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Dear Josh,

I hope you're doing okay. I know a lot has happened in the past few days, and these letters kind of lost their purpose, so let me remind you. You're the greatest person I've ever seen, and I wish other kids would notice that instead of putting you down. I don't only write these to talk to you, but also to try to get you to realize your value- not just to me, but to everyone. The whole world. You're important, Joshy.

Reason #9: You're brave. You were actually going to try and stop me and Logan from fighting, and, not to be cocky, but we're both pretty scary guys- I'm scarier, of course. And even though they literally left you with bruises, you still walk the halls with them. If it were anyone else, they'd be scared to do that.

The teacher, Ms. Rane, sniffed as she read out the list of partner names. Josh was sitting in a bubble of boredom in his usual corner seat, cast in shadow by a couple oddly placed bookshelves. He didn't mind, though- it made him harder to notice, which was always nice.

He hoped he didn't get Logan or any of his friends as a partner. He wasn't entirely sure of who was in this class, as he never paid too much attention to the rest of the school; he just hoped he got a friendly enough person for a partner. Of course, that wasn't likely, because most people disliked him enough to be assholes. Wishful thinking never hurt anyone, though, he supposed.

"Logan and Josh."

His heart instantly sank as he heard their names be read out. He sent a furtive glance toward the blonde and shrank in his seat as he was met with a cold smirk and malignant eyes. Oh, he was so dead. Hopefully, this time Logan would have the sense to beat him up and keep it quiet; there was no way Josh would be able to hold back his friend(s?) if they heard it happened again. He didn't really care too much about himself, he just wanted his friends to be safe.

Ms. Rane blinked before shaking her head. "I'm sorry, I read that wrong. Logan will go with Eric, and Josh will go with Tyler."

Tyler's entire being seemed to light with unseen rage as Logan was put with Josh. Did the teacher know nothing of what Logan had done to the boy? How dumb was she? Even though deep down he knew it probably wasn't on purpose, he still couldn't help but feel a prickle of resentment toward the elderly lady.

Rightfully so, his anger shifted target. If Logan so much as looked at Josh in a threatening way while they were partners, he'd tear him limb from limb. He'd been close enough the first time. Had his concerned gaze been fixed on Logan instead of Josh, he would've seen him already look at him in a threatening way, but it was probably good he didn't.

Tyler shifted around in his desk and was just crossing his arms in disapproval when the teacher changed the arrangements. He felt like a lightning bolt had gone through him, and his eyes widened with happy surprise. Tyler was known for his scary looks, not his luck, so the turn of events surprised him. Then again, he was also known for being emotionless, but just a simple sentence had sent butterflies into his stomach.

Those stupid feelings (that he really shouldn't be feeling) only intensified as he looked back over at Josh and was met with an equally relieved and excited stare. Maybe Josh enjoyed being around him as much as he did him? Probably not. It was a nice thought, though.

"Now, you may move desks to sit with your partner. I expect this project to be done by the end of the week!"

Without her having to say anything else, practically the whole class had instantly shot up to move. Ms. Rane wasn't the best at assigning seats, so most kids in her class hated where they sat.

Tyler figured the best part of this moment was seeing Josh's cute little smile as he approached him, almost like a scene out of a movie.

The second best was definitely being able to shove Logan into a desk as he walked by, though.


okay sorry guys i meant to update earlier but i forgot today was friday lmao my bad

my grandparents told me i have to turn off all my electronics by 12

lol fuck that dude it's summer i'll do what i want

love notes // joshler a.u.Where stories live. Discover now