Chapter 27

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Jimin awoke with Yoongi's arm wrapped firmly around his hip, as a man in uniform looked down at them.

"Min Yoongi?" The man asked, to which the mint haired boy nodded.

"Is it okay if I ask you some questions?" Again, Yoongi nodded.

"Ah, is it okay if Jiminie stays here?" He quickly asked.

Jimin blushed at the use of his nickname - in front of a police officer of all people.

"Yes that's fine." Replied the man. "So Yoongi, do you remember anything at all about what happened yesterday?"

Yesterday? So we slept all night? Jimin thought.

"Not really...I was working and i heard someone come inside but I assumed it was a customer. They stabbed me with some sort of knife and after that I bled on the floor until I fell unconscious. I tried to see who they were but he was wearing a mask." Yoongi recalled, oddly calm.

"Okay then. If that's all then I'll be on my way for now, call me if you remember anything." The police officer concluded before leaving.

Yoongi let out a small sigh and stroked Jimin's hair.

"You feeling okay?" He asked.

The younger nodded with a small smile. "I'm the one who should be asking that. After all you are the one who went and got yourself stabbed." Jimin teased, placing his hand on Yoongi's bandaged abdomen.

"But you're more important to me my sweet Prince~" Yoongi cooed, much to the younger's embaressment.

"You should go get some breakfast anyway." He added, sitting up.

"I don't wanna leave you though..." Jimin muttered with a pout.

"Hey I'm not going anywhere~ go get some breakfast and come back later."

Jimin nodded and stood up. His hair was messy and his clothes were ruffled - he looked absurdly adorable.

"I'll be back later then." He replied before leaving.

Yoongi sighed quietly and rested a hand on his sore stomach, letting out a small wince. This hurts like hell, but I gotta be strong for Jiminie.


"I'm telling you there's no way it was a robbery." Namjoon stated confidently.

"With all due respect Mr Kim, leave the investigating to the police officers. We'll take your point into consideration." Replied the officer coldly.

Namjoon let out a sigh and left the police station, Jin close by his side.

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure they'll find out what happened. I'm still pissed that they would doubt my man's intelligence though." Jin consoled with a pout.

"Come here, it's chilly and I don't want my princess to catch a cold." Namjoon replied with a chuckle. Jin happily rested his head on Namjoon's shoulder as they walked down the cool street.

Meanwhile, Hoseok stood in the hospital corridor messing with his hands. He wanted to visit Yoongi but he was nervous that he had made things awkward between them. Besides, he knew they could be nothing more than friends and that still stung him a little.

He eventually gathered up the courage he needed and walked inside the room.

"Oh, hey Hoseok." Yoongi greeted with a small smile.

"Hey." Hoseok replied, taking a seat. "How are you?"

"Honestly, it hurts like hell. But I've been trying to stay strong, I don't want to worry Jimin."

Hoseok gave a meek smile before replying.

"I'm...Still sorry. I know you forgive me but I still feel bad for everything I did. After all I doubt you would even be in this situation if it weren't for me." He took a deep breath before continuing.

"I know that I've made things awkward. But if you're happy then I'm happy and I'm glad that we can still be friends."

Yoongi felt slightly sad upon hearing Hoseok's words, but smiled anyway as he grabbed his hand. "Don't worry about it. After all you're my best friend, so it's okay."

"So whats the verdict, are you gonna be fine?" Hoseok asked with a hint of sarcasm.

"Yeah probably. I'm lucky that Jimin saved me I suppose. But I'm still really confused...Why would someone do this? Honestly it's scary...I don't recall hurting anyone so much that they would do this. I'm...really scared." Yoongi admitted, messing with his hands. "Ah sorry, I'm ranting a bit."

"No no it's understandable. After all I've known you for 10 years and I don't see why anyone would do this either." The younger agreed. "When are they gonna let you out of here?"

"A few days probably, whoever stabbed me did a pretty good job." Joked the mint-haired one, causing Hoseok to chuckle.

"I should get going anyway, I have stuff to do. I'll talk to you later!" He remarked before leaving the room.

Yoongi reached for his phone, which had been untouched for over a day. There was only one message from a withheld number.

Min Yoongi, I'm watching you.

The words immediately sent him into a state of paranoia. He glanced around but of course, there were no windows in the room so it wasn't like anyone could watch him...right? But what if...

The door clicked open and Yoongi quickly turned his phone off and threw it to the side. Jimin wandered in, looking slightly neater than earlier, and carrying a cup of tea.

"Here, I brought this for you." He announced, placing the cup on the table with a smile.

"Thanks. So they discharged you didn't they?" Asked Yoongi, taking a sip from the hot polystyrene cup.

"Yeah. You're feeling okay, aren't you?" The younger asked, still concerned.

"Of course I am, you don't have to keep asking~" he chuckled. "I hope they let me out soon though, it's getting a bit boring."


After a few days, Yoongi was eventually given the all clear from the doctors, and gladly left. He was happy to be free, but the paranoia still lingered in the back of his mind.

He met up with Jimin, who greeted him with a warm hug, before the two walked hand in hand to the park. There was no reason in particular for them to go there but it was nice to be in the cool February air.

Eventually, they seated themselves on a bench and chatted for a short while.

"Say Jimin, do you ever get bored of living here?" The older asked somewhat suddenly.

"I guess I sometimes get a little bored...why?" Replied the younger, curiously.

"I dunno, would you ever want to.. go somewhere else?" Jimin raised his eyebrows in confusion. "Yoongi...what are you saying?"

The older boy took Jimin's hand into his own and held it firmly.

"Run away with me Jimin."

A/N still unedited sorry but the next few chapters should hopefully be spicy~

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