Chapter 13: Break-ups and Grounded

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‘Hey!’ Juliet stretched out the ‘e’ as we slowly turned around, putting on our most innocent faces. Although I knew we weren’t going to get away this time. ‘Trace! What are you doing here at this fine hour?’ Jules chuckled nervously, but Trace stared at us with cold, hard, angry eyes. His jaw was clenched, his arms crossed over his chest, and his shoulders broad, only adding to his intimidation.
‘What the hell do you think you were doing?’ His voice was still calm, but Jules and I both heard the anger lying underneath, ready to be released any second. Nope, this would not be pretty.
‘Do you remember how you told us we couldn’t do anything by ourselves anymore?’
I closed my eyes, figuring we might as well get it over with, and said: ‘We stole a precious diary.’
‘Well not technically stealing. We just broke into Lilith Peters High to steal it, but left it behind in the end since it didn’t turn out to be very useful. But! Now we have help from Lilith Peters High!’
‘What the hell guys?!’ Trace roared, untangling his arms. ‘Why do you have to be so reckless and stupid! Didn’t I júst tell you all this? Come on, you guys can’t be that stupid!’
‘Hey! At least we did something important here!’ Jules defended us.
‘Important? How is breaking and entering important?! Don’t you realize how much trouble you can not only get yourselves into, but me too, and this school? Wake up from your fairytale-life Juliet!’
Juliet’s eyes almost bulged out of their sockets at that, and I could see her tears of anger and hurt.
‘Hold on Trace, you can’t talk to her like that!’ I wanted to say so much more, but Trace cut in.
‘And you, Lexi,’ Trace turned to me when I opened my mouth, ‘I thought you’d become more responsible after your episode Saturday, but I guess not. You two have to stop believing in these childish dreams and grow up! News flash, guys, this is the real world! There are no heroes, let alone two fifteen year old girls saving the day!’ Jules is already sixteen…! ‘I’m tired of looking out for you and cleaning up after you! I don’t want pack mates that keep acting this dumb!’ And thank you…
‘Well,’ Jules was finally able to cut in, even though both of us felt hurt, and whished for the ground to just swallow us whole. ‘I don’t want a boyfriend who keeps yelling at me and pointing out my every fault without listening us out!’
‘Oh you don’t have to worry about that, ‘cause you don’t have one anymore!’ Both Juliet’s and my eyes widened. Did he just break up with her like that? ‘I’m done with you two. I don’t want you leaving your rooms anymore!’
‘So what’re you gonna do Trace? Ground us?’ I asked, my eyebrows raised. Juliet was at the verge of crying. I was so angry at Trace. He couldn’t just do this to her like this!
‘That’s exactly what I’m gonna do! From now on, you two won’t leave Juliet’s room. Not even for school: I won’t risk it, I won’t let you sneak away.’ I stared at him with my jaw dropped. Was he serious? ‘I would’ve held you there longer, weren’t it for the fact that everyone goes home in the weekend.’
‘We’re not children Trace!’
‘Then stop acting like you are!’
Beta Harry, Gamma Matt and Delta Mick all rounded the corner. Alpha Trace had called them, no doubt. Matt and Harry went to my sides, ready to restrain me and drag me away.
‘I can walk myself!’ I snapped at them. My blood was boiling. I had probably surprised both boys with this, since I was never really angry. I marched away, to Jules. While Mick stood next to Jules, a little awkward, Trace grabbed her arm. I slapped it away, glaring at Trace as I did. ‘And you! Don’t touch her. We’ll go ourselves.’ I growled at him, pulling Jules away from him and behind me. Trace blinked in surprise. ‘Don’t you remember what I told you about hurting her?’ I hissed at Trace, so Matt, Mick and Harry couldn’t hear me.
‘About killing me?’
‘Exactly! What did you not understand?’
‘What did I tell you about getting in trouble?’ Trace countered, already signaling the three other guys to come to take us away.
I felt a soft pull on my sleeve. I turned around. My eyes softened when I saw Jules’s pleading eyes, watery from unshed tears. She must be trying really hard not to cry. ‘Let’s just go, Lexi. I wanna go.’ She whispered, pleading.
I nodded at her. ‘Alright.’ I glared at all the guys one more time before walking after Jules. She practically ran to her room. ‘Here,’ I whispered when Jules couldn’t seem to open the door with her shaky hands, ‘let me.’ I carefully took the key from Jules as she furiously wiped her eyes. I let her go in the room first. I was about to follow her when I felt a hand on my wrist. When I looked up, my eyes met Trace’s blue ones.
‘I’ll take that.’ He said, taking the key from my hand, before closing the door behind me. I heard the lock click before I could even open the door to give him hell. I let out a frustrated groan as I hit the door. It shook under my hand.
I turned back around and rushed to Juliet’s side when I saw her. She was sitting on her couch, both her hands trying to wipe away the tears that started rolling. I hugged her tightly. She buried her face in my neck and wrapped her arms around me as she finally allowed herself to cry.


I sat down, placing the damping mugs with tea in front of us. Trace had been “kind” enough to drop off a mattress, blanket, pillow and a bag with my clothes, phone charger, toiletries and a note from Momo saying she prepared it and whished us good luck. Jules had turned on her TV, but I could tell she wasn’t really looking: her mind was somewhere else. We had spent some time talking, until Jules didn’t want to anymore and just wanted to something un-sad. I wished I could actually help her, give her advice, but like always: I didn’t know what to say. She’d thanked me for trying to help her, standing up for her, back in the hall with Trace. I just wished I could’ve done more. Instead, we’re sitting here, grounded.

Two days later, on Wednesday, I made us some French toast for lunch, since we woke up too late for breakfast. We both brushed our teeth, showered and lay down on our beds again. Jules and I avoided the Trace-topic a little, trying to return to our happy-selves by joking around a little. Jules ended up reading on her phone. Garret called Juliet that moment and we told him everything. He told us Golden Path Pack was getting sloppy, maybe even forming a threat. He was sure they were up to something. But we couldn’t leave. We were stuck. So minutes after, we were both still in the same position.
‘Ugh!’ I sighed, turning around so I lay on my stomach, ‘I’m bored!’ Jules chuckled, putting away her phone and turned on her side, watching me with her eyes still slightly puffy. ‘You okay?’ I whispered, finally referring to what happened Monday.
‘I don’t know. I didn’t expect it. At all.’
‘He shouldn’t have done it like that.’ We both knew what I meant with ‘it’.
‘I wish life was easier. I wish I could just fix everything with the flick of a wand and make everyone happy, give them a happily ever after.’ She turned on her back, staring at her ceiling, before whispering: ‘I just want to know if I’ll end up happy.’
That was it. Trace was wrong. Garret agreed with us: this wasn’t just some made up thing, exaggerated because our life wasn’t “exciting” enough.
And we were going to do something about it. Trace was right about one thing though: we, two young girls, couldn’t do much. But we had a vampire school on our side. And we are wolves.
‘Come on.’ I said, standing up.
Jules looked at me with doubtful eyes as she sat up. ‘What? Where?’
‘We’re not stuck ‘till Friday. We’re leaving. I don’t care what Trace says. We’re right.’
‘Who are you, and what have you done to Lexi?’ I rolled my eyes, walking to the door with Jules hot on my heels. ‘So what now, all-mighty Lexi? There’s still a locked door.’
I remembered the way it budged when I hit it after Trace locked us in. These doors weren’t that thick or strong.
I took a step back, giving Jules a wink: ‘But I’m Lexi.’
I kicked the door. After maybe two, three times, it finally broke, and we were free.

Hey guys! So this chapter is a little short... Sorry 'bout that! Hope you enjoyed it nonetheless! Although... this wasn't a good chapter for the Truliet shippers out there :( But don't you just like Lexi's kick-ass(or rather doors)-ness? ;)
Thanks for reading and enjoy!
-XXX- RainbowRose8

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