Chapter 10

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After the bands main performance, the rap line and vocal line did their own separate performances. Afterwards, much to Jimin's surprise, Yoongi was left alone on the stage. He looked incredibly nervous and refused to look up at the audience.

Eventually he looked up and tapped the microphone getting everyone's attention. He looked at Jimin and gave a small smile before taking a deep breath. The music started.

Jimin was extremely shook. He couldn't quite tell what Yoongi was saying - he was rapping so fast that his ears could barely keep up. Jimin wasn't a fan of rap but the song had a good beat.

A to the G to the U to the S T D
I'm a D boy, because I'm from D
I'm a freak lunatic on the beat
I rap and y'all get turned on by my tongue technology

Jimin simply had his mouth agape in shock. This sounded so different to anything he had ever known Yoongi to be. A few months ago when they were simply customer and waiter there was no way Jimin would've guessed Yoongi could rap like that. The lyrics in particular were interesting.

The rapper had no chance to see how his boyfriend was reacting but Jimin was blushing profusely due to the lyrics.

The ginger smiled slightly. He quite liked this song and it was nice to see the other side of his boyfriend.

The song stopped and people clapped.

Yoongi shyly walked off the stage and sat down next to Jimin.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Yelled the younger with a slight laugh. "I never knew you could rap like that! And those lyrics were really...interesting. I liked it."

The older smiled widely. "Thanks Jiminie. I was really nervous. Some time you'll have to do a solo performance too!"

"Chimchim~!" Called Tae, wandering over to the two.

"Will you perform with us? Please?" He asked making puppy dog eyes.

"......what song?" He asked apprehensively.

He whispered into the orange haired boys ear the name of the song, causing him to smile slightly.

"Fine. But if I get nervous and mess up its your fault."

Taehyung led Jimin by the hand to the stage with Jin and Jungkook.

Yoongi, wanting a drink, went and sat at the bar. Shortly after, the music began and they sang. Yoongi vaguely listened, taking a few sips of his drink. He only really payed attention to Jimin's part.

I'm creeping in your heart babe
I'll flip you over, break you down and swallow you up
I'll steal you and indulge in you
I'm gonna mess you up
I'm engraved in your heart
So even if I die, I'll live forever
(Come here boy)
You call me monster
(You call me monster)
I'll go into your heart

(A/N- Monster by EXO)

After a while, Yoongi stopped paying attention to the lyrics and let his eyes wander the Jimin's lips. The rapper watched with a slight smile.

He'd love to do things. Things that made those pretty lips of his make sounds that everyone could hear through the microphone. Seeing Jimin's face flushed from being out of breath only fuelled his imagination even more. His eyes slid down his boyfriends body.

'Okay Yoongi I think you've had enough to drink' he thought to himself, shaking his head.

"Wow they're good right?" Lisa asked, watching them all with a slight smile.

"Yeah..." Replied the older.

Lisa chuckled watching him.

"What?" He asked in confusion.

"It's so easy to guess what you're thinking oppa"

"That's impossible."

"Yeah? Well just keep your focus on his singing." She said with a laugh.

Jimin joined Yoongi after finishing the song, and the group of 7 sat at a table together.

"Jiminie you're such a good singer" Yoongi praised with a smile. "I want you to sing for me more." The younger smiled. "Only if you rap for me hyung."

After the group chatted amongst themselves for a while they decided it was probably about time to go home.

"Bye guys! Come on hyung" Jimin said pulling his tipsy boyfriend out of the bar.

"Yoongi should I take you home?"

"Why are you treating me like I'm drunk?"

"Because you are"

"I had one drink"

"Then you clearly can't handle your alcohol"

"Fine take me home, but you're coming with me"

They walked to Yoongi's house which was fairly large and neat inside. It surprised Jimin.

They went to the bedroom and got into bed.

"Goodnight Yoongi"

"But Jiminieeeee I'm not tired" the older pouted wrapping his hands around the shorter.

"It's 2am"

"I'm still not tired"

Jimin rolled his eyes and pulled Yoongi closer to him.

"Will you sing for me until I fall asleep?"




"Pretty please Jiminie??" He asked resting his head on the younger's chest and looking up at him.

The orange haired one sighed and quietly opened his mouth.



The two burst into laughter.

"Fine, what should I sing?"

"Anything you want beautiful"

Quietly, he sang the beginning of Unravel since it was the first song that came to his mind.

"It had to be something from Tokyo Ghoul didn't it you weaboo"

Jimin chuckled lightly and stroked Yoongi's hair.

"If you want we can watch some anime tomorrow tomorrow"

"Okay...goodnight Jiminie"

"Goodnight Yoongi"

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