Part 3

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We got in the truck and started to drive back. The silence ended by Simon clearing his throat.
"Thanks kid." He said and I started crying. "Shit. What did I say?" He asked with a nervous chuckle.
"I killed him."
"He was going to kill me. I know this is one hell of a first pick up for you but you did good. They aren't always like that." I nodded wiping my tears away. "You saved my life and probably others too. You did the right thing." I just nodded again. I could talk yet. I know I saved my people but to that group he was their leader. "You shouldn't think too far into things. Just think about our people. Not theirs. It's not our problem what happens now."
"Okay." I said. Another silence fell over us.
"So. How old are you anyway?" He asked.
"Oh. Um I'm 23." I told him.
"No shit." He said with a laugh of disbelief. "That makes you the youngest savior."
"I'm guessing that's impressive." I said as I looked out the window.
"Yeah. It is.  Lotsa saviors are questioning Negans choice but it was obviously the right one. None of those other jackasses did anything to stop Jason." Simons said making me look over to him. "I'll let Negan know you did good." I smiled.
"Thanks Simon." I said and looked back out the window.
I must've fell asleep because I was awoke by a fast stop. I sat straight up and looked around.
"What happened? I'm up!" I said and looked over at an amused Simon.
"We're back. Let go. Negans waitin out there." He said flinging his door open. I got out of my side and walked forward with Simon. Negan had his bat lazily resting on his right shoulder as he walked up to us.
"So. How the fuck was your first run Doll?" He asked with a smirk. I looked at Negan then to Simon not sure of what to say. "That bad huh?"
"Not really," Simon said walking forward. "Jason was going to try something. The kid here shot him in the head before he could even point his gun. Fell to the ground like a sack of fucking potatoes. He didn't even know what hit em." Simon said patting my back. I gave a nervous smile as Negan walked to me so we were toe to toe. I didn't know what he was going to do, I hardly even knew him and he hardly knew me. He gave me a charismatic smile and ruffled my hair like I was a child.
"Well shit! Who knew someone so small could have lady nuts that fucking big. You saved my right hand man! I sure as hell made the right choice making you a Savior Prue."
"T-thank you sir." I stuttered nervously looking up at him as he towered over me. He seemed to enjoy seeing me so nervous. His left hand lifted to my cheek.
"Don't look so freaked out Doll." Negan chuckled. I blushed as his gloved hand rubbed against my cheek. "Simon." He said removing his hand.
"Take her to the bar. Let her pick out a bottle. She deserves it!" Negan turned and walked toward the trucks. I stood there for a bit as I tried to slow my heart rate. I probably look like some love struck teenager with my cheeks all red.
"Come on kid. Let's go get your drink." Simon said.
"Okay." I said following him.
"Don't mind Negan. He's like that with all the attractive woman." Simon said.
"Oh. Guess that's how he has so many wives." I said.
"Something like that." Simon mumbled as we walked to the bar area. There were a few guys in there drinking and a bartender cleaning glasses. "Hey Mac. Let this little lady pick out a bottle. Bosses orders." The man behind the bar looked at me and nodded. "Go on behind the bar. Look through the things."
"Okay." I said nervously as I felt everyone's eyes on me.
"A new wife?" I heard Mac ask which was followed by a chuckle from Simon.
"She's definitely someone he'd target. But he made her a savior."
"Really?" He asked in disbelief. "She's so young."
"Well she's good. Saved my life." The chatting stopped as I ran my finger over a glass bottle of whiskey and picked it up. I turned around toward them.
"I want this one." I said holding it up.
"Little lady knows her Alcohol." Mac said moving out of the way to let me out.
"Yeah well my dad was really into collecting." I said looking down at the glass bottle. "He had something like this only it was much older." I glanced up at the men then signed. "I used to sneak some so I know it's good." I smiled and walked out from behind the bar.
"What's your number by the way?" Mac asked picking up a notebook.
"Oh. It's 18." I told him.
"Really?" He asked not believing me.
"Write it down." Simon said as we walked out.


A few months passed and I was really into the community now. I was know As the fair one out of our bunch. I'd help out people with their jobs if they needed it. Negan said it made me seem too soft but just because I'm in the upper ranks doesn't mean I have to be a dick.
I was helping Kelly hang some laundry before I headed out with Simon.
"You're always so helpful." Kelly said with a smile. "No other Savior would even blink an eye at me struggling to carry those baskets."  I smiled back at her.
"Yeah well I just don't let the power go to my head you know." I told her as I clipped a shirt to the clothesline. There was a bit of silence then she spoke.
"So Prudence. Are you seeing anyone?" She asked in a slightly gossiping tone. I chuckled.
"Nope. I don't really have time for a relationship. I'm always out on runs and pick ups."
"What about one of the other Saviors?" She asked.
"Naw. I mean I like them enough but to date one?" I laughed. "No thanks."
"Hey Kid lets go!" I heard Simon shout from the gate. I looked back and waved I was coming.
"See you around Kelly." I said and ran over to Simon. "Time to go?" I asked.
"Yeah. Come on. It'll take a while to get there." Simon said hopping into the driver side of the truck. As I put my hand out to reach for the door I heard a whistle. I turned to see Negan walking over. "Can I help you?" I asked annoyed.
"Damn Doll relax. Can't I appreciate the view of you?" He asked running his tongue over his teeth. I rolled my eyes.
"You can. Without the annoying catcall whistle." He chuckled and held out his closed hand. "And what might that be?" I asked him with my arms crossed.
"A gift Doll." He said opening his hand to reveal a few bullets for my gun. "It ain't easy comin' across these you know." I looked at the bullets then to him. I took them and put them in my pocket.
"Thanks Negan." I said looking up at him. He smirked down at me.
"Anytime. Good luck out there." He said shooting me a wink as he walked away. My stare lingered for a bit before I got into the truck. I sat down and turned to Simon who was smirking at me.
"What?" I asked annoyed.
"You two have an odd dynamic. It's cute on your end." He said.
"Oh shut up and drive." I said putting my feet up on the dashboard as I crossed my arms.
"It's obvious to everyone Negans got something for you." Simon said as he put the car into drive.
"Yeah. His dick." I snorted.
"And your against that?" He asked with a chuckle.
"Well, no? Maybe. I don't know." I sighed. "Simon. He has like 5 wives. I'm sure he's satisfied enough."
"This is Negan we're talking about. You really think enough will ever be enough?" Simon asked.
"Probably not. But I'm not getting caught up in his weird sister wife cult thing he has going on. Plus I just started to thrive here. I'm not as shy or nervous as I used to be. You guys are toughening me up." I said as I playfully nudged Simon.
"And now your in the top 5 Saviors." He said.
"Yeah. I feel like this is where I was Meant to be. Didn't know I had an odd bloodlust until I became a savior. After killing Jason it just sort of opened the floodgates." I chuckled.
"Yeah. Good for us. Not so much for the other groups." He laughed.
The rest of the ride was pretty silent. Some scattered conversation here and there. I really liked Simon. He was like an older brother to me. A hundred times better then my actual older brother who's long dead by now.
"So. Any word on if Dwight was found?" I asked.
"Oh shit. I forgot to tell you. We came back with him the other night. He's in a cell back at the sanctuary."
"What an idiot. Like other people don't matter. To just. Take all our fucking medication like that." I scoffed. I liked Dwight just fine but what he did really boiled my blood. Stole a bunch of diabetic medications for his wife's sister then just left. As if Negan wasn't going to find him. "What an ass."
"Well we got him. His sister in law didn't make it though."
"All that just for her to die anyway."
The conversation went stale again. I put my head back and closed my eyes. The dull buzzing pain still in the back of my head from yesterday's migraine.
"Wake me when we get there." I said. Simon gave a quiet response.

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