared to death, and saying he had found her. Him. Rage.

My own vision blurred as my head pounded from my hangover. That son of a bitch. I would kill him.

I hopped in the shower, dressing in all black, like always, and leaving my hair down, hastily running a comb through it. I scratched at my beard, irritated. I found some scissors in the bathroom and cut off the rest of the short cast on my left hand, since I had mainly destroyed it last night punching the house. Great.

I laced up my boots, heavily stomping down the steps, not bothering with a shirt

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I laced up my boots, heavily stomping down the steps, not bothering with a shirt. I found Trace out on the back deck, staring into the green backyard and sipping coffee. He had sunglasses over his eyes, his white shirt nearly blinding me in my poor state.

 He had sunglasses over his eyes, his white shirt nearly blinding me in my poor state

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"Where's Riley?" I asked, taking the patio chair opposite of him.

"Therapy. Court ordered. She finally went." Trace gulped more coffee down, his eyes on the table.

I nodded shakily. "Good."

"Yeah.." Trace trailed off, his eyes far away. Birds chirped happily into the morning air, a deep contrast to the way I felt.

"What do you want to do man?" I asked, placing my elbows on the glass table and leaning forward. Let's just jump right into it. We were wasting valuable time.

Trace shook his head, his dark hair falling in his face. "I'm at a loss here, Angel. I don't know how to help her anymore."

He sighed heavily. I waited for him to continue, pulling out a smoke from my jeans pocket and lighting up.

Death Reapers MC: Angels to Ash Where stories live. Discover now