Chapter 30

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After getting dressed and grabbing their stuff, the two decided that maybe for now it would be best to go home. It had only been a day, and it was a fun day, but they were both tired and in need of some normality.

As the two strolled to the train station, Jimin took his phone out to call Jin, who had been spamming his phone so much that he ended up turning it off the day prior.

As the phone rang, he noticed Yoongi glancing suspiciously at everyone they walked past so Jimin took the olders' hand into his and clung to his arm protectively with a smile to calm him.

"Jimin! Where are you right now are you okay?" Jin asked frantically, causing the younger to chuckle.

"I'm fine, it's okay. We went out for the night but we're on our way back now so don't stress. I'm sorry for worrying you."

Jin let out an exasperated sigh before replying. "Its okay. I nearly had a heart attack...remember to call me next time okay? Get back safe!" He yelled and ended the call before Jimin could reply.

"What a mom." Yoongi stated simply.


After a short journey, the two arrived at home, much to the relief of everyone.

" two worried us.." Jin continued to rant, to which they apologised.

Amongst the chatter, Hoseok noticed something and began to stare at Jimin, much to his discomfort.

"Hey, Jimin." He began, suddenly making the room quieten. "What happened to your neck?" He asked, pointing out the dark mark on the younger's neck.

Jimin blinked in confusion before he remembered what happened that morning. Oh.

"Aha it's just some cherry lip gloss." He lied. Yoongi sniggered, causing Jimin to curse him internally, since it was his fault after all.

"Since when do you wear lip gloss-?" Namjoon asked. Jin quickly tapped him on the arm and shook his head as a signal that he should shut up. He was smart but gullible as heck.

"I only know one person who wears cherry lip gloss..." Taehyung stated, before the whole room turned their gaze to Jungkook.

"Hey I didn't kiss him on the neck, only his li-"

Jimin let out a loud laugh to cut him off. "HAHAHA sorry Kookie hope you don't mind I borrowed your lip gloss."


"Well well Kookie I'm sure we had English homework didn't we? Let's go do it now!"

Jimin ordered, pushing Jungkook out the room before he had a chance to respond, earning some confused looks from Yoongi and Taehyung.

"Wow you're not good at making up excuses are you, goody goody? Or maybe you're not so goody goody since you've certainly had a fun time with someone~" Jungkook teased as Jimin forced him upstairs.

"Shut up you, teenage babies should respect their hyungs." He replied with a frown. "I wasn't kidding about that English homework. We have an entire essay for tomorrow so we should finish it anyway "

"Oh wait we actually have homework?" Jimin gave a nod. "Oh no."


The two sat on Yoongi's bed whilst furiously typing up their English essay and chatting. A while later, Yoongi entered the room to see the two hard at work.

"Hey, I brought you some stuff." He announced, placing two drinks on the cupboard and removing a colf spoon from his pocket.

"Oh and Jin told me to give you this. It'll apparently help with your neck situation." He explained. Jimin pouted as the other two sniggered.

"So how are you doing with your essays?" Yoongi asked, taking a seat with them.

"Good, I'm pretty much finished." Jimin announced proudly.

"I'm not..." Jungkook sulked.

"Hey do you want me to help you? I'm secretly a master of English." Yoongi assured with a mischievous grin.

"Wow really hyung? I never would be guessed. But I'm doing pretty badly so if you could help I'd be grateful." Jungkook accepted happily.

"I'll leave you two to work then since I've finished. I'm gonna go get some food and stuff." Jimin explained, leaving the two.

On his journey downstairs, he noticed an open door at the end of the hall which he hasn't been in before. He peeped inside to see Namjoon sitting at a computer, talking to someone before typing quickly.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Jimin questioned.

Namjoon looked behind him briefly and smiled. "Oh hey come in. I'm just coding some stuff."

Jimin took a seat on the black sofa in the small office and watched in awe.

"Wow I didn't know you did coding hyung. Also...who were you talking to before?"

Namjoon paused and took something from his desk, showing it to Jimin.

"A rubber duck?" The younger asked.

"Yeah. Its a technique called rubber duck debugging."

Jimin poked the duck and it emitted a high pitched squeak, much to his amusement.

"Programmers talk to ducks?" He asked with a smile.

"Yup. Its a popular technique. It can be a little enraging if it doesn't work though. I once threw the duck out of the room and it hit Yoongi in the face. I was afraid that he would kill me..." Namjoon pouted.

Jimin chuckled. "I can't really help with computers and stuff but if you ever need a rubber duck then I'll be happy to supply them." He grinned before leaving to get some food.

He found Taehyung and stole some of his marshmallows, and triumphantly walked to the stairs. He bumped into Hoseok, who was also on the way to his room.

"Oh hey Jimin. Actually I have something to say..."

The younger raised his eyebrow curiously.

"I'm sorry for kissing Yoongi. Its kind of my fault that we all got in to this mess." Hoseok admitted, rubbing his neck.

"Hey it's okay! I reacted pretty badly to be fair, it's kind of my fault. I forgive you, it's fine." Jimin quickly dismissed the situation and pulled Hoseok into a hug.

The older smiled and patted Jimin's head. "Thanks."

Jimin wandered back into the bedroom where Jungkook sat alone.

"Hey where's Yoongi?" He asked.

"Ah he's with Namjoon I think." Jungkook replied. "I've finally finished my essay." He collapsed back onto the bed with a sigh.

Jimin lay next to him and laughed. "You need to start doing homework earlier, you're a mess."

"Hey shouldn't you be bothering Yoongi-hyung instead of me?" Jungkook muttered with a pout. "Us two in bed together. People would get the wrong idea after last time."

Jimin sniggered. "Last time? No one even knows about you kissing me it's not that scandalous."

"Mhmmm...what if I did tell Yoongi?" Jungkook joked.

"Then I'd have to kill you." Jimin stated, grabbing Jungkook's neck, causing the younger to laugh.

"I'm kidding." He chuckled.

"Good because I don't think Taehyung would be too pleased either. Hey, wanna go watch a movie?" Jimin asked suddenly.

"I would rather watch anime."

"Which anime?"

"Tokyo Ghoul."

"Weaboo, no. How about yu yu hakusho."

"You elitist, that's so old."

"Can we agree on a middle ground and go for Naruto?"


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