Chapter 1: Daydreaming

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I looked to my right and was just about to ask my best friend something when I saw that glazy look in her eyes. She's daydreaming again.
'Juliet?' No response.
'Juliet?' I tried again, a little louder but still a whisper. Still no response. What is this girl thinking about?!
'Juliet?' I actually wanted to yell at her, but since we were in class I had to settle with poking her cheek. Finally, I got a response! I thought as Juliet lifted her head from her arm.
I grinned; 'You were daydreaming. Again.' I knew Juliet didn't like math, I totally agree, but that didn't give her the excuse to zone me out too! Nah, just kidding.
I decided to tease Juliet a little; 'What was it about? Your ouji-sama?' I keep bringing this up for a few reasons;
1: She once made a poem about finding her prince.
2: I really want to know what's going on in that crazy head of hers.
3: If she really wants me to stop, she'll let me know.
4: I have a few 'suspects' in our class. That means that I think one of them might be interested in my dear friend, and I'm curious. Does she like one of them too? I don't think Jules would be lying to me, but you can never be too sure.
About the 'ouji-sama', Jules and I like to use Japanese words. You should see the faces of the people around us! It's so funny! And, it's kind of useful if no one knows what you're talking about. Too bad the only things I can say are 'good night', 'good morning', 'thank you', 'you're welcome', 'cute' or 'you're cute', 'what', 'why' and those kind of words, and of course the translation; prince. Not really much of a conversation.
I realized I was the one zoning out now, and I was just in time to catch Jules' response.
'No, it was about my new story.'
Jules is an amazing writer. Really, she's awesome. So a new story? JACKPOT!
Yet, I stayed as calm as possible; 'What story?'
'I don't want to spoil anything yet, but...' Oh pure evil. I know she tries to get a reaction out of me, and that's exactly why I don't show anything. From the outside; cool. From the inside; DYING! I always try to get a reaction from Jules too, but I get nothing, so that's why she gets nothing too. Or she's doing what I'm doing, or she's missing the details -which she does a lot-, but she's a dreamy person, so I don't blame her. ''s going to be about a dude who wants to become a journalist. I planned a lot out already.' Jules whispered.
'I'm working on my story as well, "Hello, Halo". I think I can update it soon.' I said. Jules actually made up the title for me. I suck at making up titles, and Jules made that very clear.
I looked at our teacher. Maybe we shouldn't be having these conversations in class; our teacher was looking like he was about to rip our heads off or something. But I get the best conversation-ideas in class! Don't make it so boring if you want us to pay attention!
I think the teacher wanted payback. He asked Juliet to solve something which was on the whiteboard, but of course, Juliet was daydreaming again. I heard some snickers around us and tried to keep myself from laughing too when it looked like steam was about to come out of our teacher's ears. I decided I should help him. I'm such a nice person.
'Juliet?' I whispered to her softly.
'Hmm?' Yup, she was definitely daydreaming.
'You have to answer that question.' I whispered, pointing at our teacher. I could just read the 'crap' she was thinking from her face. I crossed my fingers and looked at Jules intently, hoping she would get it right. I don't like this kind of situations; I feel so useless. Yes, I could use our mind link, but I wasn't paying attention too, and I suck at math. I never listen to our teacher's explanations, but ask my brother to help me at home. My teacher really can't explain...
'That's... 5,5 is Q1, and Q3 is 7.' I held my breath. Please let it be right, please let it be right.
'Make sure you stay awake in class, miss Daydreamer. But it's correct.' Yes! Wow, it was like he asked me the question. Jules made the "fighting" sign to me and we both smiled.

'We'll get our grades soon.' Eva said. Oh dear god, that's not going to end well...
'Nah, I'm not so excited.' Kim answered Eva. We were pretty relaxed about our grades. It can be a good thing, but sometimes I'm kind of slacking off because I'm too relaxed.
'You'll be fine.' Chess reassured us and showed Robin another picture of her favorite horse Pelgrim. I like that about Chess; she's always so calm, but a happy calm, and always knows how to cheer us up.
'Says the one who gets straight B's.' Jules huffed. I always thought she was cute when she was pretend-angry. I wanted to ruffle her hair, like I do a lot, but I know she doesn't like it. Which actually is one of the reasons I keep doing it.
Because I zoned out, I missed a little of the conversation. I knew since Chess turned back to her phone and Jules had that smug smile played on her lips. What did I miss?
'Where's our next class?' Jules asked me. I looked at my phone. I had our timetable as background so I could easily see where we had to go. That was my task in our little group; Time and place.
'R7.' I said as I put my phone back in the pocket of my jeans.
'Okay, so we can stay here for a few more minutes.' Momo said. My task was especially for Momo and Jules; we were focused on the time so we knew when to get to class. If you went with us, you would never be late. No, we didn't stand in front of our class ten minutes before class started. We're not nerds. Okay, nothing wrong with being in time, but even I thought ten minutes was way too early. I didn't like being too late, so I found the right balance between too early and too late.
'Did you know that Alpha Trace has gone over there this week?' That seemed to snap me out of my daydream.
'What, why?' Robin asked. 'That's not like him at all.' Ah, I already knew what this was about; Alpha Trace went to Lilith Peters High somewhere this week. Lilith Peters High is a vampire school. I personally don't have anything against vampires. Everyone thinks they're so coldhearted, but the fact they don't show how they feel, doesn't mean they don't feel anything. I'm not going to judge a vampire if I've never actually met one. And if I happen to come across a vampire who really is cold-hearted, doesn't mean every singly vampire is cold-hearted.
I listened to my friends gossiping about Trace and vampires with only one ear. I first looked at Jules, who was fully into her own world. Probably with rainbows and unicorns and that kind of adorable stuff. I'll pass. But if it makes Jules happy, than she should definitely continue. I was kind of over protective over Jules. I sometimes didn't get her. The first moment she's overly happy, the next she's quiet and keeps more to herself. I don't know what to do then, so I let her be, because whatever I do, I almost get no response. And then someone else comes along and there's happy Jules again! I honestly don't get it.
I don't know why, but I looked up and locked eyes with our Alpha, Trace. He smiled at me, I smiled back, and then we both minded our own business again. That's usually how it went; when Trace walked by, his usual herd following close behind him, he smiled at me and I smiled back. Just being polite to our Alpha. Like always, His Beta Helmet -that isn't his actual name but a nickname Jules and I have for him- walked behind him, Mick next to Helmet. I sometimes thought Mick was more Helmet's Beta. Some other wolves from our pack -our class- followed behind Helmet and Mick. Trace actually acts like the Alpha. Everyone that saw him would immediately know he was our Alpha. Some people think he's kind of an asshole, but I don't. I actually never think someone's an asshole, but still. He could be nice. If he wasn't around his usual gang.
I looked at the clock on my phone again and saw it was time to go.
'Wakey wakey, we have to go.' I told Jules through our mind link. 'You didn't hear the bell, did you?' I'm sure that if I had asked her using my voice, she wouldn't have heard me either.
'Nope. I was...'
'Daydreaming.' I interrupted her smiling. In our group of friends, Jules and I are the only ones with mind link, but Eva and Kim will probably get one soon too. You can get a mind link with someone when you get really close with someone. It's actually quite useful when you don't know the answer to a question on a test. Too bad Alpha can sometimes tune in, but he normally doesn't -thank god-. Only Jules and I, Beta Helmet and Delta Mick, Adrien and Rose -and of course Alpha Trace with everyone from our pack-, and soon Eva and Kim have a mind link with each other. Adrien is also part of our group, but he's friends with the rest of our pack as well. The rest of our pack... well not really. Sure, we get a long -at least most of the times- and I trust everyone, but to call them friends?
'Lexi?' I looked at Jules, who was watching me with a concerned look on her face; 'Are you okay?'
'Yeah! Of course! I just zoned out for a moment...' I replied quickly, while trying not to bump into someone walking the opposite direction.
'Were you thinking about Alpha again?' She whispered softly, yet accusingly. I rolled my eyes. I tease her with having a crush on him -and actually some other guys from our pack- and she teases me with coupling up with Trace.
'Why are you thinking that? Maybe you are the one thinking of him?' I asked, raising one eyebrow.
'Was not!' Jules hissed.
'Was too.' I sang happily as I looked straight ahead again.
'Was not.'
'Was too.'
'I'm just going to ignore you.' Jules threatened.
'You won't be able to, you'll miss me too much.'
'Yeah right.' Jules scoffed. She remained silent after that.

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