Chapter 23

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"C'mon do it." Jaehi encouraged.

"But....I can't." Jimin clutched his phone tightly in his hand, nervous.

"You should call him, he's definitely worried. You said yourself that you could fix the relationship right?" She explained.

"I guess I did. But...I'm scared." He replied honestly.

"There's nothing to worry about. Okay I'll stand outside, now call him!" She yelled before running into the next room and closing the door.

Jimin shakily pressed on Yoongi's contact, and hastily pressed the phone button.

It rung.

It rung again.

"Jimin?" A soft voice came.

The boy froze upon hearing the voice of his boyfriend.

"Are you there?" The voice appeared again after a moment of silence.

"....I'm Here." Jimin replied quietly.

"Jimin...where are you? I want to come and get you." The mint-haired asked with a worried tone.

"Yoongi..hyung," he began, "aren't you mad at me for being so stupid?" He asked sadly.

"What? Of course not. I love you Jimin. Nothing and no one could keep me from loving you. Even if you hated me or hurt me, i'd keep falling in love with you over and over again. I love you."

The younger boy blushed as a smile rose to his lips.

"Yoongi...I love you too." Relief flooded over him as the words spilt from his mouth. "But...I'm not coming back yet. Give me until tomorrow around noon. I've relied on you so much the past few months, I feel bad. I need to be stronger. I need to learn to do things on my own."

A smile rose to the olders lips. "Okay. But you know it's gonna be hell for me to wait for you? I want to hold you're so evil Jiminie."

The younger let out a chuckle.

"I miss you too hyung."



"You don't have to call me hyung anymore. Hearing my name come from your mouth is the best sound in this world. I want to hear it more often."

Jimin bit his lip nervously as his cheeks flushed. "Okay. I guess...I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah. See you tomorrow."


Jaehi peaked around the door with a grin.

"Awww that was so adorable!" She squealed diving at him.

He smiled shyly, glad that everything was resolved. Well, mostly at least.


Yoongi sat in his room, still clutching his phone, heart racing. He was so relieved that Jimin was still his. He could hear Taehyung and Hoseok yelling next door and was abruptly reminded of the other boy who loved him.

He took a deep breath and threw his phone on to the bed, before knocking on the door to Hoseok's room.

The door opened and Yoongi came face to face with Taehyung.

"Oh. Hi." The younger greeted in surprise.

"Can I come in?"

Taehyung nodded and stepped aside.

Hoseok avoided eye contact as Yoongi sat beside him, still ashamed of his actions.

"....I forgive you."

The younger was confused. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"I forgive you." Replied Yoongi again. "I'm sorry for being so angry.

"Why are you apologising?" Hoseok asked with a hint of frustration as he gripped the sheets with his hands. "I should be the one apologising. It's my fault that Jimin-"

"Jimin isn't angry." Yoongi cut him off with a soft smile. "Its okay."

The older pulled Hoseok into a hug, causing them to make eye contact for the first time. The younger slowly gripped Yoongi's shoulders and buried his face in his chest.

"I'm sorry...that I can't love you" the older whispered into Hoseok's ear. Tears welled up in the youngers' eyes as his voice cracked, and he couldn't stop them from falling. Yoongi stroked his hair until he calmed down.

Hoseok eventually pulled away of his own accord and wiped his eyes with his sleeve. "Thank you Yoongi-hyung." He stated with a small smile.

"Hoseok.." the older began, "my best friend doesn't have to call me hyung."

The two shared a smile as Taehyung re-entered the room.

"I'm glad you guys made up." He admitted. " But...I can't find Jungkook." He added.

Hoseok raised his eyebrows.

"Isn't he in his dorm?"

Taehyung shook his head. "I'm worried.."

"I'll give him a call." Yoongi asserted, going back to his room and grabbing his phone. After a few rings, Jungkook picked up.

"Hey where are you? Taehyung is worried." Yoongi questioned immediately.

"Hyung don't worry. I'm visiting someone right now but I'll be back tomorrow so tell Taehyung not to worry." He replied.

"..okay." Yoongi couldn't help but feel that the younger was leaving out some details but he didn't press any further. "See you tomorrow then I guess."


Jimin wandered through the streets, basking in the cool evening air as he gave a final look around Busan. He was glad to be there but of course he couldn't wait to be back with Yoongi. He had already given his farewells to Jaehi and his mom.

After a while, Jimin seated himself on the edge of the footpath, looking up at the emerging stars with a smile.

Suddenly, a figure sat down next to him, catching his attention.


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