Chapter 5:Questions

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Aurora's POV

When i got on the bus the driver and everybody greeted me.

Everyone On the Bus:
Happy Birthday Aurora!

Thanks you guys

As i went and sat down with my 2 bestfriends (Fergie and Allison)  in the 3rd row to the left of the bus. I started to think what dad was about to say about mom.

Hey bestie, happy birthday!

Thanks besties

Yeah, hey whats with the serious look?

Fergie and Allison's dads were the best friends of my dad so when we were little we already became best friends

Nothing I'm just thinking...

About what?

I did'nt want them to know because its kinda personal

Sorry guys its personal

Its ok we understand, so anyway what did you get from your birthday Aurora?

I don't know yet, dad said he has a something to tell me after school maybe thats it

Something to tell you? Thats not a present

I know but its something i wanted to hear

What is it about?

Thats also personal info

OMG Aurora you're such a mystery

Its ok Aurora. Come on Fergie don't tease her

Its ok guys

The bus stopped we were he at Echo Creek University where my dad also went to school and met my mom for the first time

The Driver:
Ok we're here everybody form a one line and get out of the bus. Aurora since its you birthday you could go first.

For some reason the driver always let students goes first when it was their birthday. I got up, got out and waited for Fergie and Allison on the side of the bus door. Once they got out we split up to our first class, mine was math that was the worst. Once i got in my math teacher (Ms. Johnson), along with everybody else in the class greeted me

Happy birthday Aurora!

Aww thanks everyone!

I sat down to my chair fill with greeting cards from everybody. As Ms Johnson start the class i started to wonder again what dad was about to say about my mom. I have so many questions about her...

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