Chapter 6: Why I dislike PE

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A new day. The sky is... blue-ish, the grass is... starting to get muddy, and the birds are... hiding. It's begin-autumn, but still warm enough to have PE outside. Everyone was dressed in short shorts and a t-shirt. I was happy I still had some shorts which ended just above my knee, instead of the super short shorts. It was still chilly, but I was probably going to get warm soon enough.
I offered to make a braid in Jules's hair, since we probably had to wait for a few more minutes before the rest of our pack arrived. Jules accepted -which she doesn't do a lot- and sat down in the grass. I stood behind her as I raked my fingers through her hair gently, getting out the knots.
'On top or tucked in?' I asked her.
'Uhm, tucked in.' I nodded, although she couldn't see me, and made a French braid. Just as I wrapped the elastic around the tips of Jules's hair, our teacher walked on the field and set up some pawns. The rest of our pack also arrived and threw their bags with the rest.
'Ten laps everyone! Come on! Move!' Our teacher yelled. We all got up if we were sitting, and started running the laps. Well, more like jogging. Right now, I was kind of happy I started training in the gym with Joey and started running laps with my family. Each on a separate day. It really increased my condition.
When everyone finished the laps, we all sat down in the grass again.
'Today we're going to do something that you might have to use later in your life.' Oeh, what is it? 'It's an important technique, and I'm sure you'll be grateful you learned this in school.' Now I really want to know! 'Today you're going to learn how to make someone shift back.' Like, I can make someone else shift back? Awesome! I didn't know you could do that?
'I wonder how though.' I heard Jules whisper to Robin. Yeah, me too Jules, me too.
'Me too.' Robin answered.
Everyone stood up, and so did I. Chess cheered up Jules like she does a lot, and I wondered what we would have to do and how I should do it without hurting Jules. I mean, I'll pair up with Jules right?
'Juliet, I think it's best for you to pair up with Trace.' She's leaving me! 'Lexi's too strong.' Oh and Alpha Trace isn't? Yeah, makes sense. I am not stronger than he is.
'And Lexi, you pair up with Hunter.' That's interesting. 'I think it's better if you pick someone about the same strength.' I saw Jules looking at me, disbelief written all over her face, and I gave her a what-can-I-do-look. To be honest, I didn't know how to feel about this. I liked it because I wouldn't have to be afraid to hurt Jules, and I don't think I can hurt Hunter that easily. It's something new, and I would gladly try it. But on the other hand, I don't exactly interact with him that much. Last year, when he performed in a band -him playing the guitar- together with someone else from our pack -and some other people-, Eva, Jules and I told them they were good and they looked at us like we were from another planet or something. Yet, I met him halfway since he also walked to me and together, we found a spot to try it out. On the way there, I locked eyes with Alpha Trace. He just wanted to train with Jules didn't he? He better not hurt her. Trace seemed to read my mind, since he gave me a quick reassuring smile.
'Who goes first?' Hunter asked.
'You can try first.' He nodded, and we both shifted. Hunter is a white-greyish wolf, his left front paw a darker grey and his right ear too. I started running. I know he's much faster than I am. He's one of the fastest wolves in our pack. And I'm one of the slowest. I ran past some other wolves, trying to shake Hunter off. He tried to tackle me a few times, but I managed to get away the first few times. He tried again, and now knew what I was going to do, so he was able to intercept my move and knock me down so I was laying on my stomach. I felt Hunter move so he pressed me down, and I tried to push myself back up again. Which almost seemed to work, but Hunter was able to push me down again. I felt two hands go to the spot between my jaw and neck. It was hesitant at first, but then Hunter pressed down a little bit more. But his fingers were situated more towards my jaw, so it wasn't as annoying as it was supposed to be. And, as stubborn as I can be, not wanting to give into the 'pain', I resisted and still tried to get away. And since Hunter was too focused on why it wasn't working, and I was still in my wolf form, I could overpower him and pushed him off of me. I turned around to look at him, and he looked back with a questioning look as he sat back, leaning on his hands behind him and his legs stretched out. I shifted back so I could explain, and sat down in the grass opposite from Hunter.
'I think you should position your hand differently. Try it again?' I bared my neck so he could try, and he did, but positioned his hand more towards my jaw again.
'I think you should press more...' I took his hand and placed it more towards my neck; 'here. Because else you're pressing my jaw, and like this, it's more annoying. By far.' Hunter nodded, and seemed very concentrated. I knew how it should feel because Mason, Joey and I are practicing a self-defense sport, and we had this too some lessons ago. But we're training in our human forms, so I didn't know you could make someone shift back with this.
'Wanna try it again?'
'You go first, before we're out of time.' I nodded. But then I heard a high pitched howl I recognized. And it was right beside us.
'Just a sec.' Hunter nodded, saying it was okay, and I shifted again, trotting over to Jules.
'Did I hurt you? Is it really bad? Are you okay?' I heard Alpha Trace ask as he held Jules's arms. She stepped away and nodded. I softly touched her hand with my nose, making her look down at me.
'What did he do? I'll kill him if...'
'Daijoubu!' Jules quickly said, saying she was fine. 'You know me... Porcelain.' True. I looked at Trace briefly, and he really seemed worried.
'Let me know if he does something...'
'I know. Now go!' Jules ushered, poking my shoulder blade. I huffed and walked back to my spot where Hunter was sitting, already shifted. I gave him an apologetic look. He tried to nod, but it looked quite goofy since he was a wolf. Then he sped away. I ran after him. But like I said before, he's way faster. So how was I supposed to catch him? I watched him for a few seconds, and saw he was only making sure he didn't bump into anyone. Not if I was still behind him. I made a detour and lay low, so when he passed, I pounced and knocked him over. I could tell he was surprised. I knew I had to be quick, because he was stronger if he was still a wolf and I was human, so when I shifted back, I leaned me right knee on his back and me left knee close to his head. He tried to move, but I quickly pressed between his jaw and neck, but only on his right side -the side where I wasn't sitting- and only briefly, just so he wouldn't move. That's the fun part of this technique; you don't have to use it for the shift-back part, you can also use it to your advantage like this. I positioned both of my hands in the right place and pressed down. Hunter didn't want to give in that quick, so he first tried to resist it, so I released, waited a second, then pressed again. If you keep on pressing, he can get used to the feeling. By doing this, he can't, and it stays annoying. Or even painful. Eventually, when I pressed harder again, Hunter growled -which I could feel in my fingers- and shifted back. Now here's when my left leg comes in! I had my knee in the right place to immediately push his left arm down, so I had that under control and he couldn't try to move it. I released Hunter and sat down next to him. It didn't go as smoothly as I wanted it to go, but it worked. That's good right?
'Of course it works immediately with you.'
'But I already knew this technique, so it wasn't completely fair.'
'Right, with your sport and such.' Nobody remembered the name, so I didn't bother telling it again.
'Yeah, we've had this twice or something, so I already knew where to place my fingers.'
'Can I just try without the whole chase? Just so I know where to press?'
I nodded. 'Of course!'
I shifted and just already lay down on my stomach. It would take too much time if he had to catch me first too. So Hunter didn't shift, but just walked closer to me and crouched down next to my shoulders. He pressed between my jaw and neck again, in the right spot, and I narrowed my eyes as I tried to resist the urge to shift back. But Hunter learned from me, since he shifted in his seat so he could press my shoulders down with his knee, decreased the pressure, then increased it again. Man that's annoying. I growled before I shifted back. Hunter then did the same I did; he pressed my back down with his right knee and my left arm with his other knee. He held that for a second, and I lay still. I couldn't exactly move, so what was the use in trying? Hunter soon released me and I sat up as I rubbed my neck, and Hunter sat back too.
'Much better.'
Hunter smiled. 'You think?'
'I shifted back didn't I?' He nodded, still smiling. He's a nice kid, too bad our pack has formed two separate groups.
Our teacher -Indigo- called us over, since our first hour of PE was over and we were going to do something else. I saw Jules standing in the grass, staring at Alpha Trace's retreating back. What just happened? I walk over to her, and she didn't even notice me until I was right beside her.
'I got detention.' She said, still staring off into space. Well, that's new.
'There's a first time for everything.' What else was I supposed to say?
We started walking towards the rest of our pack in silence. She never had detention -me neither by the way- so maybe she couldn't believe it yet. I don't know. I won't know until she tells me right?
Indigo showed us some more defensive moves for when you're smaller than someone. In the pack, I'm not small, but also not one of the tallest, so I could sometimes use this. And, of course, I could use it if my brothers were annoying me... That can be useful... Anyway! We went inside again to play a game. It was a game we've never played before, so it was kind of fun. You could score on one short side -just one, not the other one- if you threw the ball against the wall and someone else from your team caught it. Then on the other side, you had a basket -from basketball, you know?- and another basket on a pole some meters more to the middle. We were in one of the smaller rooms, not one of the main ones, so it wasn't that long until you reached the other side.
Indigo told Sienna, Momo and Mia to be leaders of three of the four teams. She asked Chess too, but she said no. Same with Kim. And Jules. And then she reached me.
'What about you Lexi?' I opened my mouth to politely decline, but she cut me off; 'Yeah, you can do this.' And she kind of obliged me to do so. I got to pick the first two fellow members -like the other teams- before Indigo divided the rest. I was really satisfied with my team, and we were also the first to play. It went really well, but we did lose eventually. But just barely. The other two teams played now, and the team that lost had to play against my team, so we could see who would be third and who would be fourth. I stayed at the short wall where you could score by throwing the ball against the wall and so on, together with Chess and two people from the other team. The ball went the other way, to the baskets, but Chess, the two from the other team and I stayed back. Suddenly the door opened, which was in the short wall closest to me, and a man walked in. His hair was greasy, his eyes held a crazy spark, and his long, loose clothes had tears in it. Alpha Trace -who was previously sitting on the bench - was up on his feet in a second.
'Excuse me...'
'I knew it!' The man interrupted Trace. The whole game stopped and everyone looked at the man in the door opening. Jules -who was also in the field- was very close to the door, and stiffened when he took a few unstable steps, swaying from left to right. I was a little less than half way op the court, and didn't like that Jules was so close to the guy.
He reached in his jacket and startled everyone when he pulled out a gun and started waving it through the air; 'I knew you existed! I knew it!'
Trace raised his hands; 'Excuse me sir, but what...'
'Don't move you monster!' The man interrupted Trace once again, pointing the gun at Trace. Trace froze. 'Don't move, any of you, if you don't want to die. I... I've got silver bullets!'
'Dude, we'll die anyway.' I heard Jules. If he shoots us, yes. I mean, it's still a bullet. What is that with humans thinking only silver can kill us? Okay... Maybe not the right time right now...
The man started mumbling; 'I told them werewolves existed, but they didn't believe me. All I have to do now...' He looked around frantically until his eyes set on Jules. Oh no. I had a bad feeling about this.
The man pointed the gun at Jules; 'Come here.' Jules blinked fast and a few times, looking at the man with fear. 'I said come here!' The man screamed, making her flinch. She walked over to him. 'You're gonna be my proof.' He's going to take her...
'Juliet...' Trace began, but the man pointed the gun at him again; 'Shut up!' He grabbed Jules's upper arm and pulled her towards him. A soft cry left her lips and I saw her eyes water up.
'Hold on Jules, it's gonna be okay.' I tried to reassure her, but I didn't know what to do either.
'Let her go.' Trace growled as his eyes darkened with anger. But when Trace had just taken one step, the man shot him in his right upper leg. Trace cried out in pain, some pack mates screamed in fear, and a sob left Jules's lips. I took a few steps closer, but was quickly stopped when the man turned his gun to me again, wrapping his arm around Jules's neck.
'Stay there!' He warned me. I stopped, raising my hands. Jules looked at me with begging eyes, her hands on his arm. I felt a sudden calmness take over me.
'It's okay, I'm not doing anything bad.' I said with a soft voice. I briefly looked at Trace, who was laying on the ground while clutching his leg, groaning. I looked back to the man who was still holding Jules. Please just let this work. 'Why don't you let her go, huh? It's okay, we won't do anything to you.' I took a small step closer to him.
'N-no, I need my proof. They won't believe me. I need proof... I... Proof...'
'It's okay, I get it. You need to prove you're right. But why don't you take me instead?' Anything to get her safe.
'Lexi what are you doing?' I heard Trace. I ignored him. I took another small step closer to the man and Jules.
'Release my friend, I'll come with you.'
'Lexi, don't do anything stup...' I shut him out. I didn't need that right now. The man was doubting.
'That's okay too, right? Just release her, and you can take me. Okay?' The man slowly nodded.
'Yeah... yes that works...' His eyes fixed on me. 'Come here. Slowly.' I did as he said, my hands raised, taking slow steps. When I was close enough, he pushed Jules away and pulled me closer, my back towards him, as he wrapped his arm around my neck.
'Lexi, no...' Jules whispered, but I smiled weakly at her.
'It's okay, Jules.'
'Quiet!' The man screamed, almost deafening me. I felt cold metal press against my temple, and I stiffened slightly. It's not like you have a gun pressed against your head every day. 'You're coming with me.' He whispered, before he started pulling me back towards the door, the gun pressed against my head as a warning to everyone. My heart thumped wildly against my chest, and I was sure the man could also feel it.
'Lexi!' I heard Jules as she took a step closer, but then changed her mind.
'It's okay Jules, just take care of Alpha.'
And we were out the door.
A few people were in the halls, to see why there was a gunshot. But they quickly stepped aside when the crazy man aimed his gun at them. Someone hid himself, another just raised her hands and pushed herself against the wall when we passed. How am I going to get out of this? Of course I learned some basic things about how to get out of this kind of hold, or what to do when someone has a weapon. First reaction; get away if you can. I also learned something for when you can't get away, but it was also too late for that now. I couldn't try to use one of the techniques to get out of this kind of hold, because there was one little problem. I had a gun against my head. As soon as I tried something he didn't like, I'd get a bullet through my head. And it didn't matter that it was a silver bullet. A bullet is a bullet, and it can take someone's life when aimed at the right place. And last time I checked, the head was one of those places.
I tried to think of something -anything- but I couldn't think straight since I could feel the cold metal against my temple again. I didn't know what kind of gun it was, only that it's a silver one, but I did remember he loaded it again after he shot Trace in his leg. And I don't exactly want to try out my first game of Russian roulette right now.
We walked out of the building and went to the left, away from the dorms and the school. The man still had his arm around me, and the smell of the coat got carried away with the wind. Anyone could smell it, I bet even the people in school could smell it like they were where I am right now. Geez, when was the last time this dude showered? A year ago?
When we were a little further away from the buildings, the man said I should walk in front of him. Of course this was easier to walk, and faster to travel. Although I didn't want to travel fast. I embraced myself, trying to get a little warmer, but it didn't help. Just the thought of that gun aimed at me made my insides turn ice cold. I just hoped the guy and I left soon enough so everyone could get help. I hoped Jules was okay. And Trace. God, he looked so pale, and there was so much blood. Would he be okay? Did I take too long to get the guy out of there? Damn it, so many questions, but no answers. One thing at a time, Lexi, one thing at a time. Don't forget the crazy guy with the gun.
I always thought I would die peacefully in my sleep as an old woman, with kids and grandkids, and a husband who may have already died before me so he wouldn't be all that sad. Never once did I think about dying young. Stand aside like this. And although I knew I shouldn't think like this, I didn't know what to do, except for just putting one foot in front of another. If I try to get away now, he'll shoot me. If I don't get way, he'll take me to god knows where. I don't even know what he'll do next. I only knew he wanted 'proof'. What did that mean?
I swallowed hard and looked up at the sky for a moment.
'Hurry up.' The guy said as he pushed the gun against my lower back, which wasn't ideal -since it would still hurt like hell to be shot there- but it wasn't my head. I didn't even realize I had slowed down.
'I knew you existed.' The man mumbled again. 'I just needed proof.' Yes, you told that before. 'And then there you were, all running and shifting right in front of me. I watched you all you know.' So that's how he knew. He watched our training. I should've been creeped out by the fact a man in his mid-forties was watching us train but... What am I saying? I am creeped out by the fact he watched us train!
The man went back to mumbling things for himself, and I went back to trying to think of a way to get the hell out of here. That's when I heard some rustling. But when I looked at the man from the corner of my eye, he didn't look like he had heard it. I didn't blame him. His eyes darted from one side to another, then back to me, trying to look at everything at once. I looked around the forest. I knew I hadn't imagined the sound. Had I? If there was something, or someone, out there, it might help me. I knew I couldn't get out of this alone, and I felt so helpless. It's different from when you're training. If someone has a strong hold on you and you can't get out, you knock on the ground a few times and you'll be released. If someone hits you, he'll start slow so you can get used to the movement, and then built up the speed and strength. You'll know that nothing will happen. But now, I didn't know anything. I'm going to say two sentences I usually wouldn't say, but this is an exception;
I hate to admit I'm afraid.
But right now, I am afraid.
As I scanned the area, looking through the trees and bushes, trying to find something, I caught a whiff of a familiar scent. We, as werewolves, have heightened senses. So our sense of smell is like a wolf's, just like our sense of hearing and so on and so forth. But I couldn't remember whose scent this was. Until I saw the face of the person. What was his name again? Oh right. Chris. The Gamma of the Golden Path Pack. We weren't in their territory. I knew for sure. So why was he here?
His eyes met mine, then went to the guy behind me. I think he knew something wasn't right, but he couldn't see the gun from where he was standing. Then something flashed through his eyes of which I couldn't understand what it was. His eyes glazed over. Was he talking to someone by mind-link? I hoped he was getting help. His eyes turned back to normal and he started walking over to us. But before he could even take one step, I slowly shook my head as I looked in his eyes, trying to stop him. He did, with furrowed eyebrows. I looked back at the man from the corner of my eye, but he hadn't noticed anything. I breathed out slowly. Now, how could I show Chris he had a gun without making the man shoot me?
I slowed down a little, just a little, and hoped the man would do the same he just did. I was lucky.
'Hurry up!' The man yelled, pushing me in my back with the gun again. I pretended to trip a little, so Chris could see the man's hands.
Chris's eyes widened when he saw the gun.
'Get up!' I scrambled to my feet again and started walking before the man got angrier. I looked at Chris helplessly. I hoped he could help me.
Chris pointed at himself.
Then put his hands next to his mouth like he was going to yell.
Then he pointed at me.
And then he pointed to the ground. I frowned. What was he trying to say? Chris repeated the gesture.
I. Shout. You. Down. It clicked inside my head. When I shout, you get down. I just hoped I got that right. But what about the gun? I made a gun from my two hands, and held it right in front of me, really close, so the man couldn't see it. Chris picked up a rock, and threw it in the air a few times, measuring its weight. He then looked at me again. Was that his answer? Throw the stone and try to hit the guy? What if Chris doesn't have a good aim? I could die. But it was the only plan we had.
I bit my lower lip, overthinking the possibilities. There weren't a lot of useful possibilities. At even considering such a dangerous stunt, my heart started pounding like crazy. Even crazier than it was just a second ago. Even crazier than the man behind me. I took a deep breath. Was I really going to do this? I looked at Chris in doubt.
'What are you looking at?' The man snapped. He stopped walking and I quickly turned to him. He was looking around, trying to find whatever I was looking at. But luckily, Chris had hid himself in time.
'What are you brooding?' The man asked with narrowed eyes.
The gun was aimed at me; 'Don't lie to me!'
I held up my hands again. 'I didn't do anything, see? It's okay.'
'I don't believe you!' Crap. What was I going to do now? The man waved with the gun dangerously as he started mumbling again.
'I knew I shouldn't have brought this one. I should've just brought the other one.' He looked at me; 'Why did I let you convince me?'
Now what was I supposed to say to that?
'What do you think I should do with her?' Does this man have split personalities? 'You should kill her and get the other one.' Did he mean what I think he means? Is he just going to dump me and go after Jules? Oh he did not just threaten my best friend.
'I don't think that's smart.' I stated softly. I felt adrenaline rush through my veins. 'Everyone is probably gone already, and by killing me, you won't have any proof at all.' Could this safe Jules's life? And mine?
The man took a step forward; 'You shut up! You've caused this!' Yeah sure, blame me. He shot at the ground in front of me, making me jump. Holy crap. This is getting out of hand.
'It's okay, just calm down, it's...'
'Shut up!' He yelled again as he raised his gun again, aiming at my face. I froze. 'I could kill you right now! Just one silver bullet, anywhere, and you're gone. Just like that boy.' Trace wasn't dead right? What if he did die because he lost too much blood? 'And if he did survive by one of those witchcraft kind of things from you, I can always come back and finish the job.' He said with a sickening grin, a gleam in his eyes which told me he wasn't kidding. I felt anger boil up. He just threatened my best friend, and now he's threatening my Alpha. As long as I'm part of Trace's pack, I will feel like I have to defend him as my Alpha. It's not smart to piss of an already pissed off wolf.
I bared my teeth and growled.
The man's eyes widened and I saw fear take over before he recovered. The crazy spark was back and he loaded the gun.
I had forgotten all about Chris until I heard him yell; 'Hey!'
When I shout, you get down. Those were Chris's orders right? So I ducked. I saw Chris coming from the trees. He jumped, then shifted midair. And then I saw light reflecting. From the gun. And it was aimed at Chris. Who couldn't move yet, since he was still in a jump; he'd be too late. So I jumped up again and grabbed the man's arm, pushing it up just as he fired. The bullet missed Chris. Thank god. I kicked his shin. He cursed and his grip on his gun loosened. I took it from him right before he fell down, and now aimed at him. It wasn't loaded, and I didn't know how to load it -not that I'd want to load it to shoot him anyway-, but the man forgot about that I guess, since he looked like he was facing some kind of devilish crossing between a bear, lion, tiger and who knows what other dangerous animals. Or a werewolf. With a gun. I noticed my hands were shaking as I tried to steady the gun. It was lighter than what I expected, and yet, it felt so heavy in my hands. This weapon was used to threaten Jules and Trace, even shoot Trace, and after that, used to threaten me and almost kill Chris. I looked at the guy, who was looking back up at me with terrified eyes. And right then, I felt like the monster he was. But he wasn't a monster, was he? There was something wrong with him that made him act like that. I, on the other hand, was perfectly fine. I couldn't shoot the guy. How much anger I had felt towards him earlier, it had all vanished as I looked at him. He looked like a five year old, threatened by some enormous creature.
I felt a slight pressure on my hands, and when I looked down, I saw a hand. I followed the arm up, to where it became a shoulder, which changed to a neck, until eventually, I looked into Chris's almond eyes.
'You can give me the gun now.' He said softly. I let go of the gun as soon as Chris had it in his hands. Although it wasn't loaded, Chris checked it by doing something which looked very professional, before he put it in the back of his jeans. He approached the man, who tried to crawl away first, but Chris soon caught him. He pushed him down on the ground, gave him a stern look and a growled 'don't move' on which the man quickly nodded, before he walked back to me, keeping a close eye on the man.
'Thank you, for saving my life.' He told me honestly.
'Thank you for saving my life. How did you find me?'
Chris seemed to doubt for a second, but then eventually told me: 'We've been looking for this guy for some time, and we found a lead, so I was here to trace it, and see if it was correct. It was.' Trace...
Juliet and Trace. I had to know how they were doing.
'Are you okay?'
'Yes, but I really have to go to the hospital now.' At least, I that's where I thought they were. I mean, Trace got shot in the leg. Yes werewolves heal faster, but not that fast.
'The hospital? Why?'
'My Alpha got shot in his leg by him,' I motioned to the man, who was still sitting in the exact same position as when Chris told him not to move. I guess he takes that very seriously doesn't he? 'and I think my friend is there too. He actually wanted to take her, but I got him to take me instead of her, so maybe she needed help too?'
'I need to ask you some more questions, and talk to your Alpha, to see what happened. And your friend. I'll come visit the hospital when I've brought this guy in okay?'
I nodded as I started walking back, eager to leave.
Chris walked back to the man and pulled him up. 'I'll tell all three of you a little more about this then, okay?'
'Okay.' I answered before he started walking away with a squirming man.
I turned around and shifted, so I could run faster. I ran as fast as I could, until I reached the tree line, near the place where there were also humans. I shifted back a little before I reached that spot, and then continued jogging.
'Juliet?' I whispered. I could feel her exhaustion through the link, but also a certain calmness. Maybe she was sleeping, so that's why I whispered. I didn't get a response. I was getting tired, but I was close to the hospital now. I slowed down until I was just walking quickly.
I walked through the glass doors of the hospital and looked around. It was quite empty in here, so also very quiet. I walked up to the helpdesk, where a nurse was sitting in green scrubs. Her blonde hair was up in a high ponytail, but her bangs were loose. She just wiped them out of her face, to her right, as she scribbled something on a paper. She readjusted the stethoscope which was hanging around her neck before she looked up to me, her red lips forming a smile as her royal blue eyes sparkled a bit. I liked her already.
'Can I help you?' She asked politely.
'Actually, yes. I'm looking for Trace Hale?'
'Oh, right. I'll show you his room, I'm heading up to that floor anyway.'
'Thank you. Do you know if someone else is with him? Or at least here?'
'Well, there is one girl who hasn't left his room since she arrived. Her name is Juliet, I believe.'
'Yes, that's the girl I'm looking for.'
'Well, come on. I'll bring you to them.'
'Thank you.'
We started walking, and I saw her take in my appearance. I was still wearing the shorts and a t-shirt from PE. I didn't exactly have time to change. She was nice enough to just ask if I was cold. And I was. Not just because the low temperature, but also because the adrenaline started to vanish. But I had to check up on Jules and Trace. She saw I was doubting and smiled sweetly.
'It's okay, they're both fine. And you have goosebumps, so let's do that first.' I nodded. I got some spare jeans they had, but had to wear the shirt from some scrubs because they didn't have anything else. It was still better than my PE clothes. The nurse dropped me off at the elevator, and told me the directions to get to Trace's room, since she had to go another way. I walked through the hall and saw the door was open. I stopped when I was standing in the door opening. Jules had her head rested on her arms, which were on Traces bed, but one hand was like one centimeter from Trace's hand. Trace was also sleeping, with his face towards Jules, a small smile on his lips. It was such a cute scene. I turned around and walked back through the hall. I'm so glad they were okay.
'Alexia Avery Freeman.' A still sleepy voice said, trying to sound stern. I knew better. I turned around.
'Juliet.' I breathed a sigh of relief. We met each other half way, and I wrapped my arms around her as she wrapped her arms around me.
'Are you okay?'
I felt Jules shake her head 'no' as she buried her face in my neck. I didn't try to say anything which wasn't true, and I also didn't know what to say. I was getting chocked up too, though.
'Don't ever do that again. Why is it always that you rescue me, and get into worse trouble because of that?' Jules asked me as we pulled apart.
'All the bad guys seem to like you.' I joked with a wink. Juliet rolled her eyes, and smiled slightly. 'Speaking about guys who like you, how's Alpha Trace?' Jules and I went back to Trace's room.
Trace was awake when we arrived back in his room.
'Hi.' I started off awkwardly.
'How are you?'
'I'll be healed in a few weeks.'
'That's good.'
'How are you?'
'Fine.' Maybe a few nightmares for a few days?
'Yes, about that.' We all turned around to see Alpha Percy standing in the door opening. 'I'd like to talk to all of you about that.'
Trace sat up straight immediately; 'Alpha... Percy, right?'
'Correct, and this is my Gamma, Chris.' Chris walked in right after Percy. There were a few awkward hi's.
'The man who kidnapped Lexi, was the man we've been looking for for a while. We came here to hear your side of the story.'
'Can't we do that another time? It's just a few hours ago and I don't think we're ready to...' Jules started but Percy cut her off.
'Of course you are. Just let it out.' Pff, insensitive guy. I'm sure he hasn't experienced anything like this.
'You don't have to Jules.' I said. If she wasn't ready, she wasn't ready and I'm not going to push her.
'Don't worry about it, Lexi. He won't hear anything from me.' She told me through our link, her voice laced with mock.
'Well? Who's going to start?' Percy asked impatiently. He was standing there with his arms crossed over his chest, his brown eyes annoyed. You could hear a slight Spanish accent in his voice, and also his skin tone told me he probably had at least one Spanish parent.
I didn't know if I wanted to tell the story all over again, because it was really close to reliving it, but I probably had to. Luckily, Alpha Trace told the first part. He explained how he reacted when the man came in and everything that happened after, until the part where the man had left, taking me with him. So I told that part. A short version, of course, not what I was thinking every single second.
'Gamma Chris helped me, and basically saved my life.' I ended my story. While Trace and Juliet looked quite grateful at Chris, Percy still had this 'not impressed' look.
'And she saved mine!' Chris quickly added. I guess that was true. After saying that, Chris told us what he did, and how he tried to help me. I was never good at playing the game 'charades' so I'm glad Chris was, so he could 'tell' me what he meant.
'And you over there.' Percy started, turning to Jules and pointing at her. Did he really have to use that tone? 'What did you do?'
'I did what Lexi asked me to do, and my duty to the alpha. I went with him in the ambulance.' I looked at Jules as she was telling her part of the story. I didn't even get to ask her. 'I stayed here all day, as expected from a loyal pack-mate.' I knew Jules wasn't all too happy. Since she practically growled this at Percy.
'Sorry I'm late! I was stuck in traffic and such.' I looked up and saw Jayden, beta of the Golden Path Pack, walking in through the door, a little out of breath.
'Hey Jay-Jay!' I said, waving at Jayden. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. Or maybe a unicorn with three heads riding on a dragon wearing a leprechaun suit who's dancing and throwing skittles while yelling 'eat the damn rainbow!'. Long story short, I got all kinds of confused looks from everyone. I'm sure my head turned as red as a tomato. No cute blushing like in all the movies, books or whatever.
'No? No, okay.' I murmured, feeling totally embarrassed.
'Smooth.' And thank you Juliet.
'I know.' When I looked up again, I saw Jayden frowning.
'I'm still a beta, you know?' He started off. 'I don't think a rogue should say that.' I'm sure my jaw would've hit the ground if I wasn't gritting my teeth. Juliet and I aren't rogues. Okay, so maybe we crossed their territory one too many times -especially me- but we're still part of a pack. A rogue, or a lone wolf, is a wolf without a pack. They are known for killing wolves, being ruthless, and all those kinds of things. So how could he call me a rogue?
'Sorry.' I mumbled. I didn't like it that I couldn't mask the fact I was hurt by that a little.
'It's kind of funny...' Jayden said soon, admitting something his alpha didn't like, since he shot him a glare. 'My bad.'
'We were in the middle of a conversation, and you casually walk in and say the pup over there is "funny"?' Jayden shook his head at that, but I could still see a small smile on his lips. Which made me smile too.
'I said that she greeted me in a funny way. And I apologized for coming late, Alpha.'
'What's up with these guys?' I asked Juliet.
'They seem to have an age gap.' Like, a 60-year old person and a 70-year old person don't really have much problems with their difference in age, but a ten-year old and a twenty-year old do. So the older you get, the more that gap shrinks, but apparently, these guys were still a little bothered by it.
'I still want your story, Juliet. If not here, than on paper. We will take care of the bastard. Good afternoon.' And Percy turned around and walked away, Jayden following him, and Chris behind them. I bowed my head in respect, like the rest did, but looked up the last moment to see Jayden and Chris walk away. I released a breath I didn't realize I was holding. Juliet sighed and sat down at the end of Trace's bed, giving me her back. Which I didn't like, since I couldn't see her face.
'Do you want to talk about it?' Trace asked her, and suddenly, I felt a little like the fifth wheel.
'No. I just want to forget this day. Except for one part.' Juliet said, and that part confused me. What part? What happened while I wasn't here?
'W-what? What part?' Jules turned to look at me, still sitting on the bed, and I could see her cheeks turn pink. Oh she better tell me.
'He asked me out. And I said yes.' Jules answered my question, pointing from Trace back to her.
'You finally did it?' I asked Trace, turning to him. I could see Jules's baffled look from the corner of my eye. Right, she didn't know I knew.
'I was planning on telling her today anyway.' Trace slid down in his bed, letting go all of his formalities, since there wasn't anyone to be formal for anymore.
'I'm proud of you.' I grinned at him. He finally did it, and the best part; Jules said yes!
'What did I miss?' Jules asked, making me turn back to her. She slowly got off the bed, looking wary. I guess it's time to tell her what happened exactly.

'So that's why you left. And you were telling the truth!' Jules exclaimed when I finished telling her the story. I smiled proudly and nodded. Uhu, I didn't lie about it. 'I can't believe I didn't get the hints!' Well, I'm sorry to say this Juliet, but you don't exactly notice any details or hints. But of course, I didn't say that out loud.
'Do you forgive me?' Trace asked, but he was smirking. Probably because he thought Juliet couldn't notice it. But seeing as Jules poked the inside of her cheek with her tongue -something she does when she's annoyed or something- she probably did notice.
She turned on her heels, facing Trace; 'This better be a good date.'
Trace just smiled back at her; 'It will be.'
Hi guys! I had quite some fun writing this chapter, although it was hard too: I had to make Lexi's part realistic, but I haven't experienced anything even remotely close to it. I did like the part where you hear about Juliet and Trace, that they're going on a date ;)
Anyway! Thanks again for reading and enjoy!
-XXX- RainbowRose8

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