Chapter 2: Weekend

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Why? Why am I stuck with these two? I looked at Helmet and Lyla, who were bickering as usual. I'm doing a project with them, but they're bickering half of the time and talking about other things half of the remaining time. It looks like they hate each other, but actually, I think they just like each other. And I think Sienna agrees too. She’s in our group too. Actually, I think everyone in our pack can see it, except Lyla and Helmet.
Hey, look! There's Mick too! Oh great... (Sarcasm) Mick isn't part of our group in this project, but it looks like he is -and I think the teachers think so too- because he's with us most of the time. He's actually with Robin, Lee and Jules. Oh sure, Alpha Trace can join too! Why not? I thought as Trace sat down at our table too. They started talking about movies they've seen. I rested my chin on my hands, my elbows on the table. Should I feel honored for being able to sit with Alpha Trace, Beta Helmet, Delta Mick and 'popular' Lyla and Sienna?
'What kind of movies do you watch Lexi?'
I looked up at Trace. Now everyone was looking at me expectantly.
'Uhm, I like 'Final destination'.' I said softly, but happy my voice wasn't a squeak. Yes, okay, I was affected by the fact that they asked me something.
'Don't know that movie.' Trace said, furrowing his eyebrows.
'Well, technically, it consist of five movies about people who escape death, but then Death itself follows them.' I explained. Wait, couldn't I have explained it better?! Seriously?
'Does anyone survive?' Okay, is Trace genuinely interested or is he just being nice?
I furrowed my eyebrows; 'Well, one person does in the first movie, but she dies in the second. So no.'
And they're back in their own talk. I sighed. I was glad he was being considerate, but all eyes were on me so I was blabbing. Lyla and Helmet were once again discussing something stupid. Was I the only one here that could see they might be a good couple? Well, I do have a big fantasy and like romance... Nah, I sometimes heard other pack members say similar things.
'What are you talking about?' Matt, or should I say Gamma Matt, asked as he joined us too. Of course he can join us too. It's not like we're supposed to do anything anyway.

‘You’ll be CC!’ I said. ‘No wait, double C. That sounds better.’
Jules sighed and I continued; ‘Because that’s what you are; Cute and on Crack.’ I gave her a meaningful look. Let me explain. We were just listening to music, and I decided to listen to what she was listening. Big mistake. It was some kind of overly-happy-song. I could already see the rainbows and unicorns and dancing muffins and all that kind of adorable stuff. So Jules said ‘but it makes me happy’ on which I replied ‘and it makes me feel like I’m on crack’ -although I’ve never actually been on crack- and Jules laughed. So that’s why we’re having this conversation.
‘If I’m double C, you’re just C.’ Jules said smiling smugly.
I furrowed my eyebrows; ‘What does the C stand for?’
Jules grinned; ‘Your C, from Cute.’ I really dislike to be called cute. I first scowled, but then grinned.
‘Then you’re D,’ I said happily, but then used my ‘scary voice’; ‘from Dead.’ Jules’ eyes went big, and I had something to laugh about again.

The next 'class' was some sort of pack meeting. It was just a class with every one of our pack -duh- and a teacher who actually just sat at his desk and said nothing. Alpha Trace was the one talking now. In this class, we discussed things that needed to happen or that needed to improve.
‘Okay, may I have everyone’s attention?’ Trace began, using his Alpha tone, which made everyone look his way.
‘Maybe some of you already know, but we’re going on a trip.’ Some people cheered.
‘But not the kind of trip we’re used to.’ And they stopped cheering.
'We're going to another school, to see how it is there. They'll first come to our school though. We want to make a good impression, so I want everyone to be at their best behavior, understood?'
‘Yes Alpha.’ We said at the same time. He just used his Alpha tone, so yeah, it was a little hard not to.
‘When are they coming?’ Mick asked.
‘Next week, Tuesday.’ Trace replied, keeping his stern face since Chess and Robin were about to whisper something to each other.
‘Alpha, may I ask which school it is we’re visiting?’ Lee spoke up. Trace’s smile faded a little.
‘Lilith Peters High.’ He answered. Almost everyone gasped. So that was why he went there…

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